Tropical forest
Recent papers in Tropical forest
SUMMARY Theobroma cacao L. originated in America and has been as- sociated with the development of various Indian cultures in the tropical forest. Its beans are used for the production of food, beverages and sweets. The demand of cocoa... more
Forest Certification is seen as a market-driven mechanism to encourage forest enterprises to follow sustainable forestry practices, that pay equal attention to environmental/ ecological, social and economic sustainability criteria. There... more
The abilities of species to use the matrix of modi®ed habitats surrounding forest fragments may aect their vulnerability in fragmented landscapes. We used long-term (up to 19-year) studies of four animal groups in central Amazonia to test... more
To mitigate global climate change, a portfolio of strategies will be needed to keep the atmospheric CO 2 concentration below a dangerous level. Here a carbon sequestration strategy is proposed in which certain dead or live trees are... more
Multiple-use forestry Community forest management Forest concessions Tropical forest management Integrated conservation and development projects Guatemala a b s t r a c t
Brazil’s planned reconstruction of the BR-319 (Manaus-Porto Velho) Highway paralleling the Purus and Madeira rivers would give deforesters access to about half of what remains of the country’s Amazon forest, and so is perhaps the most... more
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Malaysian scientists are making a global impact in the discipline of tropical forest hydrology. Recent hydrological research conducted within Sabah and other Malaysian states has the potential to provide new scientific evidence to further... more
We tested the hypothesis that the El Niño Southern Oscillation influences forest-wide fruit production, which, in turn, limits frugivorous and granivorous mammals on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. Observations of BCI mammals have... more
The ''Proyecto Pavo'' is a project dedicated to the conservation of the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) through sustainable use of the species in multiple-use, community-managed forest concessions of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in... more
Linear infrastructure such as roads, highways, power lines and gas lines are omnipresent features of human activity and are rapidly expanding in the tropics. Tropical species are especially vulnerable to such infrastructure because they... more
Forest fire is of both local and global concern. Large scale fires are not part of the natural disturbance of tropical rain forests but this threat has increased in the last few decades. Under global warming, Indonesia is projected to... more
Tropical deforestation remains a critical issue given its present rate and a widespread consensus regarding its implications for the global carbon cycle and biodiversity. Nowhere is the problem more pronounced than in the Amazon basin,... more
Wild animals have been a source of food and income through subsistence hunting by forest-dwelling people in Neotropical countries in spite of the fact that hunting appears to be unsustainable as it leads to the depletion of wild fauna.... more
We studied the flight activity of two stingless bee species (Meliponula ferruginea and Meliponula nebulata) and the environmental factors influencing their flight. Two morphs of M. ferruginea were studied: M. ferruginea (brown) in Budongo... more
Termites play an important role in decomposition processes in savanna and tropical forest ecosystems. In the process of mound building, termites modify the physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics of the soil they use for... more
Carbon stock distribution in different tropical forest types in India is rarely studied although India is a country with mega-diversity. The present study estimates the biomass and carbon stock of major tropical forest types in India, and... more
Ha Long Bay in North Vietnam is characterized by karst towers and bigger islands totalling more than 3000 isles. Karst processes carved hundreds of caves out of the limestone and contributed to the formation of many enclosed and... more
Leaf-cutting ants (Atta spp.) are known for their extensive defoliation in neo-tropical forests and savannahs. Debate about the costs and benefits of their activities has been largely dominated by their detrimental effects on agriculture... more
A B S T R A C T Major hydroelectric dams are among key emergent agents of habitat loss and fragmentation in lowland tropical forests. Orchid bees (Apidae, Euglossini) are one of the most important groups of specialized pollinators of... more
Soil organic matter (SOM) is a key factor in ecosystem dynamics. A better understanding of the global relationship between environmental characteristics, ecosystems and SOM chemistry is vital in order to assess its specific influence on... more
We report the results of a 2-yr survey that determined some of the host plant and parasitoid associations of Anastrepha fruit ßies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the "Montes Azules" tropical rainforest biosphere reserve (State of Chiapas,... more
Singapore effectively extends the distribution of trees into urban areas and consequently challenges the customary definition of "forest". The impacts of these programs and initiatives illustrate how fragmentation characterizes the... more
Biological impacts of climate warming are predicted to increase with latitude, paralleling increases in warming. However, the magnitude of impacts depends not only on the degree of warming but also on the number of species at risk, their... more
Seed desiccation sensitivity limits the ex situ conservation of up to 47 % of plant species, dependent on habitat. Whilst desirable, empirically determining desiccation tolerance levels in seeds of all species is unrealistic. A... more
With an estimated 558 million people managing 1 billion hectares of agroforests worldwide, TFT’s new guide to working with smallholder agroforest managers is aimed at empowering communities to successfully launch sustainable forest... more
Contrary to the general trend in the tropics, forests have recovered in Puerto Rico from less than 10% of the landscape in the late 1940s to more than 40% in the present. The recent Puerto Rican history of forest recovery provides the... more
Ian Redmond reports from his former study site on Mt Elgon, Kenya, then attended the Brazzaville ivory burn, and asks how the latter can help protect the former. Ian Redmond, Obe is a wildlife biologist and conservationist, known for his... more
Networks of protected areas (PAs) form the backbone for biodiversity conservation worldwide. The effectiveness of protected areas has been studied and it has been shown that confounding factors, such as remoteness and accessibility ,... more
Birds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change – particularly in regard to the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems. In... more
The current scale of deforestation in tropical regions and the large areas of degraded lands now present underscore the urgent need for interventions to restore biodiversity, ecological functioning, and the supply of goods and ecological... more
Forest Regeneration in a Chronosequence of Tropical Abandoned Pastures: Implications for Restoration Ecology T.Mitchell Aide1 Jess K. Zimmerman2 John B. Pascarella1'3 Luis Rivera4 Humfredo Marcano-Vega1 Abstract During the ...
Plants can develop novel adaptations for nutrient acquisition in nutrient-limited ecosystems. These adaptations include colonization by roots of tree trunks and logs that can act as nutrient reservoirs. Termites may facilitate this root... more
This paper focuses on the extensive urbanisation of the Eastern Amazon, where human settlements date back to an era when total cooperation existed between man and nature, a time when land, water, forest and people were perceived as... more
The failure of most efforts undertaken to restore natural high-diversity tropical forests, like the Atlantic Forest, has resulted in a very intense round of discussions on the science and best-practice of ecological restoration in the... more
Nitrogen fixation, the biological conversion of di-nitrogen to plant-available ammonium, is the primary natural input of nitrogen to ecosystems 1 , and influences plant growth and carbon exchange at local to global scales 2-6 . The role... more