Recent papers in Tunneling
In this paper, I present a mapping between representation of some quantum phenomena in one dimension and behavior of a classical time-dependent harmonic oscillator. For the first time, it is demonstrated that quantum tunneling can be... more
A common framework for interface-trap (N IT ) generation involving broken ≡ Si−H and ≡ Si−O bonds is developed for negative bias temperature instability (NBTI), Fowler-Nordheim (FN), and hot-carrier injection (HCI) stress. Holes (from... more
We compute the zero frequency current noise numerically and in several limits analytically for the coulomb blockade problem consisting of two tunnel junctions connected in series. At low temperatures over a wide range of voltages,... more
An 8.5-mile-long light rail project in Los Angeles included twin 1-mile long tunnels, 21.5 feet in diameter. An Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) was used for excavating the tunnel in the Late-Pleistocene Alluvial... more
Foreword A request was made to the Director General, Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) by The Louis Berger Group, INC and Bangladesh Consulting Ltd. to provide a geological evaluation of Dhaka City for understanding of and planning... more
Advancement of a tunnel face results in the disturbance and redistribution of the primary in situ stress field. Soil deformation, pore water pressure generation, and induced stress and strain are among engineer's interest. Depending on... more
Spanish Abstract: Ante las crisis, del tipo que sean, economicas, de inseguridad, etc. las personas reaccionan (aumentando el ingreso o modificando habitos de consumo), no queriendo asumir la realidad, para despues convertir sus posibles... more
Assessment of risks is a key task in the project management. In this process, Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) approach can be utilized to identify project relevant risks. In the previous classical method, only Limited number of attributes... more
This paper provides an overview of some significant aspects concerning the design of concrete tunnel linings subjected to severe fire exposure. The distinguishing feature of tunnel fires is the possible rapid rise of the air temperature... more
Inhalt Vorwort zur Publikation 2018 __________________________________________________ I Der Bau des Gotthardtunnels -viel Geschichte in einer______________________________ I Verknüpfungen und Verflechtungen... more
A shallow urban tunnel for public transportation, built in difficult subsoil conditions with EPB tunnel boring machine, was instrumented to monitor its geotechnical behavior during construction. The parameters that define soil response... more
Miniaturized Golay cells based on tunneling displacement transducers were first produced at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The devices produced have performance characteristics comparable to the best thermal infrared detectors of... more
coming a significant contributor to power dissipation of CMOS circuits as threshold voltage, channel length, and gate oxide thickness are reduced. Consequently, the identification and modeling of different leakage components is very... more
Tunneling industry has seen great advancements in underground construction projects. Now, it has significant difference with the last two decades. In many times, tunneling projects find themselves involved in the situation where... more
8 marzo 1996 conferenza corso ORGL pag. 2 di 33 EFFETTO MIGLIORAMENTO PER Intervento Materiale Confinamento Resistenza al taglio Deformabilità Infilaggi di protezione, paratie berlinesi Detrito SI Drenaggi Roccia/ Detrito SI Iniezioni... more
When a tunnel is driven, particularly using a TBM, alignment problems can arise, and, with high-speed tunnelling, can get worse very quickly, and so need swift resolution. Changes to the alignment, where possible, are always cheaper and... more
The first class of the course about introduction UDEC v.7 is done.
Instructor: Khezr Mohammadamini
Language: Persian
Instructor: Khezr Mohammadamini
Language: Persian
A trinocular cross-section tunnel with a span of some 50m and a length of about 160m, known as the "Mined Tunnel", is part of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass (CWB), which is a strategic road along the northshore of Hong Kong Island targeted... more
Ground deformation monitoring in tunnelling is a common means for selecting and controlling the excavation and support methods among those predicted in design, ensuring safety during tunnel excavation (including personnel safety inside... more
Due to the quadratic reduction in the switching power dissipation, lowering supply voltage is obviously one of the most e ective ways to reduce p ower consumption. However, the performance will degrade. In order to satisfy the high... more
Uncertainty and variability is part of geotechnical design and need to be taken into account in the design process. This paper presents some of the work in progress of the sub-project of the Australian Centre for Geomechanics' Ground... more
Uma Oya Hydropower Project in Sri Lanka has a 15 km long headrace tunnel. It is currently excavated by Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), which is the first use of a TBM in Sri Lanka. In particularly good ground sections, only the invert... more
The paper presents the geotechnical conditions and engineering properties of the soil types (mainly weathered Athenian schist) encountered during the present construction of the Athens Metro. Measured surface settlements along the Line 3... more
Shotcrete lining is the main supporting element in NATM tunnelling, often used together with rock bolts and steel ribs, forming a composite structure to support the ground. It sometimes happens that large deformations of the lining are... more
Kawasan perkotaan menjadi tempat yang dimimpikan oleh sebagian penduduk luar atau pinggiran kota. Gemerlap kota dan fasilitas-fasilitas lengkap di kota baik dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi dan lain-lain menjadi daya tarik... more
Tunnels are very important structures which are being used in various construction;like in road, railway for defence purpose and laying of pipelines etc. Tunnels have different shapes on the basis of their uses and the ground conditions... more
The excavation through drilling and blasting technique is used for the excavation of both the shafts (Gundovali and Kapurbawdi) and the TBM assembling and dismantling tunnel.
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more
The instantaneous filling of the annulus that is created behind the segment lining at the end of the tail during the TBM advance is an operation of paramount importance. Its main goal is to minimize the surface settlements due to any... more
This paper characterizes earth pressure balance machine (EPBM) torque within the context of a physical model using data from a recent Seattle metro-sized (6.44 m diameter) tunnel project. The paper examines the ability of relatively... more
a b s t r a c t RMR is a simple rock mass classification system and is often used for characterization and design purposes in preliminary stages of mining and civil engineering practices. However, the use of RMR in providing a precise... more
The Egyptian tunneling activities have augmented in the last two decades for several purposes such as construction of subways, sewers and road tunnels. The preponderance of the Egyptian tunnels are constructed through soft soils under... more
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
Back cover text: Megaprojects and Risk provides the first detailed examination of the phenomenon of megaprojects. It is a fascinating account of how the promoters of multi-billion dollar megaprojects systematically and self-servingly... more
The alignment of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) Project passes through the Himalayan fold mountain range (Lesser and Higher) situated in Jammu and Kashmir. Tunnel extending from Dharam to Sumbar (T-48) with two adits... more
Ground deformation monitoring in tunnelling is a common means for selecting and controlling the excavation and support methods among those predicted in design, ensuring safety during tunnel excavation (including personnel safety inside... more
The article first describes characteristics of major infrastructure projects. Second, it documents a much neglected topic in economics: that ex ante estimates of costs and benefits are often very different from actual ex post costs and... more
The objective of installing support is to mitigate the risk of injuries and costs associated with rehabilitation of excavation damage and associated production downtime. It follows that the greater the likelihood of stress damage or... more
Estimation of advance rate and utilization of tunnel boring machines (TBM) are some of the important steps in planning a TBM tunneling project. Estimation of the utilization factor depends on realistic analysis of downtime components.... more
O presente trabalho aborda um estudo sobre deslocamentos do maciço devido às escavações de túneis, com ênfase nos deslocamentos verticais superficiais do maciço e na instrumentação geotécnica, destacando sua importância no acompanhamento... more
This paper provides an overview of some significant aspects concerning the design of concrete tunnel linings subjected to severe fire exposure. The distinguishing feature of tunnel fires is the possible rapid rise of the air temperature... more
La construcción de túneles y obras subterráneas, ha sido una actividad presente en las principales civilizaciones a lo largo de los siglos. Esta actividad experimentó un gran auge en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios del siglo X... more
A B S T R A C T Settlement control has always been the rst concern for all the participants of shield tunnelling construction fi when the shield machine passes through buildings, especially in urban areas. However, owing to insu cient ffi... more