Tsunamigenic Earthquakes
Recent papers in Tsunamigenic Earthquakes
Nuclear Power plants can be designed to withstand the strongest shaking in earthquakes but engineers need to know what these accelerations might be. Eight lines of investigation are identified for testing the seismic capability of the... more
This paper uses historical data from letters, reports, and contemporary court cases to reconstruct historical tsunami flooding levels in the colonial city of Concepcion, Chile. Individual flood levels are analyzed for the 1570, 1575,... more
Text 1183 houses collapsed, 558 apartment blocks and 5497 houses were heavily damaged in the November 26 earthquake in Albania earthquake Albania Albanian earthquake.Extremely strong shake with damage Barn collapsed...very strong 10... more
16 First-hand accounts of the December 26th 2004 Asian Tsunami.
We present a preliminary probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment of Canadian coastlines from local and far-field, earthquake, and large submarine landslide sources. Analyses involve published historical, palaeotsunami and palaeoseismic... more
Wilayah Maluku merupakan salah satu daerah di timur Indonesia yang memiliki potensi tsunami yang cukup tinggi, ini dibuktikan dengan lebih dari 25 kejadian tsunami yang terekam di daerah Maluku dari tahun 1629 – 2006 (katalog database... more
An annotated bibliography of references relevant to tsunami hazard in Canada has been compiled. The bibliography lists published papers, books, monographs, theses, and readily available manuscript reports. Conference abstracts are... more
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no ano em que se assinalam os 250 anos do Terramoto de Lisboa e Maremoto dos Açores, 2005, em estreita colaboração com a RTP-Açores.
Applying probabilistic methods to infrequent but devastating natural events is intrinsically challenging. For tsunami analyses, a suite of geophysical assessments should be in principle evaluated because of the different causes generating... more
The draft paper as at 24th April which is updated from the draft made for the oral presentation session (5th April 2017 does not contain any references and text errors needed corrections). The paper is still being worked on with more... more
According to recent Portuguese and Spanish seismic catalogues, a remarkable number of earthquakes and tsunamis were recorded in the Iberian Peninsula during Antiquity. They list earthquakes and tsunamis in 218–209 BC (Gulf of Cadiz); 60... more
ABSTRAK Pembahasan pada jurnal ini merupakan pengembangan metode pemodelan tsunami difokuskan pada input data dari software JISView yang menghasilkan output berupa parameter sumber gempabumi, kemudian output tersebut dijadikan input pada... more
"Oman borders the Indian Ocean on the Northern and Eastern coasts and is therefore at potential risk from tsunami impact. In recent time Oman has experienced 2 well documented tsunami, one being the 2004 boxing day disaster and the other... more
This paper uses historical data from letters, reports, and court cases to reconstruct earthquake damage and tsunami flooding levels from the July 8 th , 1730 Valparaiso, Chile earthquake. Each selected primary source is analyzed to... more
Arthur Wichmann's ''Earthquakes of the Indian Archipelago'' documents several large earthquakes and tsunami throughout the Banda Arc region that can be interpreted as mega-thrust events. However, the source regions of these events are not... more
Research on extreme wave events such as tsunamis using the geological record in areas of infrequent and or small magnitude earthquakes can aid in extending the long-term history and recurrence intervals of large events. This information... more
"ABSTRACT: Physical and social elements at risk are identified for a credible tsunami event for Istanbul. For this purpose, inundation maps resulting from probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50... more
The Italian Data Buoy Network consists of 15 oceanographic buoys, deployed along Italian coasts, on a seabed 100 meters deep. It collects directional sea wave data, meteorological data, sea surface temperature and in some cases quality... more
Abstrak — Daerah Indonesia telah banyak terjadi rangkaian gempa bumi yang besar dan menimbulkan tsunami. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui batas Rasio momen seismik dengan energi seismik (Θ), durasi rupture (To), dan parameter... more
My draft notes for the Environmental Audit Committee's oral discussions on 5th April 2017 at the Houses of Parliament without references given here. The oral session draft was published on 28th April 2017 with the final text still in... more
Telah terjadi gempabumi di Nias, pada tanggal 28 Maret 2005 yang menyebabkan korban meninggal dunia sebanyak 1.000 jiwa, 300 orang terluka, dan 300 bangunan rusak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan pemodelan tsunami dari pengolahan data... more
This article documents the near-field effects of the largest tsunami of 2012 (globally), which occurred following Canada’s second-largest recorded earthquake, on a thrust fault offshore western Haida Gwaii on October 28 (UTC). Despite a... more
This study provides a case history of tsunami deposition in a carbonate-dominated environmental setting. We present the results of a sedimentological investigation conducted on deposits formed by the 25 October 2010 Mentawai Island... more
Περίληψη Τα τρισδιάστατα γραφικά αποτελούν έναν τρόπο αναπαράστασης της πληροφορίας. Η χρήση της τρισδιάστατης αναπαράστασης είναι ευρεία και εφαρμόζεται σε όλα τα πεδία της καθημερινής ζωής. Εφαρμογές τρισδιάστατης αναπαράστασης συναντά... more
Tsunamis symbolize one of the most harmful natural disasters for low-lying coastal zones and their residents, due to both its destructive power and irregularity. The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, which attack the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand,... more
We have chara to 2012 in Indonesia, based on source parameter analysis. mechanism derived by W phase seismic energy (E) and the the rupture duration (To) and of the earthquakes (24 events) types, a shallow focal depth (12 km (6.6 ≤ M w ≤... more
Scenarios represent a very useful technique for the definition and evaluation of tsunami hazard and risk for any given region, and a basic step in the frame of tsunami mitigation and preparedness and of sustainable coastal zone... more
El presente documento describe brevemente los esfuerzos por coordinar acciones entre instituciones de los diferentes niveles del estado, hacia la conformación de un sistema de alerta temprana en caso de tsunamis, en lo relativo a la... more
The great outer-rise earthquake (Mw 8.3) occurred near the Sunda trench, Indonesia, on 19 August 1977. The earthquake has been previously studied using seismological data. The earthquake generated a large tsunami that caused severe damage... more
The repetitive narrative that, "Tsunami waves and receded coastal water initiated by an earthquake are closely related," is analyzed through the sequential events that followed the earthquake; a mechanism based on the interaction of... more
In this research, the effect of architectural plan or structural diagram on building behavior against earthquake with equivalent static and dynamic method sis evaluated and the results of the equivalent static and dynamic analysis as well... more
On 9 July A.D. 551, a large earthquake, followed by a tsunami, destroyed most of the coastal cities of Phoenicia (modern-day Lebanon). Tripoli is reported to have “drowned,” and Berytus (Beirut) did not recover for nearly 1300 yr... more
Tsunamis symbolize one of the most harmful natural disasters for low-lying coastal zones and their residents, due to both its destructive power and irregularity. The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, which attack the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand,... more