Tunisian Revolution-Arab Spring
Recent papers in Tunisian Revolution-Arab Spring
Dans Les ibadites. Mode de vie, organisation et patrimoine d’une minorité musulmane dans le Maghreb en ébullition, dossier central de la revue Horizons Maghrébins, 76, 2017, p. 151-160. Photographies : Axel Derriks. Cet article compare... more
In 2011, Tunisians rose in protest against the government in what is called the Jasmin Revolution. The protests were provoked by years of corruption by the Ben Ali regime.
Current foreign policy under the Obama administration is examined (from the Cheonan incident to the Arab Spring) and there is a brief examination of what may lay in store for America's future.
THE TURN المنعرج presents artistic interventions that emerged in the wake of the Arab Revolution. They are committed to collaborative action and direct engagement in relation to the prevailing social climate. They are ambitious art... more
The national trade union as an institution was created as a result the industrial revolution and has depended on the simultaneous proliferation of the industrial sector in each country. As labor was forced into modernity via the... more
Whilst often mentioned and sometimes hammered out, the “economic origins” of the revolution have mostly been ignored. Why is that so? The article attempts to explain this surprising oversight. The emphasis on what was at stake with “the... more
Scholars have recently become attentive not only to the institutional designs that constitutions set up, but also to the constitutional change processes. Most authors, who are concerned with the effects the design of constitution-making... more
This essay posits American journalism as a particular realm of public knowledge production, inflected with its own professional practices as well as the way in which those practices subjugate technologies of representation. Taking the... more
On s’est beaucoup interrogé sur le pourquoi du « Printemps arabe » mais aucun ouvrage n’avait encore étudié comment il s’était déroulé. Parce que la plupart des chercheurs ici réunis ont observé les événements en direct, ce livre offre... more
Are we witnessing a global revolution, or merely dozens of coinciding national revolts, scattered around the globe, ignited by each other’s indignation and perseverance?
(Tanıtım Bülteninden) "Arap İsyanları Güncesi", Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu'daki değişimi Türkiye'de en yakından izleyen habercilerden birinin, 3 yıl süresince Tunus, Mısır, Libya ve Suriye'ye gerçekleştirdiği seyahatlerde şahit oldukları... more
La Revolución de los Jazmines fue uno de los sucesos más sorprendentes que podían haber tenido lugar para la comunidad internacional, pero más aún lo fue, que ésta se extendiese por la franja norte de África, convirtiéndose en el fenómeno... more
Worldwide, the use of digital communication networks has been a key strategy in activist events involving demonstrations. Its use was evident in the media’s repeated publication of pictures taken on demonstrators’ mobile phones during... more
Egypt's January 25 Revolution of 2011 was a dramatic demonstration of the role social media has come to play in radical activism. A key moment was the appearance of the Facebook page "We Are All Khaled Said," which linked activists across... more
Im Jahr 2011 bricht die tunesische Revolution aus. Bürgerinnen und Bürger besetzen im ganzen Land öffentliche Plätze, fordern politische Freiheits- und Gleichheitsrechte und soziale Gerechtigkeit. In dieser Studie kommen die Akteurinnen... more
The 2011 Arab uprisings were initially hailed by many observers in the Western world as the harbinger of a “modern” Middle East. Finally, it was believed, the hegemony of corrupt autocrats and the prolonged “dark age” of the Arab world... more
الدولة التي لا تلتزم بضمان مصالح شعبها لا يمكن اعتبارها دولة. المجتمع الذي لا يحترم فيه الفرد باختلافه و لا تقدر خصوصياته و لا توحده راية وطن واحدة لا يرتقي لمستوى مجتمع. إذا اجتمعت هذه الصفتان يمكننا الجزم أننا نعيش ضمن منظومة منهارة... more
تستهدف هذه الدراسة فهم وتقييم حالات الحوار التي جرت – أو حاولت بعض الأطراف إجرائها– في أعقاب الثورات من أجل الديمقراطية في كل من تونس واليمن ومصر وليبيا، وذلك في جميع مراحلها بدءًا من السياق العام الذي تمت فيه عمليات الحوار، مرورًا... more
The review of the book about Arab Spring from the French professor Jean-Pierre Filiu.
Published in Cyber Orient, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, 2012 (ISSN 1804-3194)
Published in Cyber Orient, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, 2012 (ISSN 1804-3194)
The research project The Tunisian Revolution - The Student’s Perspective and Role in its Historical Context (original title: Tunesische Revolution - Perspektiven und Rolle tunesischer Studenten im historischen Kontext) aims to put a... more
In their search for explanations for the so-called Tunisian paradox under Ben Ali -a country with comparatively high levels of socio-economic development, yet plagued by the absence of a civil society that could push for political... more
This book analyses Turkey’s role in the Arab world and investigates the effects of the Arab Spring on Turkish foreign policy, decision-making and its role. Particular attention is focused on widespread terms such as strategic depth,... more
Humanity has never witnessed a revolution in history as powerful as the Arab uprising.
Article: The Middle East remains of a major geostrategic importance. Global powers found in the recent developments an opportunity to chart their way into the region; sending troops and reinforcements, rebuilding alliances and restoring... more
Noi, rappresentanti del popolo tunisino, membri dell'Assemblea Nazionale Costituente; Con orgoglio per la lotta del nostro popolo al fine di ottenere l'indipendenza e la costruzione dello Stato e, in seguito, per liberarsi dalla tirannia,... more
The scientific literature indicates that there are many complex variables that determined whether the militaries in the Arab Spring turned against their regimes or not. In this paper I focus on three variables that the scientific... more
Although Syria, since the 1960s, has been dominated by a decidedly secular-nationalist regime, the 2011 uprising has demonstrated that the role of Islam in the country’s social and religious scene cannot be underestimated. The... more
The 'Jasmine Revolution' that toppled Tunisian president Zine al-‘Abidine Ben ‘Ali on January 14, 2011, and the January 25, 2011, uprising that toppled President Husni Mubarak had similar characteristics yet different outcomes. While the... more
We are fortunate, however, that two Tunisian journalists, Abdelaziz Belkhodja and Tarek Cheikhrouhou, undertook the colossal task of researching the events of the Tunisian revolution, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for the... more
Discours de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches soutenue publiquement le 21 février 2011 à la Faculté des Sciences humaines et sociales de Tunis.