Recent papers in Trilobita
Petrografía y paleontología de las rocas paleozoicas en el área de Buill (42ºS), costa norte del fiordo Reñihue, Región de los Lagos. Memoria para optar al título de geólogo
Le Sud du Maroc recèle un incomparable ensemble d'archives paléontologiques sur les premiers développements de la Vie durant près de 180 millions d'années. Au travers d'illustrations somptueuses, servies par un texte remarquablement... more
Trilobiten sind eine ausgestorbene, rein auf das Erdaltefium (Paläozoikum) beschränkte Gruppe mariner Arthropoden (Gliedertiere). Heute noch lebende Arthropoden sind die Crustacea (Krebstiere), die Chelicerata (Spinnentiere), die... more
The middle Cambrian succession of Utah’s West Desert offers an outstanding record of one of the most important periods in Earth history, and in recent decades it has provided one of the most important faunal records of this time interval... more
Despite previous investigations, the function of the forked morphology of asaphid trilobite hypostomes is enigmatic. The focus of this study is the large and robust forked hypostome of the largest known genus of trilobite, Isotelus, and... more
The illaenid trilobite Vysocania is widely represented in the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain, and is one of the most characteristic taxa in the high-latitude peri-Gondwana palaeobiogeographical region to which... more
Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadiran Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat dan karunia-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan judul " Kelas Trilobita " untuk memenuhi tugas pada mata kuliah Paloentologi. Dalam... more
Aconsolidated list of available generic names introduced since the beginning of the binomial nomenclature system for trilobites is presented for the first time. Each entry is accompanied by the author and date of availability, by the... more
Contributions to the knowledge of Phacopina (Trilobita). The giant phacopids From Maider, SE-Moroccan Pre-Sahara. The giant trilobites from the Middle Devonian of the Maider area - which attain a total length of 12-17 cm. and... more
The digestive system of trilobites is rarely preserved. As a result, many aspects of its organization remain unknown. Fortunately, the exoskeleton sometimes preserves evidence of soft-tissue attachment sites that can be used to infer... more
The new ellipsocephaloid trilobite species Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus has a spectacular morphology because of a unique set of two long and anteriorly recurved spines on the occipital ring and the axial ring of thoracic segment 8.... more
A new genus of Lichidae (Parvilichas n. gen., with the type species P. marochii n. sp.) is described from the Floian of the Tinzouline (Zagora region, Morocco). Its closest relative is Uralichas Delgado, 1892, but Parvilichas n. gen.... more
Trilobites are often considered exemplary for understanding the Cambrian explosion of animal life, due to their unsurpassed diversity and abundance. These biomineralized arthropods appear abruptly in the fossil record with an established... more
Seventeen species from 14 genera of Tremadocian and Darriwilian trilobites, plus two taxa recognizable only down to family level, have been documented from the Lower to Middle Ordovician succession of the Deh-Molla area, southeast of... more
Remains of a digestive system from a slightly damaged articulated specimen of the comparatively rare bathycheilid trilobite Prionocheilus vokovicensis (Šnajdr, 1956) are described for the first time. The specimen comes from the Middle... more
The sub-surface section of the Middle Ordovician Sueve Formation of the Cantabrian Zone, studied during the construction of a tunnel in the A-8 free highway of northern Spain, provided abundant fossiliferous horizons rich in trilobites of... more
A lack of well resolved biostratigraphic data has prevented robust regional and global correlation of lower Cam-brian successions from South Australia. A new early Cambrian biostratigraphy, based on data derived from 21 measured... more
The new ellipsocephaloid trilobite species Kingaspidoides spinirecurvatus has a spectacular morphology because of a unique set of two long and anteriorly recurved spines on the occipital ring and the axial ring of thoracic segment 8.... more
Trilobiten sind eine ausgestorbene, rein auf das Erdaltertum (Paläozoikum) beschränkte Gruppe mariner Arthropoden (Gliedertiere). Heute noch lebende Arthropoden sind die Crustacea (Krebstiere), die Chelicerata (Spinnentiere), die... more
Trilobites are an iconic group of extinct arthropods that lived in Palaeozoic oceans for c. 270 Ma, before their demise at the end of the Permian Period. Despite their considerable diversity (> 22 000 species) and abundance, particularly... more
A new otarionine trilobite Otarionella rastrum sp. nov., from the late Emsian Mont Peyroux Formation (Montagne Noire, France), is described. Silicified remains, recovered from the underlying Bissounel Formation (early to late Emsian), are... more
Abundant trilobite remains were recovered from late mid−Famennian marlstones from various sites in Eastern Tafilalet, southeast Morocco. All belong to a single taxon previously identified as Cyrtosymbole (Waribole) prima. This taxon is... more
Estudios Geológicos [online] Manuscrito aceptado Accepted manuscript Autor(es) Author(s): Esteve, J. Título (original, ES): Title (original, ES): Revisión del... more
"Members of Ceratarges Gürich are known from Devonian strata in various countries but they have not yet been formally described from Morocco. Ceratarges ziregensis sp. nov., Ceratarges koumalii sp. nov. and Ceratarges aries sp. nov.... more
Trilobites are a minor component of Permian benthic marine faunas, which explains why they remain poorly known. For example, only two specimens have been found in the highly fossiliferous and extensively studied Middle-Upper Permian... more
Quantitative data reveal a complex evolution of late trilobite diversity. In the Mid- to early Late Devonian, a series of extinction events led to a drastic taxonomic impoverishment. In the Famennian, while only two orders remained,... more
The presence of bollandiine trilobites is reported for the first time in the early Carboniferous of Moravia, the Czech Republic. Bollandia persephone (Hahn & Hahn, 1970) and B. cf. megaira (Hahn & Hahn, 1970) were recovered from pelitic... more