U.S. history
Recent papers in U.S. history
The creation of a hegemonic, master narrative for Hawaiʻi—sourced almost solely from English-language materials—has long offered a highly exclusive characterization of past events and figures in Hawaiian history. Elements within this... more
For Puerto Ricans, World War I provided the opportunity to test and challenge the linkages between military service, manhood, citizenship and decolonization. During the war Puerto Rican political leaders, elected officials, and opinion... more
Review of Slavery and Silence: Latin America and the U.S. Slave Debate by Paul D. Naish.
In the years following World War II, the national Democratic Party aligned its agenda more and more with the goals of the civil rights movement. By contrast, a majority of southern Democrats remained as committed as ever to a traditional,... more
Вперше у вітчизняній історіографії здійснено комплексне дослідження етапу становлення екологічної політики США, який тривав з кінця XIX ст. до Другої світової війни. Розглянуто чинники зростання інтересу американського суспільства до... more
#AnneMoody This is an overview of the Anne Moody History Project (AMHP) and its plans to promote and help preserve the legacy of Anne Moody (1940 - 2015). Ms. Moody was a civil rights pioneer and the famous author of Coming of Age in... more
A timely analysis of the power and limits of political parties—and the lessons of the Civil War and the New Deal in the Age of Trump. American voters have long been familiar with the phenomenon of the presidential frontrunner. In 2008,... more
Page 1. WITH ALL DELIBERATE SPEED Implementing Brown v. Board of Education Edited by Brian J. Daugherity and Charles C. Bolton Page 2. Page 3. With All Deliberate Speed Page 4. Page 5. With All Deliberate Speed Implementing ...
This paper is about Abigail Adams and how she valued the ideals of Republican Motherhood while at the same time providing important political advice to her husband, John Adams.
The call read, in part: "If Mr. Lincoln could revisit this country in the flesh, he would be disheartened and discouraged." It concluded: "Silence under these conditions means tacit approval…. Hence we call upon all the believers in... more
an old student paper) Defenders and detractors of John Brown may disagree about many things, but few will deny that he was, at the very least, a fascinating character. In his lifetime he was even more famous-more loved and more... more
Images of the American South in literature and media are often cultural stereotypes, projected as representations of objective reality. Stereotypical perception of the South has often been organized around two classes of image. One is... more
This text politicizes unlearning processes in #shitholes presented in the format of an unconventional syllabus. My proposed questions to readers in light of the Trumpism era are: How are they made? Who has created them? Do you know where... more
Después de su separación de la antigua República de Colombia, la vida política de Venezuela estuvo colmada de levantamientos militares y conflictos de poder que impidieron la edificación de instituciones de carácter público lo... more
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A discussion of the US Civil War and the Historiography of the “Lost Cause” and Its Effect on How We View US Civil War History, specifically exploring the basic tenets of the Lost Cause, their development, and the effect on how U.S. Civil... more
"The Color of Success tells of the astonishing transformation of Asians in the United States from the “yellow peril” to “model minorities”—peoples distinct from the white majority but lauded as well-assimilated, upwardly mobile, and... more
Prior to the Civil War, racial exploitation was at the heart of the Anglo-American strategy of political and economic development. Put simply, the Anglo-American state successfully redistributed wealth from Native Americans and African... more
If all goes well, I'll be publishing a book in the not-too-distant future, perhaps titled something like Popular Radicalism and the Unemployed in Chicago during the Great Depression. Below is the draft of its Introduction, based on the... more
This review of "Discovering Texas History" will be published in the West Texas Historical Review in 2016.
Mahjong: A Chinese Game and the Making of Modern American Culture illustrates how the spaces between tiles and the moments between games have fostered distinct social cultures in the United States. This mass-produced game crossed the... more
With the end of the Pacific War on August 10th 1945 and Japan’s surrender to the Allied powers, came also the proposed return of Japanese occupied territory to a pre-war status. Among those territories is the Korean peninsula, which was... more
Outline of the U.S. Constitution
Military prostitution has been a staple of US–Korea relations since the 1940s, contained in the so-called camptown communities surrounding US military bases in South Korea. But during the 1970s, as the US military steadily reduced its... more
This article offers a brief explanation as to why the autonomous teen bedroom became a normative feature of family life in the United States during the years following World War Two. An exclusive space that was largely restricted to... more
CONTENTS Landmarks of American History from the Columbian Exchange to the U.S. Civil War Landmarks of American History from Reconstruction to Obama Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: U.S. Foreign Relations from the Spanish American War to... more
This paper focuses on the difficulties Kathleen O'Brennan faced as a political radical and foreigner operating as an Irish republican activist in the United States. In 1920, O'Brennan constructed for herself and the American Women Pickets... more
In this new opening chapter of the 4th edition of IMMIGRANT AMERICA, we analyze three distinct phases spanning the last century and a third: (1) the Great European Waves of the period from 1880 to 1930, which accompanied the American... more
Thomas Richards, Jr., "'Farewell to America': The Expatriation Politics of Overland Migrants, 1841-1846," Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 86, No. 1 (Feb. 2017), pp. 114-152. © 2017 by the Pacific Historical Review. Copying and permissions... more
A 10-page undergraduate research paper which analyzes the roles of the Quakers in the American Revolution