U.S. Latino Literature

14 papers
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U.S. Latino Literature encompasses literary works produced by writers of Latin American descent in the United States, reflecting their cultural, social, and political experiences. This field explores themes of identity, migration, and the intersection of diverse cultural influences, contributing to the broader understanding of American literature and multicultural narratives.
Comienzo esta presentación con el muy debatido término de "bilingüismo", algo que los filósofos franceses Deleuze y Guattari a penas mencionan en sus escritos, pero que es crucial en el tema de lo "menor" en la literatura latina. ¿Qué... more
Tesis para optar al Grado de Magíster en Literatura con Mención en Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana. Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile, 2014. Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master in Arts in Literature with... more
Invisibility, displacement, and the immigrant experience are all key themes of US Latinx literature, and recently, more writers who identify as Colombian-American have garnered attention for their narratives that approach these subject... more