Truth and Reconciliation Commission

247 papers
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A Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is a temporary body established to investigate and address past human rights violations, promote healing, and foster national unity. It typically involves public hearings, documentation of testimonies, and recommendations for reparations and institutional reforms, aiming to acknowledge injustices and facilitate societal reconciliation.
Desmond Tutu, a prominent South African Anglican bishop and social rights activist, introduced the Fourfold Path to Forgiveness as a framework for achieving reconciliation and healing in post-conflict societies. This path consists of four... more
wrote a dissertation on ideas about language in Euripides' tragedies at Leiden University and now teaches classics at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and the Murmelliusgymnasium in Alkmaar. They thank the anonymous referees of this... more
ABSTRACT. The author seeks to explore to what extent it is possible for victims and survivors to “get on with life ” in the shift from a systematically abusive society to what Rajeev Bhargava has so aptly called “a minimally decent... more
Feminism is a social and political movement that promotes gender equality, and it has grown significantly over the course of the 20th century. Women's rights made considerable achievements during this time period, including suffrage... more
African traditional society has used several approaches to conflict resolution that have combined the customary tribunal, elders' councils, amicable family arrangements, tribal courts and intercommunity tribunals. These strategies have... more
A group of Cape Town Holocaust Centre volunteer educators were shown a video of an apology from a representative of bystanders who had lived in Germany in World War II apologising for not stopping a specific act of violence. The research... more
This essay examines the value of educating for peace. It does this through a consideration of the African cultural world-view known as ubuntu, which highlights the essential unity of humanity and emphasises the importance of constantly... more
This study examines the cultural world-view known as Ubuntu which highlights the essential unity of humanity and emphasizes the importance of constantly referring to the principles of empathy, sharing and cooperation in our efforts to... more
The article examines the manner in which the imperatives of national unity and reconciliation in South Africa have been pursued at the expense of economic, social and psychological reparation to the majority of South Africans. Notably,... more
Higher penalties may apply, and higher damages may be awarded, for offences and infringements involving the conversion of material into digital or electronic form. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this thesis are those... more
Higher penalties may apply, and higher damages may be awarded, for offences and infringements involving the conversion of material into digital or electronic form. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this thesis are those... more
In this episode, we put a spotlight on the Democratic Republic of Congo where a truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) was established in 2003, in an attempt to bring an end to hostilities and pave the way to democratization. However,... more
With this issue, we are pleased to present a special section of "Chicana Conversations" that features interviews with Vicki L. Ruiz and Virginia Espino (conducted by Anupama Arora, Laura K. Muñoz, and Sandrine Sanos) with an introduction... more
x, 208 p.In this dissertation "literariness" is defined not merely as a quality of form by which texts are evaluated as literary, but as an immanent and critical sensibility by which reading, writing, speaking, learning, and... more
While political conflicts in many countries have resulted in large-scale destruction and loss of life, South Africa has been successful in avoiding a violent conflict following the demise of apartheid. The Truth and Reconciliation... more
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This case study investigates the role that racism plays as a risk factor for the recurrence of atrocity crimes in South Africa. In South Africa, widespread despair and discontent brought about by the state’s failure to meet citizens’... more
Mining towns, like cities, are experiencing similar outcomes of rapid-urbanisation where the opportunities that are presented by mass urbanisation and migration (economic growth, jobs and increased social engagement) are increasingly... more
According to Charles Hauss, "[i]n the last few years, reconciliation has become one of the 'hottest' topics in the increasingly 'hot' field of conflict resolution" (2003, ¶1). However, despite the apparent interest in this "hot" academic... more
In the context of the fairly recent Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRC), I examine phenomenologically the nature of truth as the essential condition for overcoming social and political conflicts, and as an instrument for enforcing... more
She is also the editor of the forthcoming book on the contributions of truth commissions in general, titled Telling the Truths: Truth Telling and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Societies.
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Psychosocial staff at a war crimes tribunal in Sierra Leone conducted interviews with 147 witnesses after they completed their testimony. The interviewers asked participants to describe the most positive and most difficult aspects of... more
This article is an attempt to describe the use of the Bible in the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (AFM). From the early stages of the church's humble beginnings, the use of Scripture changed in accordance with the social and... more
This article examines the external and internal dimensions of post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone. The United Nations, bilateral donors such as the United Kingdom, and transnational non-governmental organizations and aid agencies... more
This research aims to provide a comprehensive literature review on the use of games in accounting learning, both in manual and digital formats. Currently, students experience a decline in concentration when learning accounting concepts,... more
The article focuses on survivors' perspectives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It probes their feelings, thoughts and views both before and after interacting with the Commission. Their feelings and opinions about... more
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now... more
This Essay will argue that any transitional mechanism must be by its nature and temporal historical location a politically contested instrument. This can have differing political and social impacts, and impact on the human rights culture... more
This article examines the relationship between Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Based mainly on interviews with NGO and TRC staff, the article outlines the various ways that NGOs... more
Countries going through democratic transition have to address how they will deal with the human rights crimes committed during the authoritarian era. In the context of amnesty for perpetrators, truth commissions have emerged as a standard... more
The aspiration [of a society] is for a democratic polity and prosperity at home. And this must be achieved simultaneously. Neither must be forsaken for the other since each meets a different need. Democracy is fulfilling for the citizen... more
The assumption of responsibility by all parties involved is essential to the reconciliation process. A survey conducted by the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation suggests that the majority of white South Africans are... more
Countries going through democratic transition have to address how they will deal with the human rights crimes committed during the authoritarian era. In the context of amnesty for perpetrators, truth commissions have emerged as a standard... more
An electronic version of this book is freely available, thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched. KU is a collaborative initiative designed to make high quality books Open Access for the public good. The Open... more
The adoption of a resolution by the United Nations declaring 2009 the International Year of Reconciliation signaled the remarkable influence of truth commissions in international and domestic law. This article is a reflection on truth... more
Interviews were conducted with 147 witnesses (109 men, 38 women) after they had testified in the Special Court for Sierra Leone, a tribunal jointly established by the United Nations and the Sierra Leonean government to prosecute... more
The literature on norms is dominated by debates over the definition of norms, discussion of the evolution of norms, norm diffusion, or norm implementation, and accounts of positive features associated with norms such as cooperation,... more
While political conflicts in many countries have resulted in large-scale destruction and loss of life, South Africa has been successful in avoiding a violent conflict following the demise of apartheid. The Truth and Reconciliation... more
In this episode, we put a spotlight on the Democratic Republic of Congo where a truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) was established in 2003, in an attempt to bring an end to hostilities and pave the way to democratization. However,... more