, I am indebted to the scholarly insight that you have shared with me throughout this journey and the crucial ways that you have shaped my project as viii it evolved since my initial prospectus meeting in 2011. The focus and clarity of my... more
When the rich steal from the poor it is called business, when the poor protest it is called violence. When the natives follow their millennial migrations across America, they are called undocumented illegal aliens. When the Europeans,... more
Latinx cultures are often environmental but hardly ever identify as environmentalist. In contrast to environmentalisms that fixate on preserving the wilderness and saving endangered animals, Latinx writers have seen humankind's... more
In literary theory, the works of (ethnic) minority authors–and similarly, the works of authors dealing with minorities–are often referred to as “assimilation narrative.” This term tends to suggest that minority authors, who write in the... more
Author(s): Rochin, Refugio I | Abstract: My presentation has three objectives: first, to address the historical origins, and challenges facing U.S. Latinos; second, to expand on the national interest in U.S. Latinos and the surfacing... more
La coDcesión de un Premio Pulitzer representa, cuando menos, la popularización del galardonado; sin embargo, el futuro de la obra en cuestión, desvanecido su momento de gloría, puede no pasar de una reíerencia bibliográfica más. Cuando en... more
Invisibility, displacement, and the immigrant experience are all key themes of US Latinx literature, and recently, more writers who identify as Colombian-American have garnered attention for their narratives that approach these subject... more
Tesis para optar al Grado de Magíster en Literatura con Mención en Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana. Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile, 2014. Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master in Arts in Literature with... more
The word identity is defined as the set of personal and behavioral characteristics which define an individual as a member of a certain group. Based on race, ethnicity, religion, language and culture people distinguish themselves from... more
iSabes quC? Ora como que apaiio guergiienza, siempre camellando como un pinchi animal, Cse, ustC que ha leyido tantos "comics." iQut semos slaves, nosotros la ram? luego Cse . . . es come si le filieran a uno 10s higados. All& Cse, pos es... more
Comienzo esta presentación con el muy debatido término de "bilingüismo", algo que los filósofos franceses Deleuze y Guattari a penas mencionan en sus escritos, pero que es crucial en el tema de lo "menor" en la literatura latina. ¿Qué... more