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    • UN peacekeeping operations
SNMPE: "Es gibt keine Strategie, um illegalen Bergbau zu formalisieren oder auszurotten" - Der IWF schlägt eine Erhöhung der Bergbausteuer vor. - Der Botschafter der physisch lebendigen Erde weiss um eine andere Lösung. 04.12.2021... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacekeepingPeace & Conflict Studies
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
The historical novel From the Nile to the Jordan is an enthralling story about the "Second Exodus" of Jews from Egypt to Israel. This so far little-noticed aspect of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, could spread new light on the events of 1948,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsEgyptPeacekeeping
В статье анализируются термины "традиционное миротворчество" и "расширенное миротворчество", приводятся примеры деятельности операций обоих типов.
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    • UN peacekeeping operations
The UN Secretariat’s role in the expansion of peacekeeping after the cold war is debated. Different theoretical accounts offer competing interpretations: principal–agent models and sociological institutionalism tend to emphasize the... more
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      International organizationsUnited NationsPeacekeepingUN peacekeeping operations
Some peace operations are seen as ‘successful’ and others as ‘unsuccessful’, often with little discussion of the yardsticks used for measuring such success or failure. While some operations are relatively easy to put into boxes labelled... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesMonitoring And EvaluationUN peacekeeping operationsUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Artiklen beskriver og analyserer en dansk FN-styrkes erfaringer med fredsbevarende operationer i forbindelse med Kroatiens løsrivelse fra det tidligere Jugoslavien. Den følger de næste års konflikt med de etniske serbere, som i perioden... more
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      Military HistoryCroatian HistoryPeacekeepingWar in Croatia
Počet zaměstnanců OSN přidělených na plný pracovní úvazek k podpoře mírových operací zřízených v roce 1999 Pramen: United Nations, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations 2000/Brahami Report. UN Department of Peacekeeping... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingUN peacekeeping operationsUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Las operaciones de paz son una de las principales herramientas de las Naciones Unidas para asegurar la paz y seguridad internacional. Entre las unidades militares con que cuenta para ello se encuentra la Fuerza de Paz Conjunta Combinada... more
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      United NationsPeacekeepingUN peacekeeping operationsNACIONES UNIDAS
Book review
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesViolence
Operations recounts the Australian peacekeeping missions that began between 1947 and 1982 and follows them through to 2006, which is the end point of this history. International relations in the period following the Second World War was... more
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      Peacekeeping operationsAustralian foreign policyUN peacekeeping operationsAustralian military history
This introductory article outlines the main rationale of the Special Issue and places the topic of the so-called ‘European Return to United Nations Peacekeeping’ in the wider context of recent policy developments and conceptual... more
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      United NationsEuropean UnionPeacekeepingRole of United Nations in Conflict Resolution
This Handbook Chapter focuses on the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT), a peacekeeping mission deployed by the UN Security Council from December 1994 to May 2000 in order to facilitate the implementation of peace... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityUnited NationsCentral Asia
Stille Diplomatie Grundsätze, Arbeitsfelder und Handlungsweisen von Stillen Diplomaten. Ein Bericht aus der Alltagspraxis. Andreu Ginestet, Dezember 2021 Inhaltsverzeichnis Abstract Einführung: die „W“ Fragen. Was? Warum? Wo... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacekeepingPeace & Conflict Studies
* Publication sponsored by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany ( The long-standing disagreements between NATO and Russia have been left unresolved for decades. In 2014 they finally escalated into an outright... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
What do we know about effectiveness of peacekeeping operation? What are the main empirical findings of the recently flourishing quantitative literature? The main goals of this chapter are a) to discuss how “effectiveness” in empirical... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingPeacebuildingUN peacekeeping operations
Os estudos sobre o nível micro-dinâmico nas missões de paz são relativamente recentes, especialmente no que diz respeito ao preparo do militar, foco deste artigo. Partindo de uma revisão sistemática acerca das demandas no nível... more
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      PeacekeepingPeacekeeping operationsUN peacekeeping operationsUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Bangladesh Armed Forces sending their troops for peacekeeping missions for many years. Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Air-force and Bangladesh Navy are especially dynamic on peacekeeping missions and consistently they dispense a distinct... more
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      International RelationsUnited NationsBangladeshPolitics and International relations
The United Nations Command (UNC) was an unprecedented and effective coalition that was an important factor in the outcome of the fighting. It is irrefutable that the U.S. bore the bulk of the material burden of the war in terms of funding... more
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      Military HistoryUnited NationsKorean HistoryKorean War
Author briefing (English version) provided to participants in OPERATION REGIONAL COOPERATION 01. Briefing described the Rules of Engagement/Rules for the Use of Force applicable under the Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) in UN... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational Human Rights LawPeacekeepingLaw of Armed Conflict
This article adds to the discussion on what the newly added UAV capabilities may mean for UN peacekeeping operations. The article does not focus on what the drones can do or how they may and may not be used. Instead, it draws... more
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      United NationsHumanitarian InterventionDemocratic Republic of CongoUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
The aspect of security has acompanied the mankind since the very beginning, becoming inherent element of its existance, the primary value, an aim in itself. By creat-ing the common security politics the countries of EU actively... more
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      European StudiesInternational SecuritySecuritySecurity Studies
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational SecurityUnited Nations
UN peacekeeping is a core pillar of the multilateral peace and security architecture and a multi-billion undertaking reshaping lives around the world. In spite of this, the engagement between the literatures on UN peacekeeping and... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPractice theoryComplexity Theory
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes form part of standard post-conflict peacebuilding tools regularly applied in the context of UN peacekeeping operations. Yet, the limitations of such templates become evident... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesViolenceInternational Studies
Este documento presenta el contexto histórico en el cual se implementó la Misión para el Mantenimiento de la Paz en la República Democrática de Congo (Monuc). La primera parte del documento hace un recorrido desde 1960 año en el cual,... more
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      International RelationsPeacekeepingDemocratic Republic of CongoUN peacekeeping operations
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      Development StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingForeign Aid
This course is devoted to understanding the organization of world politics. It is not strictly about the United Nations (UN) system, though the first half of the course will focus on the so-called UN Galaxy, affiliated agencies and and... more
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsNATOEuropean Security and Defence Policy
How does normative change occur in international organisations (IOs)? The literature has theorised IO behaviour as being a consequence of the interest of powerful states, or has applied concepts borrowed from organisational sociology... more
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      Sociology of ProfessionsR2PUN peacekeeping operationsUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
The sociological study of peace and conflict uses sociological theory and methods to analyze peace, peace processes, peace building and models, peace policies, conflict and its causes, war as a social problem, media and violence, scope of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacekeepingConflict Resolution
Peace operations became the core focus of many Western armed forces after the Cold War. The wish amongst political and military leaders during the 1990s to hold on to the classical identity of the armed forces as an instrument of force... more
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      Military HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Peacekeeping
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      Humanitarian InterventionPeacekeepingPeacebuildingUN Peacekeeping
This report is an outcome of the seminar The Future of African Peace Operations: Strategic Options 2015–2025, co-hosted by the Nordic Africa Institute and the Training for Peace programme in Cape Town, 17–18 December 2015. The report... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingAfrican UnionAfrican Peace and Security Architecture
This is a report of the Centre Francopaix's "Stabilizing Mali" research project. Its goal is to identify the obstacles, challenges and dilemmas facing the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali. Some have noted the deficiencies of its action and... more
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      West AfricaPeacekeepingFranceUN peacekeeping operations
Desde el descubrimiento del óxido de grafeno en las vacunas C0r0n @ v | rus, todos los hallazgos han Los descubrimientos solo confirmaron su presencia (Campra, P. 2021). Información actual sobre los hallazgos en vacunas para la... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
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    • UN peacekeeping operations
В работе проводится комплексное исследование проблем применимости норм современного международного гуманитарного права во время проведения миротворческих операций Организации Объединенных Наций. Для студентов и преподавателей вузов,... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian Law
This article examines the effects of UN peacekeeping and international counterterrorism operations upon the possibilities of peace in Mali. Following the January 2013 French operation Serval, the international intervention was divided... more
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      West AfricaInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)PeacekeepingCounter terrorism
the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East -that have experienced armed conflict over the past twenty years. The second part of the report, entitled Implications for the Security Sector, explores strategies for security and justice... more
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      Criminal JusticeSexual ViolencePeacekeepingMilitary
This booklet highlights how the AU’s peacekeeping mechanisms, along those of regional organizations, have evolved, and the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The volume captures some key issues such as the rationale for... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial SciencesAfrica
Distribution électronique pour Gallimard. © Gallimard. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      PeacekeepingFranceSub-Saharan AfricaMilitary Intervention
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationReligion
This draft chapter on the use of force in the context of peacekeeping operations is divided in three main parts. In the first part, the paper provides a survey of the historical origins of the concept of peacekeeping in the 1950s and some... more
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      International LawPublic International LawPeacekeepingUse of Force & Counter-terrorism
Proelium- Revista cientifica da academia Militar (Portugal), Serie VII: (no. 9 (2015) pp. 121-137. (2015)
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingAngola
Private contractors provide a wide variety of services, supporting international contingency operations that range from disaster relief to peacekeeping missions, and frequently occur in conflict and post-conflict areas. The size of the... more
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      Humanitarian InterventionPeacekeepingPrivate Security FirmsCorporate Accountability
In response to overseas natural or man-made disasters and complex emergencies, the Australian Defence Force, the Australian Federal Police, Australian Government agencies and the aid community often find themselves operating in the same... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Science
This briefing describes the Rules of Engagement that may permissibly be utilized in UN Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement missions. Major topics covered include: - References and Sources of Applicable Law - The Legal Framework of UN... more
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      United NationsPeacekeepingPeacebuildingPeacekeeping operations
The literature on peacekeeping has paid scant attention to the interaction between peacekeeping troops and host country military. Addressing this gap in scholarly knowledge, this paper conceptualizes such interaction as ‘diagonal... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeacekeepingMilitary and PoliticsUN peacekeeping operations
With the emergence of cyberspace as the fifth domain of warfare, the prospects of cyber conflicts have increased significantly. Around 300 state-sponsored cyber operations have been conducted since 2005. The future uncertainty of... more
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      United NationsCyber WarfarePeacekeepingCyberspace