III. Inward: The Authorial Consciousness in "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror" 1. The Mirror, the Eye, and the Mirrored Eye The incidences of looking eye-to-eye are as numerous in literature as they are in life. As with Metz's... more
This article argues that certain works by John Clare constitute what I term the lyric of withdrawn revelation, in which the lyric subject attempts to inscribe a nonhuman natural object in its discourse, both for mimetic and expressive... more
This study explores the relationship of nature, human endeavor and reality at Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening which is written by Robert Frost. The research employs qualitative method which includes content analysis as the research... more
This composite paper holds extracts from the central essay of the forthcoming book The Primal Chorus of the Sacred Wood in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland (London, spring 2025). It reveals a Proto-Indo-European layer in the opening lines of... more
Attila Dósa read English at the universities of Debrecen, Oxford, and St Andrews (where he earned his PhD) and works now as a full-time lecturer at the University of Miskolc in North Hungary. His new book, Beyond Identity: New Horizons in... more
Inédita em vida (ou praticamente), Emily Dickinson escreveu uma obra tão volumosa quanto problemática, na medida em que criava "variantes" de seus poemas, ou "alternativas", o que multiplica potencialmente os quase 1800 poemas. A partir... more
Bishop and Olson diverge—one could call it two ways out of Worcester, MA. While Bishop undervalues the map’s instrumentality (in the sense that her map never gives us a clear or stable location), Olson overvalues what he sees as the map’s... more
A reader that recognizes this allusion will find that this rather optimistic poem by Stevens is set against a gloomy background, which makes its proffered hope appear all the more luminous due to the juxtaposition. According to Harold... more
26 The Real Sylvia Plath Kate Moses Editor's note: This article was originally published in Salon in May 2000. As the original was published in a journalistic academic style, references and citations were not published. This piece... more
This article sheds perceptive light on the complex theme of death in Sylvia Plath's poetry. She is considered one of the most significant literary voices of the twentieth century. The combination of Plath's intense personal suffering with... more
long poems] are in a way diaries or logbooks of a continuing experi ence that continues to provide new reflections and therefore [a long poem] gets to be much closer to a whole reality than the shorter ones do.
The paper investigates the relation of intertextuality and parallelism between Louis MacNeice's poem "Carrickfergus" and Colette Bryce's poem "Derry". The obvious debt of the younger Northern Irish poet to MacNeice is explicit even from... more
Considering the importance of trauma to human psychology, reading literary trauma and analyzing the traumatic experience can contribute to the field. Seamus Heaney, known for the portrayal of troubles of Ireland and cultural trauma in his... more
The Journal of Black Mountain College Studies is a digital publication, intended to be experienced and referenced online. PDFs are made available for offline reading, but may have changes in layout or lack multimedia content (such as... more
Classicism in the ecopoetics of David Hinton and the materialism of Zeng Shaoli. A preliminary outline of epistomological changes in contemporary American and Chinese Lyricism
This meditative essay considers what it might mean to "read" text and terrain comparatively, attending to the nuances of poetic and environmental form that shape experience. I explore this notion through a sensorial reading of a... more
This article seeks to rethink Wallace Stevens’s elusive philosophicalness, particularly with respect to the apparent resignation of the later poems. I suggest that Stevens’s philosophical preoccupations can be approached as displacements.... more
Es gibt Begriffe, die scheinen so gut und wichtig, dass sie kaum in Frage zu stellen sind (vor allem, wenn sie in der neoliberalen Bildungspolitik als Buzzwords und Förderkriterien vorgegeben werden). Einer dieser Begriffe ist Inklusion.... more
вступительная статья к публикации творческих заданий Иосифа Бродского
The article examines the hitherto unstudied creative assingnements of Joseph Brodsky, which he offered to his American students. Each of the tasks is a detailed instruction on how to write a poem on a certain topic or/and in a certain... more
Moving literary texts from a peripheral language to a hyper-central one (Heilbron 1999) goes against the general flow of translations, and agents involved in this process play crucial roles in it. In this article, on the case of English... more
Antologia de Spoon River é a obra máxima do poeta norte-americano Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950). Nesta obra-prima da poesia norte-americana, 244 personagens nos falam através de seus epitáfios, inscritos nas lápides do cemitério da vila... more
‘Reading old age, the ageing body and memory in British and American literature and texts of culture. , 2024. 27–35.
The following paper will explore the literary and subsequent social significance of madness in literature, notably “The Bell Jar” and “King Lear” since their authors have both similarities and differences in their approaches and contexts... more
Chcel by som sa po akova doc. Mgr. Vladimírovi Biloveskému, PhD. za odborné rady, ktoré mi poskytol po as písania monografie, ako aj po as celého doktorandského štúdia. akujem aj svojim kolegom za podporu a cenné rady, menovite... more
American poetry has evolved with the passage of time reflecting the changes taking place on social, political and cultural fronts. The two world wars left indelible prints on American poetry and this paper traces the major events since... more
Neste artigo, são apresentados os poemas “I Sit and Sew” (1918), “You! Inez!” (1921) e “Violets” (1917), de autoria de Alice-Dunbar Nelson, vertidos para o português. Os textos são fruto de traduções coletivas, dialogadas e... more
(Publisher's Description) Providing an unprecedented exploration of key moments in queer literary history, Never By Itself Alone changes our sense of both the American literary and political landscapes from the late 1940s through the... more
Básne Jána Poničana obsahujú mnohé reprezentácie moderného mesta a zvlášť Bratislavy. Z tohto hľadiska má osobité postavenie jeho zbierka Mesto (1947). Zahŕňa básne najmä z prelomu 30. a 40. rokov. Štúdia stručne opisuje túto zbierku a... more
Ești activ ca poet, scriitor și traducător din engleză și limba ebraică. Ai publicat volume diverse, articole despre artă și cultură în limbile ebraică, engleză, română. Ești cel mai puternic susținător al culturii românești din diasporă,... more
Le présent ouvrage se propose d’explorer certaines zones d’ombre de l’univers poétique de Philippe Jaccottet, dont l’œuvre est généralement considérée comme limpide, transparente et mise à l’abri des turbulences historiques. L’objet... more
What can poetry illuminate/do to/for/in Critical Studies on Security? In this special section, our inspirations to illuminate in/security through poems were two intertwined forms of writing: from the lived and the imagined. As we will... more
The article focuses on the seminal Slovak poet Miroslav Válek (1927-1991) and his place in the Slovak literary canon. It reconstructs Válek's literary trajectory, from being a poet of individualist and intimate verse who entered Slovak... more
This bachelor thesis deals with the theme of women's identity crisis in Sylvia Plath's novel The Bell Jar and the selected poems from her late poetry collection Ariel, focusing predominantly on the portrayal of lost and fragmented... more
This research studies the specific analysis of power relations and feminist stylistic reading as explored by Burton in the context of The Bell Jar. Sylvia Plath's novel, The Bell Jar (1963), stands as a literary testament to the... more
literárny kánon v prekladovom a kultúrnom priestore KaTaRína BEDnáRová NA ÚVOD V posledných desaťročiach, keď zaznamenávame aktuálne a frekventované pertraktovanie i teoretizáciu témy kánonu, najmä v súvislosti s uvažovaním o rôznych... more