A estimativa da altura dominante média de árvores (Pinus pinaster) foi efectuada em 37 parcelas circulares de 500 m2 através de 3 métodos de medição:(1) medição directa no campo com um hipsómetro de Blume Leiss (hd);(2) medição com barra... more
The paper presents an innovative approach that can assist survey methods by applying AI algorithms to improve the accuracy of point clouds generated from UAV images. Firstly, the work individually analyses several photogrammetric accuracy... more
The present contribution falls within the framework of the actions envisaged by the "SMART Bethlehem -Sustainable Management And Renewal of Technology in the City of Bethlehem" (2022 -ongoing) research project, scientifically coordinated... more
Image segmentation, unlike most conventional approaches, assesses image pixel information in relation to image contextual information to extract congruent image objects. A comprehensive review of literature during the research... more
UAV-based photogrammetry technologies allow the architectural and aesthetic details of monuments to be captured with extreme precision, which helps to thoroughly document their current condition. These models can be used for further... more
This paper presents the results of a study on the neolithic landscape of the Sopot culture in the area of Đakovština in Eastern Slavonija. A vast network of settlements was uncovered using aerial archaeology, which was further confirmed... more
Accurate depth information retrieval of a scene is a field under investigation in the research areas of photogrammetry, computer vision and robotics. Various technologies, active, as well as passive, are used to serve this purpose such as... more
Terrestrial laser scanners UAV Photogrammetry Architectural documentation Non-invasive survey methods Architectural documentation not only plays a critical role in the conservation of historical structures, but also enables their detailed... more
The accumulation of large boulders related to extreme waves are well documented in different areas of the Mediterranean coasts, such as in Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Greece (Lesbos and Crete islands), France, Spain, Malta, Italy (Sicily and... more
TLS, Terrestrial Laser Scanning), and large scale mapping derived by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) survey. This paper refers an example of 3D survey and reality based modelling applied on landscape and architectural assets. The choice of... more
The focus of this paper is to inform the public forum about the easy-to-use RPAS and photogrammetry tools to help survey, record, digitise, and monitor potential at risk cultural sites around Australia's coastal waters. The primary aim of... more
This paper will demonstrate how new technologies in cartographic environment integrate acquisition, management and representation techniques for georefencing data processing. Moreover, there is an ever-growing demand for a more... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Water management during natural disasters is a critical component of disaster response, ensuring access to clean water and mitigating the impact of damaged infrastructure. This paper explores key lessons learned from past disasters, such... more
Traditional geological mapping methods and its associated outputs fall short in terms of delivering the desired level of precision and accessibility required for effectively visualizing visible structural and geological information in... more
Last-mile delivery is shipping goods by ground from distribution centers to customers. It is the supply chain's most expensive, complex, and polluting phase. Companies seeking cheaper, faster, and greener logistics are looking to Unmanned... more
In this research, we utilized a real-time and non-destructive digital measuring system to measure the entire areas of archaeological pottery fragments. This approach provides a novel classification method as an alternative to weighing... more
En esta investigación se pone a prueba la fotogrametría digital con drones cuyos objetivos son conocer el modelado erosivo del paisaje a través de análisis geomorfométricos a gran detalle y cuantificar tasas de erosión en volumen... more
Drones in Archaeology and Heritage Conservation
DÖTTINGEN (uz)-Jarek Piechs und Daniel Schulz' Wohnadresse müsste sich eigentlich spektakulärer anhören. Tatsächlich aber lautet sie nur Döttingen, Hauptstrasse 72. Spektakulärer müsste sie sich anhören, weil die beiden Männer mehr als... more
Archaeological areas in the mountain region of central Italy can be seriously threatened by geological hazards, and efforts are required to preserve cultural heritage. The Lucus Angitiae is a pre-Roman site located along the western edge... more
The accumulation of large boulders related to waves generated either by tsunamis or extreme storm events has been observed in different areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Along the NE and E low-lying rocky coasts of Malta tens of large... more
antes introducido. Presentamos el primer Portavión Aéreo para Drones: PortaDrone, un nuevo UAV que es una parte vital del equipo militar para el PortaDrones. Nuestro objetivo es presentar todas las características y funcionalidades de... more
For several years, photogrammetric surveys are quite often applied for surveying cultural heritage. For a detailed and accurate result, it is indispensable that the calculated point cloud represents the original geometry of the building... more
The area of the "Foro Emiliano", the current "Piazza del Municipio" in the coastal town of Terracina in southern Latium, consists of an articulated group of building belonging to different historical moments. On the roman pavement of the... more
Various types of technology are used for Terrestrial Mobile Mapping (TMM) such as IMU, cameras, odometers, laser scanner etc., which are integrated in order to determine the attitude and the position of the vehicle in use, especially in... more
Multisource remote sensing image data provides synthesized information to support many applications including land cover mapping, urban planning, water resource management, and GIS modelling. Effectively utilizing such images however... more
Between 2016 and 2018, excavations at the Roman villa of Vacone, carried out by the Upper Sabina Tiberina Project, transitioned to completely digital recording practices. The methodological shift was accompanied by a three-year campaign... more
This article runs an in-depth examination of documentation, representation and conservation praxis of Architectural Heritage in the field of applied academic research. The focus is put on technological advances in digital documentation... more
The Italian legislation on Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems (SAPR: Sistema Areomobile a Pilotaggio Remoto), as in 2012, regulates the use of drones in controlled and uncontrolled airspace. In 2016, the regulation introduced simplified... more
The distance computation between objects is an essential component of robot motion planning and controlling the robot to avoid its surrounding obstacles. Distance is used as a measure of how far a robot is from colliding with an obstacle.... more
Nepal has tremendous geographic diversity rising from as low as 59 metres elevation in the tropical Terai to the highest peak in the world, Mt. Everest, at 8,848 ft. The country ranks 4th, 11th and 30th as the most vulnerable country in... more
Monuments of wooden architecture are part of heritage which is particularly liable to destruction. That is why they need a detailed architectural survey. Architectural measurements of wooden churches in Poland have been conducted since... more
The applications of remote sensing technologies to precision agriculture were reviewed. The different uses of conventional satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for data collection were also examined. The ways in which the... more
Based on a database of sea state parameters in the Adriatic Sea, wave statistics has been developed at three different geographic locations along the busy Adriatic shipping route. The underlying database consists of a systematic numerical... more
If there are great illumination and contrast changes for multitemporal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, common image matching and registration methods may not work well on these images. To improve matching effects, this paper conduct... more
Son yıllarda açık maden işletme sahalarında haritacılık işlemleri, gerek maliyet gerek zaman gerekse iş güvenliği açısından avantajlı olan İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmektedir. İHA ile zorlu arazi şartlarında... more
Dieser Beitrag wurde nach Begutachtung durch das Programmkomitee als "reviewed paper" angenommen. Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen des integrativen österreichischen Sicherheitsforschungsprogramms KIRAS 1 entstand ein flugzeuggetragenes... more
The western Japan rainstorm disaster on July 6, 2018, was one of the most serious natural catastrophes in Japan, excluding earthquake events. Its main characteristics were severe and widespread flooding and landslides which cut off many... more
Heyelanlar can ve mal kaybına neden olan doğal afetlerdendir. Zemin ve kaya kütleleri üzerindeki kuvvetlerin değişmesi sonucu oluşan heyelanlar Türkiye'de yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Engebeli araziler heyelana meyilli bölgelerdir.... more
Pond volume UAV 3D model DSM Orthophoto Water management will become a very important topic in the near future. Water scarcity has been seen in most of the world due to drought because of global warming. Water storage is paramount under... more
Attempt has been made in this research to investigate geometric quality of an Unmanned Aerial Photograph from Trimble UX5 Aerial imaging solution for map generation and compilation despite the limited number of control points used and the... more
Boulder dynamics may provide essential data for coastal evolution and hazards assessment and can be focused as a proxy for the onshore effect of intense storm waves. In this work, detailed observations of currently available satellite... more
The storm of 12–13 November 2019 provoked the displacements of boulders on a central Mediterranean rocky coast; with reference to a selected area, prone to boulder production and geomorphologically monitored for years, a field-oriented... more