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      Critical TheoryAnthropologyPhilosophyMetaphysics
ABSTRACT: Minimalists about truth contend that traditional inflationary theories systematically fail to explain certain facts about truth, and that this failure licenses a 'reversal of explanatory direction'. Once reversed, they purport... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageTruthPhilosophical Logic
本論は、平成27年度京都大学文学部・文学研究科・研究科横断Bタイプ集中講義「論理学上級I」(平成28年1月23日〜24日)のために、ウソツキのパラドックスへの対応を軸に、真理理論の初歩を解説するものである。本授業は、歴史的正確さをある程度犠牲にし、現代的な論理学の立場からタルスキ・クリプキらの理論を再構成するとともに、現代行われている古典論理上の公理的真理理論や非古典論理上の真理理論研究を紹介し、それらがいかなる哲学的アイディアに基づいており、どのような道が両者の間に通ってい... more
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      Philosophical LogicTruth theoryTheory of Truth
The quest to provide a fundamental understanding and explanation of reality is an ambitious one. Perhaps it is too ambitious. The possible restrictions for such an enterprise to be successful must be inquired in order to determine the... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsCalculusPhilosophyMetaphysics
Alethic functionalism, as propounded by Michael Lynch, is the view that there are different ways to be true, but that these differences nevertheless contain enough unity to forestall outright pluralism. This view has many virtues. Yet,... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Mind
A close attempt to what it says, in the context of Programmable Heuristics, slightly more human approach here.
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      Probability TheoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceStructural Scientific Realism
Fictional and non-ctional texts rely on the same language to express their meaning; yet many philosophers in the analytic tradition would say, with reason, that ctional texts literally make no truth claims, or more modestly that the... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyLogicTranslation StudiesPragmatics
We review three pairwise similar paradoxes, the modest liar paradox, McGee’s paradox and Yablo’s paradox, which imply the ω- inconsistency. We show that is caused by the fact that co-inductive def- initions of formulae are possible... more
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    • Truth theory
ABSTRACT: The theme of this special issue is minimalism about truth, featuring original new work---both critical and constructive---from Keith Simmons, Cezary Cieśliński, Teresa Marques, Anil Gupta, Shawn Standefer, Andrew Howat, Filippo... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTruthPhilosophical LogicStates of Affairs, Facts, Propositions
Recently, co-induction plays a very important role in computer science to represent behaviors of non-terminate automatons [MT91][Cq93]. Now philosophers begin to study languages whose formulae are constructed co-inductively, ie these... more
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    • Truth theory
A new approach to truth is offered which dispenses with the truth predicate, and replaces it with a special kind of quantifier which simultaneously binds variables in sentential and nominal positions. The resulting theory of truth for a... more
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      TruthTheories of truth (Philosophy)Alfred TarskiAnaphora