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In the present study, a very large amount of Iberian fibulae are identified, organized, and accounted for. These fibulae can be found in Spanish and Portuguese sites and museums, as well as some others come from the Eastern Mediterranean... more
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      TypologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyIberian PeninsulaBronce Final Penínusla Ibérica
In this paper I discuss in a critical manner what I believe to be some of the more interesting contributions of Anthony Steinbock’s book Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl. I will thus refer mainly to his... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageCommunicationMulticulturalismTypology
Wie viele Sprachen gibt es auf unserer Erde? Wie verschieden sind sie voneinander? Wie hängen sie miteinander zusammen, wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig, wie sind sie miteinander verwandt -- und was heißt "verwandt" bei Sprachen... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesCultural HistorySociology
Abstract The concept of pedophilia has traditionally been used as a homogeneous mental disorder by most authors and therapists. The present study, investigating different parameters in men who offend against children, shows that men who... more
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Las primeras periferias fueron el soporte del crecimiento de muchas ciudades a través de un proceso agregativo mediante el cual se consolidaron soluciones espaciales inmediatas a las nuevas necesidades socioeconómicas. En la actualidad,... more
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      TypologyUrban HistoryHistoriographyHistoria Urbana
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      TypologyNorthrop FryeNorthrop Frye (Literature)Biblical Exegesis
Isaiah 6 is filled with brilliant imagery, passion, and religious depth that stir the calling of God in the souls of believers, especially in the first eight verses of the chapter. But, the mood quickly changes, as Isaiah 6:9-13 records... more
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      TypologyOld Testament TheologyOld TestamentTheological exegesis
person, thing, or institution in the OT that, by divine design, prefigures something greater in the NT." 4 Others, however, see typology as grounds for adopting hermeneutical method, often called typological interpretation. Lampe, a... more
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      TypologyHermeneuticsCovenant TheologyDispensationalism
Può la densità essere lo strumento analitico di interpretazione dei fenomeni urbani e contemporaneamente un parametro progettuale di prefigurazione dello spazio architettonico? La densità nelle sue diverse accezioni e unità di misura,... more
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      ArchitectureTypologyUrban PlanningArchitectural History
From page 141 of the essay: What follows may seem pedantic. Nevertheless, the point made is consequential, because to identify typology as a hermeneutical term or key locates the discussion within interpretation of Scripture rather than... more
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      TypologyBiblical TheologyBiblical ExegesisUse of the OT in the NT
The lives and relationships between Kings Saul and David from 1 and 2 Samuel are examined in greater depth as symbolic representatives and typological figures. Saul personifies the Old covenant system, and David personifies both Jesus... more
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      TypologyBiblical InterpretationKing DavidProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"
The following is meant as Hebrew (H) typological identity-card. A characterization of its grammatical components is proposed (with some developments on other aspects as well, especially lexicon and iconicity) which spans through its... more
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A typological overview of Kayardild.
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      TypologyLinguistic TypologyKayardild
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      GeographyTypologyEvolutionComparative Study
This article provides a genre analytical approach to creating a typology of the User Generated Content (UGC) of YouTube. The article investigates the construction of navigation processes on the YouTube website. It suggests a pragmatic... more
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      TypologyYoutubeUser Generated Content
The aim of the article is to present the author’s proposition of typology of organizational network models. The considerations were based on the analysis of the literature on the subject of the described organizational network models and... more
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      Computer ScienceTypology
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      SociologyEconomicsSocial PolicyAdult Education
Data mining, which is the exploration of knowledge from the large set of data, generated as a result of the various data processing activities. Frequent Pattern Mining is a very important task in data mining. The previous approaches... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningTypologySequential Pattern Mining
The exposition of Algerian towns to earthquakes raises a number of issues related to the urbanization of territories in earthquake-prone areas and also to the maintenance of the existent urban fabric. In particular, the assessment of the... more
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      Structural EngineeringArchitectureTypologySustainable Architecture
Recently, cellular phones are used everywhere on the earth. In Japan, smart phones with multi functionalities such as camera, Internet accessible, GPS, IC card, and so on are getting popular in these days. Since most of people go around... more
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      TypologyEarthGlobal Positioning SystemInternet Access
This paper aims at exploring pattern of becoming highly skilled labor migrant from Turkey. It focused on pre-migration biographies in order to develop a typology of backgrounds of the highly educated migrants from Turkey in Germany. For... more
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      EducationTypologyCultural Capital
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      ZoologyTypologySouth DakotaAttitudes
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      TypologyLinguistic TypologyVoiceDiachrony
La remédiation cognitive a pour but la correction de certains déficits cognitifs observés dans la schizophrénie. Ces déficits cognitifs peuvent être visés pour eux-mêmes (lorsqu'il s'agit de troubles attentionnels, mnésiques ou... more
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In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut im Kontext der strukturellen Einbindung der Betroffenen konzeptualisiert und erfasst. In einer reichen Gesellschaft arm zu sein, bedeutet nicht nur ein... more
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      Social NetworksTypologyPovertyMixed Methods
Les renforts en fer dans la charpente de comble : évolution typochronologique du XI e au XVIII e siècle Ch. Maggi et G. Pagès, en collaboration avec F. Mathis et P. Hoffsummer (ULg)
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      TypologyHistorical Roof ConstructionFrame
Social support is fundamental for social integration and emotional well-being. One aspect of social support that is often the focus of attention is the size of a person's support network. However, additional complex measures of social... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyStatisticsSocial Networks
An overview of colour systems in languages, Berlin and Kay's well-known work and the World Colour Survey.  (In Bulgarian.)
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      SemanticsTypologyLexical SemanticsLanguage Typology
El autor analiza y critica la definición de «constitucionalismo» de Ferrajoli y su tipología de los constitucionalismos. Él afirma la oportunidad de distinguir entre constitucionalismo como teoría, como metodología y como ideología.
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      GeriatricsTypologyMental HealthDepression
Aimantct--Type synthesis is the process of determining possible mechanism structures to perform a given task or combination of tasks without regard to the dimensions of the components. The "structure" or "topology" of a mechanism is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTypologyLiterature Review
Objective: This study sought to understand affective instability among patients with borderline personality disorder by examining the degree of instability in six affective domains. The authors also examined the subjective intensity with... more
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      PsychometricsTypologyDepressionPersonality Disorders
My current research focuses upon the varied strands of the squatting movement in Rotterdam from the 1960s to the present day. Whereas Western European capital cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin and Copenhagen all have well established... more
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      SociologyTypologyMigrationUrban Studies
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      Information SystemsTypologyInterestLibrary and Information Studies
Abstrakt. Dünyanın һüquq sistemlәrinin әksәriyyәtinin әsasında ümumi mәdәniyyәtin vә һüquq mәdәniyyәtinin elementlәri durur. Dövlәtlәrin һәr birinin öz milli һüququna malik olması onun sosial iqtisadi, siyasi vә mәdәni orijinallığını әks... more
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      Comparative LawTypologyClassificationLegal Systems
The understanding in the differentiation between spaces and places is vital in architecture. One deals with the physical dimensions that constitute the physical form and boundary while the other is an edifice that contributes to the... more
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      HistoryArchitectureTypologyUrban Design
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      TypologyMental HealthSchizophreniaTreatment
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      TechnologyTypologyCorrespondence AnalysisUpper Paleolithic
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      TypologyEcologyClassificationFisheries Sciences
During the last years The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, as well as Statoil, has put increased focus on how gross errors related to structural integrity are influencing the safety of offshore installations. Also, the loss of the P36, a... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringStatisticsTypology
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      Social MovementsTypologySocial MovementPolitics
Recent reports suggest that historically typical sexual identity labels-''gay,'' ''lesbian'' and ''bisexual''have lost meaning and relevance for contemporary adolescents. Yet there is little empirical evidence that contemporary teenagers... more
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      TypologyChristian IconographyStained GlassMedieval Poland
Deux dépôts de haches à talon de la fin du Bronze moyen ont été découverts entre 2005 et 2006 dans la forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines). Très probablement incomplet, le premier dépôt est représenté par quatre outils alors que le... more
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      TypologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Middle Bronze AgeHoard
The cross-linguistic investigation of semantic categories has a long history, spanning many disciplines and covering many domains. But the extent to which semantic categories are universal or language-specific remains highly... more
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      TypologyCategorizationEventsCross Linguistic Studies
This article assesses recent proposals for the reform of cohabitation law by drawing on two interdisciplinary empirical studies. The first, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice included a survey (n=102) of people who had accessed the... more
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    • Typology
During a recent visit to Asbury Theological Seminary, I stayed overnight at Larabee Hall, the building where my father-in-law was residing when he met my motherin-law, then the dean of women at the college across the street. The next day... more
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This article reports on verbal classifier affixes in Innu (also known as Montagnais), an Algonquian language spoken in northeastern Quebec and Labrador, Canada. Verbal classifiers are normally characterized as a form of semantic agreement... more
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      TypologyAlgonquian languagesInnu
Tokyo Metropolis, with some exclusive features such as the experience of land readjustment, high level of technology, great economical centralization, and high density of information, presents a type of complicated, crowded, and instable... more
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