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      Corporate FinanceTurnaround ManagementFinancial DistressEconomic Crisis
"Il contributo analizza, con un approccio economico-aziendale e comparatistico con le esperienze internazionali, la crisi e il declino dell’impresa, intesa quale cellula ed attore del tessuto economico. Gli stati di declino e di crisi... more
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      Financial AccountingCrisis ManagementTurnaround ManagementCrisi D'Impresa
To say that school reforms are a contested area is something of an understatement. There are some strongly held opinions in education about what improves a school, such as raising teaching standards and reducing class sizes. Our... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational ResearchPerformance Management
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    • Turnaround Management
Use this pdf to reference your Primavera P6 settings and scheduling methodology...
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      Project ManagementTurnaround ManagementPrimavera P6Oracle | Primavera
Purpose -This paper aims to offer a conceptualization of how and why corporate level strategic change may build on historical differentiation at business unit level. Design/methodology/approach -Methodologically, an historical case study... more
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      ManagementMarketingOrganizational ChangeBusiness History
Review The book is very well written and easy to understand. The structure is clear and makes it easy to find what you need. A lot of examples make the book very interesting. Quickly it becomes clear that the author is an expert in the... more
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      Turnaround ManagementCorporate RestructuringTransformation Management
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      Turnaround ManagementItalyPublic Sector Reform
In times of economic decline, increased attention is devoted to companies in financial difficulties. Partly as a result of this basic fact, many countries are currently working (under pressure) to improve existing insolvency legislation.... more
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    • Turnaround Management
Design thinking is a business practice that takes a meta-analytical approach at problem solving and organizational optimization. The concept of design is most often associated with artistic or creative endeavors, but with business design... more
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      Business EthicsManagement Information SystemsEconomicsInternational Business
Abstract- In this adverse economic environment a great deal of attention should be devoted to the warning signs of decline so that we can transform it into a crisis and promptly seek turnaround options. The ferment created with the entry... more
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    • Turnaround Management
Background: The delay in the delivery of laboratory results can be fatal and can even lead to the death of patients. This study was conducted at the clinical laboratory of the University Hospital of Kinshasa (UHK) from October 2020 to... more
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      Quality ManagementTurnaround ManagementDemocratic Republic of CongoClinical Laboratory
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    • Turnaround Management
I Principi di attestazione dei piani di risanamento stabiliscono che: " Le ipotesi alla base delle previsioni dei flussi economici e finanziari devono manifestare evidenze in termini di coerenza interna ed esterna ".
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      Crisis ManagementTurnaround ManagementInsolvency LawFinancial Crisis
Purpose – The paper aims to assess the impact of corporate strategy on shareholder value in decline and turnaround situations. Design/methodology/approach – A sample of 45 turnaround firms was selected and matched against a control... more
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      Strategic ManagementTurnaround ManagementCorporate StrategyCorporate Level Strategy
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementStrategic ManagementGovernance
The main focus of financial management is on growth, profitability and flow of funds. This focus helps management create enough wealth to achieve market dominance. ln strategic financial management, the corporate strategy is dominated by... more
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      Strategic ManagementTurnaround ManagementTurnaround StrategiesStrategic Finance
This article distinguishes between a firm's corporate business model and business models of its various business units. Our aim is to provide new insights into how executives' cognitive processes can influence corporate business model... more
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      MarketingBusiness HistoryCognitionStrategic Management
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      Turnaround ManagementDiritto fallimentareProcedure concorsualiFallimento
When organizations that have survived traumatic reversals – for example, product failures, ethical scandals or market disruption – attempt turnarounds, they usually seek a fresh start, adopting a new strategy and installing new... more
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      LeadershipCrisis communication and managementCorporate GovernanceCrisis Management
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      Turnaround ManagementFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009CrisisEconomic Crisis
This article distinguishes between a firm’s corporate business model and business models of its various business units. Our aim is to provide new insights into how executives’ cognitive processes can influence corporate business model... more
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      MarketingBusiness HistoryCognitionStrategic Management
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      Business IntelligenceTurnaround ManagementBusiness Analytics
Change management occurs every where and every time. Few people understand deeply change management strategies. These snapshot questions will give them breadth and depth.
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      Organizational ChangeOrganisational DevelopmentManagement of InnovationTurnaround Management
Discuto a característica principal da crise, a perda de controle. Sua reversão, por consequência, passa necessariamente pela retomada de controle. Porque a liderança seria fator decisivo para um projeto de turnaround eficaz, alé de saber... more
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      Turnaround ManagementGestão de PessoasRecuperação Judicial e Falências
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawGovernanceCrisis ManagementTurnaround Management
A short drive through the landscape of turnaround efforts conducted by Saab’s top management in order to face the challenges of a troubled economy, mysterious strategies and a secret balance sheet.
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      Organisational ChangeCase Study ResearchTurnaround ManagementCorporate Restructuring
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      Turnaround ManagementPMIDistretti IndustrialiPiccole e medie imprese
PurposeThe paper aims to assess the impact of corporate strategy on shareholder value in decline and turnaround situations.Design/methodology/approachA sample of 45 turnaround firms was selected and matched against a control sample which... more
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      BusinessMarketingStrategic ManagementTurnaround Management
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational ResearchPerformance Management
Business Enterprises are an integral part of a nation's economy. They are incorporated with an aim to create value to the society. With growing industrialization of the Indian Economy, the incidence of industrial sickness has also... more
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      Strategic ManagementTurnaround ManagementRisk ManagementBehavioural Finance
In 2000, when companies across the globe were scrambling to decode and implement the enigmatic new business strategy "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM), I had already spent a decade reengineering businesses to integrate this... more
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      Turnaround ManagementMeasuring customer satisfaction & its determinants & their evolution speed/direction/forcesCustomer Service ManagementCustomer Satisfaction
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      Crisis ManagementTurnaround ManagementKrisenmanagement
This is the story of the fall of Anton Schlecker’s empire of seven thousand shops with thirty thousand employees, but I would not write this article if I did not believe that Schlecker’s empire could be rescued. There is no question about... more
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      CommunicationOrganizational ChangeIntercultural ManagementCase Study Research
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      Crisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementCrisis CommunicationTurnaround Management