Tsunami Geology

32 papers
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Tsunami geology is the study of geological features and processes associated with tsunamis, including sediment deposition, landform changes, and the historical record of tsunami events. It aims to understand the impact of tsunamis on coastal environments and to improve hazard assessment and mitigation strategies.
An 8th century CE earthquake severely damaged inland cities across the southern-central Levant, but reported evidence of this earthquake along the coastline is scarce. In Caesarea Maritima, archaeologists have found contemporaneous... more
The morphology of beach ridge plains along active margins can be used to reconstruct coastal subsidence during large megathrust earthquakes. Here we use satellite imagery and automatic level surveys to reconstruct the build-up of a new... more
The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full... more
Preliminary estimate of the scale of the Mega Tsunami in Antarctica (Ed 4s 30.01. 2023)ENGl Preface Unfortunately, it turned out that the text was damaged, so I had to make a fourth revision. One of the reason for creating this edition... more
Optical dating of liquefied sand structures formed during major earthquakes in Upper Assam, northeast of India, has been carried out to constrain the timing of prehistoric earthquakes in this seismically active region. The bleaching of... more
Tsu nami de pos its have not pre vi ously been re corded along the south ern coast of the Bal tic Sea. The re sults of pres ent research pro vide ev i dence of high-en ergy event lay ers that oc cur on the bot tom of two hemi spher i cal... more
The 26th December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) emanated from an Mw 9.2 earthquake that generated a 1600 km-long rupture along the Sumatran Megathrust and generated tsunami waves up to 30 m high. The IOT directly impacted the Bay of... more
Geoslicer is a field gear for active fault geology studies invented in Japan, in 1997. It was formerly addressed to overcome some difficulties in studying active faults. Lately, it has also been applied for tsunami, geological,... more
The December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami prompted an unprecedented research effort to find ancient precursors and quantify the recurrence time of such a deadly natural disaster. This effort, however, has focused primarily along the... more
The December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake's epicenter was 163 kms away from Great Nicobar, the southern most island from the archipelago and hence it was strongly felt in the entire Andaman & Nicobar group of islands including Car Nicobar.... more
The Chilean tsunami of 22 May 1960 reamed out a breach and built up a fan as it flowed across a sparsely inhabited beach-ridge plain near Maullín, midway along the length of the tsunami source. Eyewitnesses to the flooding, interviewed... more
A morpho-geophysical investigation of two beaches in Thailand over the last decade shows that they have completely recovered from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami (IOT) without any human intervention. Although the beach systems show... more
Sandy onshore deposits from tsunamis are difficult to distinguish from storm deposits, which makes it difficult to assess coastal hazards from the geological record. Here we analyse environmental DNA from microbial communities preserved... more
Identification of extreme events in the sedimentary record relies on the correct characterisation of the deposit by means of multiple parameters and different diagnostic criteria. Multiple proxies based on well-tested geological,... more
To evaluate the potential of optical dating (OSL) in establishing a proper tsunami chronology for Phra Thong Island (SW Thailand), the method was applied to a suite of tsunamigenic and littoral sandy deposits, for which independent age... more
The Holocene beach-ridge plain of Phra Thong Island (Ko Phra Thong, SW Thailand) provides sedimentary evidence of several palaeotsunamis, in addition to the deposit of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Due to poor preservation conditions,... more
We model postseismic changes to the shoreline of West Aceh, Indonesia, a region largely affected by the December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and ensuing Indian Ocean tsunami, using a crossshore morphodynamic model. Subsidence of... more
The 26 th December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) emanated from an Mw 9.2 earthquake that generated a 1600 km-long rupture along the Sumatran Megathrust and generated tsunami waves up to 30 m high. The IOT directly impacted the Bay of... more
The 26 th December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) emanated from an Mw 9.2 earthquake that generated a 1600 km-long rupture along the Sumatran Megathrust and generated tsunami waves up to 30 m high. The IOT directly impacted the Bay of... more
The Chilean tsunami of 22 May 1960 reamed out a breach and built up a fan as it flowed across a sparsely inhabited beach-ridge plain near Maullín, midway along the length of the tsunami source. Eyewitnesses to the flooding, interviewed... more
When dealing with fine-grained, organic-rich, colour-monotone, underwater marine sediment cores retrieved from the continental shelf or slope, the initial visual impression, upon split-opening the vessels, is often of a... more
Nagapattinam, in the east coast of India, was severely affected during the deadliest Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004. The tsunami caused heavy damage to life and property, and the death toll was about 3,378 in Nagapattinam... more
The tsunami generated by the offshore Samos Island earthquake (Mw = 7.0, 30 October 2020) is the largest in the Aegean Sea since 1956 CE. Our study was based on field surveys, video records, eyewitness accounts and far-field mareograms.... more
Optical dating of liquefied sand structures formed during major earthquakes in Upper Assam, northeast of India, has been carried out to constrain the timing of prehistoric earthquakes in this seismically active region. The bleaching of... more
In August 2005, a team surveyed the effects of the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on the southern coast of Oman. Runup and inundation were obtained at 41 sites, extending over a total of 750 km of shoreline. Measured runup ranged from... more
The tsunami generated by the offshore Samos Island earthquake (Mw = 7.0, 30 October 2020) is the largest in the Aegean Sea since 1956 CE. Our study was based on field surveys, video records, eyewitness accounts and far-field mareograms.... more
As many as seven tsunamis from the past 8000 years are evidenced by sand sheets that rest on buried wetland soils at Badabalu, southern Andaman Island, along northern part of the fault rupture of the giant 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquake.... more
The 17 July 2006 magnitude Mw 7.8 earthquake off the south coast of western Java, Indonesia, generated a tsunami that effected over 300 km of coastline and killed more than 600 people, with locally focused runup heights exceeding 20 m.... more
The Chilean tsunami of 22 May 1960 reamed out a breach and built up a fan as it flowed across a sparsely inhabited beach-ridge plain near Maullín, midway along the length of the tsunami source. Eyewitnesses to the flooding, interviewed... more
As many as seven tsunamis from the past 8000 years are evidenced by sand sheets that rest on buried wetland soils at Badabalu, southern Andaman Island, along northern part of the fault rupture of the giant 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquake.... more
The 26 th December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) emanated from an Mw 9.2 earthquake that generated a 1600 km-long rupture along the Sumatran Megathrust and generated tsunami waves up to 30 m high. The IOT directly impacted the Bay of... more
The December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman tsunami prompted an unprecedented research effort to find ancient precursors and quantify the recurrence time of such a deadly natural disaster. This effort, however, has focused primarily along the... more
In August 2005, a team surveyed the effects of the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on the southern coast of Oman. Runup and inundation were obtained at 41 sites, extending over a total of 750 km of shoreline. Measured runup ranged from... more
for facilities and encouragement. Faculty and staff members of IHBT herbarium are thanked for guidance and fruitful discussions. The State Forest Department, Himachal Pradesh is acknowledged for help and support. Department of... more
apporti tecnici L'esercitazione nazionale di protezione civile sul rischio sismico "Nord-Est 2013" (13-15 settembre 2013) e la partecipazione dell'INGV. Report finale Anno 2013_Numero 264
An examination of the coastal geomorphology of bays along the Otago coastline, SE New Zealand, has identified a geomorphology consistent with tsunami inundation. A tsunami geomorphology consisting of a number of elements including dune... more
for facilities and encouragement. Faculty and staff members of IHBT herbarium are thanked for guidance and fruitful discussions. The State Forest Department, Himachal Pradesh is acknowledged for help and support. Department of... more
Stratigraphic records from west coast of South Andaman Island revealed evidence of three historical earthquakes and associated transoceanic tsunamis during past 1000 yrs, in addition to the Mw 9.3 tsunamigenic earthquake of 26 December,... more
Literature of the ancient Chola Dynasty (A.D. 9th-11th centuries) of South India and recent archaeological excavations allude to a sea flood that crippled the ancient port at Kaveripattinam, a trading hub for Southeast Asia, and probably... more