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Angiogenesis is essential for tumor growth and metastases. Studies in breast carcinomas suggest that microvessel quantitation as a measure of angiogenesis might be one of the most powerful prognostic tools available. Node negative breast... more
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      Breast CancerMicrocirculationSurvival AnalysisImmunohistochemistry
might influence breast tumor angiogenesis. Although angiogenesis is currently under intense investigation in breast cancer, the expression of VEGF in this tumor has yet to be studied. We show here evidence of hypoxic induction of VEGF... more
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      CancerBreast CancerTumor AngiogenesisBreast
the BM of MM patients, and the MVD correlated with the grade of myeloma cell invasion of the BM in the untreated MM cases. It was recently reported that thalidomide might be effective for the treatment of MM. We assessed the effect of... more
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      PathologyImmunohistochemistryTumor AngiogenesisMultiple Myeloma
Chemokines play a paramount role in the tumor progression. Chronic inflammation promotes tumor formation. Both tumor cells and stromal cells elaborate chemokines and cytokines. These act either by autocrine or paracrine mechanisms to... more
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      Immune responseInflammationSignal TransductionChemokines and chemokine receptors
Cannabinoids, the active components of Cannabis sativa L., act in the body by mimicking endogenous substances — the endocannabinoids — that activate specific cell surface receptors. Cannabinoids exert various palliative effects in cancer... more
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      Cell SignalingEndoplasmic Reticulum StressBrain TumorLaboratory Animals
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      Cell SignalingEndoplasmic Reticulum StressBrain TumorLaboratory Animals
Both natural and synthetic cannabinoids have been shown to suppress the growth of tumor cells in culture and in animal models by affecting key signaling pathways including angiogenesis, a pivotal step in tumor growth, invasion, and... more
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      CancerBreast CancerEndothelial CellsTumor Angiogenesis
Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) is frequently expressed in many types of cancers exerting a pleiotropic and multifaceted role in genesis or promotion of carcinogenesis and cancer cell resistance to chemo‐ and radiotherapy. COX‐2 is released by... more
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      CancerCancer BiologyMacrophagesMetastasis
The PI3K/Akt signaling pathway plays a key role in cancer cell growth, survival, and tumor angiogenesis. 3-Phosphoinositidedependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) is a Ser/Thr protein kinase, which catalyzes the phosphorylation of a conserved... more
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      KineticsProstate CancerFluorescence Resonance Energy TransferSignal Transduction
The gene for the major angiogenic factor, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), encodes several spliced isoforms. We reported previously that overexpression of two VEGF isoforms, VEGF 121 and VEGF 165 , by human glioma U87 MG cells... more
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      CancerGliomaEpidermal Growth Factor/ErbB receptorsTumor Angiogenesis
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      Cell SignalingEndoplasmic Reticulum StressBrain TumorLaboratory Animals
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      KineticsTreatment OutcomeNuclearMice
Edible berry anthocyanins possess a broad spectrum of therapeutic and anti-carcinogenic properties. Berries are rich in anthocyanins, compounds that provide pigmentation to fruits and serve as natural antioxidants. Anthocyanins repair and... more
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      AntioxidantsTumor AngiogenesisFruitAnthocyanins
The maintenance of vascular integrity and control of blood loss are regulated by a sophisticated system of circulating and cell-associated hemostatic factors. These factors control local platelet aggregation, the conversion of soluble... more
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      Clinical TrialCancerTreatmentCancer treatment
Coagulation abnormalities occur frequently in cancer patients. It is becoming evident that blood platelets have an important function in this process. However, understanding of the underlying mechanisms is still very modest. In this... more
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      Biological SciencesTumor AngiogenesisPhysical sciencesEndothelial cell
Background and aim: Von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a protein that mediates adherence of platelets to subendothelium during primary hemostasis. High vWF plasma concentrations have been reported in patients with various types of cancer,... more
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      Colorectal cancervon Willebrand factorTumor AngiogenesisSquamous Cell Carcinoma
Background: Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB and PDGF receptor (PDGFR)-β are mainly expressed in the developing vasculature, where PDGF-BB is produced by endothelial cells and PDGFR-β is expressed by mural cells, including... more
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      MutationMiceTumor AngiogenesisMouse Model
Background: Germ cell testicular tumors have survival rate that diminishes with high tumor marker levels, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG may regulate vascular neoformation through vascular endothelial growth factor... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryMultivariate AnalysisTumor AngiogenesisExperimental
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between expression of angiogenic and regeneration markers and periodontal disease in subjects with/without diabetes mellitus.
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      ZoologyDentistryAnimal ScienceImmunology
Here, we describe that microenvironmental IL-1␤ and, to a lesser extent, IL-1␣ are required for in vivo angiogenesis and invasiveness of different tumor cells. In IL-1␤ knockout (KO) mice, local tumor or lung metastases of B16 melanoma... more
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      MicrocirculationRheumatoid ArthritisProstate CancerMacrophages
Angiogenesis has a critical role in physiologic and disease processes. For the growth of tumors, angiogenesis must occur to carry sufficient nutrients to the tumor. In addition to growth, development of new blood vessels is necessary for... more
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      Clinical TrialWound HealingAngiogenesisTumor Angiogenesis
Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) represent the most aggressive type of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Although little is known about the causal alterations of SCCs, in organtransplanted patients the E7 and E6 oncogenes of human papillomavirus,... more
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      CancerImmunohistochemistryGene SilencingHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS
The zebrafish (Danio rerio)/tumor xenograft model represents a powerful new model system in cancer. Here, we describe a novel exploitation of the zebrafish model to investigate tumor angiogenesis, a pivotal step in cancer progression and... more
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      CancerDrug DiscoveryDanio rerioEndothelial Cells
Cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LO) metabolic pathways are emerging as key regulators of cell proliferation and neo-angiogenesis. COX and LO inhibitors are being investigated as potential anticancer drugs and results from clinical... more
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      PhysiologyClinical TrialMembrane ProteinsCell Division
R, Piemontese M. Involvement of vascular endothelial growth factor, CD44 and CD133 in periodontal disease and diabetes: an immunohistochemical study.
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      ZoologyDentistryAnimal ScienceImmunology
Destruction of the neovasculature is essential for tumor eradication by photodynamic therapy. Since the over-expression of integrins is correlated with tumor angiogenesis, we conjugated a photosensitizer... more
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      Organic ChemistryPorphyrinsPhotodynamic TherapyBioorganic Chemistry
Apelin, the endogenous ligand of the G protein-coupled APJ receptor has been shown to promote tumor angiogenesis. However, the effect of apelin on inducing angiogenesis in adipose tissue has not been investigated. In this review, we... more
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      ObesityAdipose tissueTumor AngiogenesisBiochemical
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      ManagementAncient HistoryGeographyHuman Geography
We recently developed a cysteinecontaining peptide tag (C-tag) that allows for site-specific modification of C-tag-containing fusion proteins with a bifunctional chelator, HYNIC (hydrazine nicotinamide)maleimide. We then constructed and... more
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      Sequence AnalysisMiceTumor AngiogenesisClinical Sciences
Modulation of pathological angiogenesis by curcumin (diferuloylmethane), the active principle of turmeric, seems to be an important possibility meriting mechanistic investigations. In this report, we have studied the effect of curcumin on... more
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      Enzyme InhibitorsApoptosisGene expressionMolecular Mechanics
Once a virtually unknown nitrogen oxide, nitroxyl (HNO) has emerged as a potential pharmacological agent. Recent advances in the understanding of the chemistry of HNO has led to the an understanding of HNO biochemistry which is vastly... more
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      Biological SciencesHeart FailureIschemia Reperfusion InjuryCancer Therapy
New blood vessel formation, known as angiogenesis, is a fundamental event in the process of tumor growth and metastatic dissemination. Due to its central role in tumor angiogenesis, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its... more
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      Signal ProcessingClinical TrialDrug developmentClinical research
Angiogenesis inhibitors have shown clinical benefits in patients with advanced cancer, but further therapeutic improvement is needed. We have previously shown that the zinc finger protein 36, C3H type-like 1 (ZFP36L1) enhances vascular... more
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      CytokinesCercopithecus aethiopsMiceOncogene
Microsomal prostaglandin (PG) E synthase 1 (mPGES-1) is a major PGE synthase and has recently been reported to be expressed at high levels in several cancer types. We previously reported that the PGE receptor EP3 is expressed in bone... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryGene expressionMiceTumor Angiogenesis
Despite major advances in the field of tumor angiogenesis, relatively little attention has been paid to the permeability of blood vessels in tumors. The leakiness of tumor vessels is well documented in experimental tumor models and in... more
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      CancerIntestinal barrier functionTumor AngiogenesisMagnetic Resonance
The vascular basement membrane (BM) is a thin and dense cross-linked extracellular matrix layer that covers and protects blood vessels. Understanding how cells cross the physical barrier of the vascular BM will provide greater insight... more
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      Cell MigrationCell BiologyMetastasisTumor Angiogenesis
Federal University of Minas Gerais – Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil PhD degree in Biological Science: Physiology All the experimental part of the thesis were done at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC-Berlin, Germany) as part of a... more
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      Wound HealingAngiogenesisDiabetic RetinopathyTumor Angiogenesis
Angiogenesis is the development of new blood vessels from the existing vascular bed. In normal conditions this tightly regulated process occurs only during embryonic development, the female reproductive cycle and wound repair. In... more
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      Gene TherapySignal TransductionDiabetic RetinopathyTumor Angiogenesis
Diffuse optical imaging and spectroscopy use near-infrared light to derive physiological parameters such as total hemoglobin concentration and tissue oxygen saturation. Numerous clinical studies have been carried out, either using... more
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      CancerBreast CancerTreatmentOptical Tomography
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of zinc endopeptidases that process growth factors, growth factor binding proteins, cell surface proteins, degrade extracellular matrix (ECM) components and thereby play a central role in... more
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      CancerCell MigrationCell SignalingExtracellular Matrix
Previous studies revealed that wogonin, a naturally occurring monoflavonoid extracted from Scutellariae radix, possessed anticancer activity both in vitro and in vivo. However, the molecular mechanism of its potent anticancer activity... more
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      Life SciencesImmunohistochemistryMolecular MechanicsWestern blotting
Glioma is characterized by an active production of proangiogenic molecules. We observed that conditioned medium (CM) from C6 glioma significantly enhanced proliferation and migration of immortalized rat brain GP8.3 endothelial cells (ECs)... more
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      Cell MigrationWound HealingMembrane ProteinsEnzyme Inhibitors
Chemokines are a large group of low molecular weight cytokines that are known to selectively attract and activate different cell types. Although the primary function of chemokines is well recognized as leukocyte attractants, recent... more
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      Signal TransductionChemokines and chemokine receptorsTumor AngiogenesisNeoplasms
Viscum album (VA) preparations consist of aqueous extracts of different types of lectins of VA. Mistletoe lectins have both cytotoxic and immunomodulatory properties that support their study for the development for cancer therapy.... more
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      Molecular MedicineMedicinal PlantsApoptosisPhytotherapy
Cell adhesion and migration are essential for embryonic development, tissue regeneration, but also for tumor development. The physical link between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the actin cytoskeleton is mainly mediated by receptors... more
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      Clinical TrialCell AdhesionExtracellular MatrixSignal Transduction
Tumor angiogenesis, a process in which blood vessels penetrate and grow in a tumor environment, is needed for oxygen and nutrient supply and plays an important role in the survival of solid neoplasms. Angiogenesis does not only have a... more
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      Reaction MechanismsTumor AngiogenesisBevacizumab
Vessel co-option is the movement of cancer cells towards and along the pre-existing vasculature and is an alternative to angiogenesis to gain access to nutrients. Vessel co-option has been shown as a strategy employed by some glioblastoma... more
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      Brain ImagingAngiogenesisBrain TumorGlioma
Triptolide is confirmed to suppress angiogenesis of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. Here we further expound the precise mechanism involved in this activity. Triptolide downregulated nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) pathway and its targeting... more
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      Tumor AngiogenesisVascular endotheliumDrug Delivery SystemsVascular
Recurrent/metastatic head and neck cancer remains a devastating disease with insufficient treatment options. We investigated the MET receptor tyrosine kinase as a novel target for the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma... more
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      CancerImmunohistochemistrySignal TransductionCell line
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingImagingNuclear medicineUltrasound