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2011թ. սեպտեմբերի 2-ին Թուրքիայի արտգործնախարարության խոսնակ Սելչուք Ունալը հայտնեց, որ ՆԱՏՕ-ի հրթիռային հարձակման սպառնալիքի վաղ զգուշացման ռադիոտեղորոշիչ կայանը (ՌՏԿ) տեղակայվելու է Թուրքիայի տարածքում`տարածքում`հիշեցնելով, որ... more
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey - PKK Terror
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      Gulen MovementTurkey's Foreign PolicyTatarstanроссийско-турецкие отношения
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey Millitary
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      African StudiesAfricaTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey's Africa Policy
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      Turkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey-Syria RelationsTurkey and Syria Crisis
The political vacuum created by the withdrawal of NATO and US forces from Afghanistan has led other powers to attempt to fill the void for reasons of regional stability and/or create and extend their spheres of influence. Afghanistan is a... more
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      AfghanistanPakistanIran Foreign PolicyIndia
Until recently, Turkey has relied on trade and diplomacy, as well as its key geographic location between Europe and the Middle East, to project power. But amid a decade of volatility brought on by the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011, Ankara... more
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      Middle East StudiesGeopoliticsTurkeyMiddle East
Turkey’s Cold War history has received only limited attention from scholars. Most studies focus on conventional questions of either diplomacy or governance, sidelining the history of cultural developments, social movements, and... more
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      Social MovementsCold WarCounter terrorismTurkey's Foreign Policy
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey in World PoliticsTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey-EU, Turkey and Greece, the Aegean issues
The end of the Cold War has brought about a completely new notion of the European security. With the fall of the “iron curtain” and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the political, military and ideological barriers dividing Europe for... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceSecurity StudiesUkrainian Studies
The strategic significance of Sub-Saharan Africa has increased considerably in recent decades, with various international actors establishing diversified yet increasingly important levels of engagement in the region. Countries such as... more
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      African StudiesAfricaEuropean Foreign PolicyChina's foreign policy
Türkiye 21. yüzyılda yükselen bir güç olarak ortaya çıkmış ve bölge jeopolitiğinin şekillenmesinde giderek belirleyici bir rol oynamaya başlamıştır. Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu politikaları kapsamında son on yıldır İran’la geliştirdiği... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkey - Iran relationsİran Dış PolitikasıOrtadoğu
In Pusto tursko, Darko Tanasković explores the current state of affairs in Turkey, from the country's memory politics, through problems within the government, all the way to its foreign policy. As the author is one of the most... more
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      Turkish Foreign PolicyTurkey's Foreign PolicyThe AKP in Turkey: Interior Politics and Foreign IssuesStrategic Depth
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      Turkey And EuropePolitical History of TurkeyHistory of Turkey and Middle eastCommunism in Turkey
Nona Mikhelidze examines Turkish strategic objectives and priorities in the Black Sea region with particular attention to security, trade, and energy issues. She examines whether Ankara’s policymaking has been driven by strategic... more
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      TurkeyBlack Sea regionTurkey's Foreign PolicySouth Caucasus
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesEnergyIsrael's Foreign Policy
The ongoing EU–Turkey accession negotiations are probably the most complex talks related to the enlargement process in the EU's history. Although they were initiated in 2005, so far both sides have managed to provisionally close only one... more
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      European StudiesTurkey And EuropeEnlargement and Integration in the EUTurkey in World Politics
This book is conceived as a spin-off of activities and research developed within the PhD program in Cooperation for Peace and Development at the University for Foreigners of Perugia. The academic program has given rise to a wide range of... more
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      European StudiesMiddle East StudiesGeopoliticsAfghanistan
Turkey’s rising foreign policy ambitions have been best reflected in its pivot to Africa. Its policy has hinged upon challenging the primacy of European states and intervening in their sphere of influence, primarily with the economic and... more
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      African StudiesEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean UnionTurkey And Europe
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin dışarıdaki imajına ağır darbe vurmuş olan abartı ve yalan sahneler içererek "tamamiyle gerçektir" diye sunulan propaganda filmi Geceyarısı Ekspresi'ne dair eleştirel bir inceleme...
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      Visual propagandaPropagandaFilmTurkey's Foreign Policy
Türkiye ve İran başta coğrafya, kültür, tarih, siyaset ve diplomasi olmak üzere sahip oldukları önemli ulusal güç kapasiteleriyle Ortadoğu toplumlarını kendi eksenlerinde hareket etmeye zorlayan ve dolayısıyla da birbirleriyle yarışan iki... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurco-Iranian WorldTurkey - Iran relationsIran Foreign Policy
Çiğdem YORGANCIOĞLU *  Cigdem Yorgancioglu
02. Mart 2018  01: 55 AM
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      Russian StudiesEnergy EconomicsCyprus StudiesEnergy
İslam dünyasında Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun yıkılması ile irili ufaklı birçok devlet ortaya çıktı. Bu devletlerin büyük bölümü, İngiltere ve Fransa mandaterliği altında yönetilirken II. Dünya Savaşından sonra bunların birçoğu... more
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      Middle East StudiesIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic PhilosophyTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      African StudiesAfricaTurkish Foreign PolicyModern Turkey
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey and SyriaPYD-YPG/PKK and Turkey
In this context, this article individually examines the foreign political factors leading to establish diplomatic relationship between Turkey and PRC, which is already accepted as the beginning of relations, from 1960 and it reveals the... more
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      ChinaModern TurkeyChina studiesChina's foreign policy
President Herzog's visit is an output of two years of coordination and meetings among various bodies of both states. Intelligence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and representatives from the President's offices make tours of meeting to... more
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      Middle East StudiesEnergy PolicyIsrael's Foreign PolicyIsrael
The border dividing Turkey and Armenia has been sealed nearly for 2 years but since the beginning of 2 s the communication channels between Armenians and Turks on each side of the Mount Ararat has been intensified through civil society... more
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      Turkey's Foreign PolicySecond Track Diplomacy
Undermining the foundational pillars of the post–Cold War security order, Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is a watershed event for Europe and the wider world, Tur­key included. While Ankara is trying to protect its economy and... more
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      Turkey EU relationsTurkey's Foreign PolicyRussian war in Ukraine
MİLLİYETÇİ HAREKETİNİN DOĞUŞU VE DIŞ POLİTİKASI (1919) Edgar Elbakyan Makalede Birinci Cihan Harbi'nde ezici bir yenilgiden ve İngiltere tarafından kabul ettirildiği Mondros Mütarekenamesinden sonra Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun durumu kısa... more
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      Turkish HistoryArmenian HistoryKemalismMustafa Kemal Atatürk
Turkey's Middle East policy has shifted recently in response to global and regional structural transformations as well as changes on the domestic political scene. The shifts in the US engagement with the region as well as Russia's growing... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesSaudi ArabiaTurkey in World Politics
В сентябре 2017 г. турецкая пресса сообщила, что Турция предоставит гражданство 23 тысячам туркам-месхетинцам (турок-ахыска), изгнанных из родных мест во времена СССР и переселившихся позднее из Украины в Турцию. Турки-месхетинцы были... more
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyThe AKP in Turkey: Interior Politics and Foreign Issues
Enhancing cross-border cooperation between the European Union and Ukraine with regard to regional development, investments and social capital development in the cross-border region 2
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
""According to the Copenhagen School’s Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT), Turkey is an insulator state as it sits at the intersection of different security complexes without truly being part of any of them. This understanding of... more
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      Copenhagen School/SecuritizationRegional Security Complex TheoryTurkey in World PoliticsTurkey's Foreign Policy
The Ukraine crisis poses two particularly uneasy questions for Turkey: How to uphold a power balance in the Black Sea? And how to manage its relations between Russia, Ukraine and the West? So far, Ankara’s policy towards Moscow consists... more
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      Turkey And EuropeUkraineTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey-NATO relations
Turkish foreign policy in the interwar period, there are some basic points. First of all, Turkey has no way of tracking a revanchist revisionist foreign policy. On the contrary, it followed an irredentist policy. Therefore overall, Turkey... more
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      Turkey's Foreign PolicyTürkiye Dış PolitikasıHistory of the interwar years
This paper explores the role of Official Development Assistance (ODA) in Turkey’s foreign policy by looking how it can function as a foreign policy instrument. With the example of the Western Balkans, a strategic region in the... more
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      Foreign PolicyTurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTIKA
Ռազ մա ծո վային ու ժե րի կար ևո րու թյու նը: Ռազ մա կան հզոր ո ւժ ու նե նա լը դի վա նա գի տու թյան ա մե նա մեծ օգ նա կան նե րից մեկն է: Ըն դուն ված է ա սել, որ ցա մա քային զոր քե րը (ՑԶ) պաշտ­ պա նում են ժո ղովր դին, գոր ծում են ե րկ րի... more
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign Policycivil-military relations TurkeyState and Military in Turkey
Despite its Ottoman past in the continent, Turkey did not show a serious interest in African affairs until recently. However, since 1998 there has been a revival in Turkey's involvement in developing relations with Africa. This was a... more
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      African StudiesPerceptionDevelopment StudiesSouth African Politics and Society
It is argued in this study that Turkey’s ambition to play a key regional role and become a global actor is not novel. There have been at least two similar initiatives in recent history that defended Turkey’s extraordinary strategic... more
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      Foreign PolicyTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyTurkey And Europe
This study discusses the theoretical and conceptual foundations of Turkish foreign policy as of the period after JDP came to power in 2002.
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      SyriaTurkish Foreign PolicySoft PowerTurkey's Foreign Policy
African vector plays a unique role in Turkish foreign policy during AKP era. While development of relations with African countries is beneficial for Turkey both from political and economic points of view, Ankara mostly tries to focus on... more
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey's Opening to AfricaTurkey and Africa policy
2002 yılındaki seçim ile iktidara gelen ve 2014'te halen iktidarda bulunan Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi'nin en çok dikkat çeken politikalarından birisidir "komşularla sıfır sorun" politikası. Bu konunun bu kadar dikkat çekmesinin en büyük... more
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      Political TheoryPoliticsPolitical Discourse AnalysisTurkey in World Politics
‫التنافس‬ ‫جيوبوليتيك‬ ‫الكبرى:‬ ‫اللعبة‬ ‫ط‬ ِّ ‫المتوس‬ ‫شرق‬ ‫الغاز‬ ‫على‬ 2019 ‫نوفمبر‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫كان‬ ‫الماضي،‬ ‫العقد‬ ‫بداية‬ ‫في‬ ‫والغاز‬ ‫النفط‬ ‫ثروات‬ َّ ‫أن‬ ‫مفاده‬ ‫سائد‬ ‫اعتقاد‬ ‫ط،‬ ِّ ‫المتوس‬ ‫البحر‬ ‫شرق‬ ‫حوض‬... more
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      GeopoliticsOil and gasHistory of the Eastern MediterraneanTurkey's Foreign Policy
В конце мая 2010 года несколько судов так называемой «Флотилии свободы», в составе которой были турецкие корабли, пошли на прорыв блокады сектора Газа. Один из кораблей («Мави Мармар»а) отказался подчиниться требованию израильских властей... more
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      Modern TurkeyTurkey's Foreign PolicyTurkey and Israel relationsTurkey and Middle East
Öz Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun parçalanmasıyla birlikte birçok millet kendi ulusal devletlerini kurmuşlardır. İstisnalardan biri nüfusu 35-40 milyon olduğu düşünülen Kürtlerdir. Körfez savaşları sonrası kurulan yeni bölge düzeninde Kürtler,... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish Foreign PolicyKurdistanTurkey's Foreign Policy
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      AfghanistanTurkeyTurkish Foreign PolicyTurkey's Foreign Policy
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      Turkey's Foreign PolicyUS Turkish Relations
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      Turkey And EuropeTurkey's Foreign PolicyEastern Mediterranean
This article explores the concept of soft power and how it’s been applied by public diplomacy of Turkey between 2002-2019. In this article, the role of Turkish public diplomacy in developing Serbian-Turkish relations is studied. As a case... more
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      Public DiplomacySerbian historyTurkeyTurkish Foreign Policy