Recent papers in Trichterbecher
The Neolithic settlement and land use history in northwestern Germany is subject to detailed archaeological and palynological investigations that are carried out within the framework of the DFG priority program “Early Monumentality... more
The discussion on the mutual relations of various elements within the Funnel Beaker culture has been on for almost half a century now. It currently involves the third generation of researchers, and it is quite likely that the next... more
In Windehausen konnte ein rechteckiges Grubenhaus aus dem Spätneolithikum mit einer Grundfläche von etwa 7 Quadratmetern dokumentiert werden. Das daraus stammende keramische Fundmaterial ist unverziert, es kommen doppelkonische... more
The paper presents fins from the settlement of the Funnel Beaker culture on Site 10 in Szumów, Puławy district (AZP 74-78/69). The site is located on sands, on the northern foreland of the Nałęczów Plateau, on the Lubartów Upland. On the... more
Ein neuer Hausgrundriss der Trichterbecher-Westgruppe aus Visbek (Lkr.Vechta) In Visbek-Uhlenkamp II wurde bei baubegleitenden Ausgrabungen der Firma denkmal3D eine neolithische Mikroregion– bestehend aus Siedlung und Grablegen –... more
Abstract Since 2009, various research groups within the framework of the Priority Program 1400 “Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation” have investigated the material legacy from societies of Funnel Beaker times in North Central... more
During the excavations in 1983-1985 carried-out by Sławomir Jastrzębski on Site 1C in Gródek, Hrubieszów district, 44 settlement structures of the Funnel Beaker culture and also an ditch and a pit of the Lublin-Volhynia culture were... more
In this article the author presents presumed importance of Moravian enclave of the Funnel Beaker culture graves for the development of some of the tombs in the loess soils of the Lesser Poland and Lublin regions. He presents several... more
The primary aim of the master diploma thesis is localization of sites of Funnel Beaker Culture in designated area of research and compilation of catalogue of sites. The sphere of research is area of the East Bohemia defined by East... more
The aim of this article is to present views for the origin of Niedźwiedź type tombs in the Eastern group of the TRB culture. The characteristics of these structures include: the presence of a foundation trench in which a wooden palisade... more
Our archaeological legacy has produced cultural classification systems and chronologies that hamper understanding culture change and human interaction. Thus, archaeologists argue about traditional concepts, such as cultural boundaries,... more
At the southern fringes of the Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB) burial architecture consists largely of "earthen long-barrows". Such long-mounds are thought to be typical for most of the TRB, although they are relatively rare in nearly all... more
This contribution focuses on the ceramics from the type site of the Swifterbant culture, Swifterbant S3 (4300-4000 calBC). The analysis focuses on the correlation between temper, wall-thickness and quality of the pottery. It is concluded... more
Dutch hunebedden often contain large assemblages of TRB pottery deposited over a long period of time. Many fragmentary vessels are represented by this sherd material and many distinctive vessel types are identifiable. The material is... more
This paper presents set of clay replicas of the polished stone industry. They appear prevailingly in the Early and Middle Eneolithic periods and their occurrence is related to set of finds especially from upland sites and also in caves in... more
zusammen mit Ronald Heynowski, Matthias Jörke, Gunar Seifert, Michael Strobel, Ulrich Veit und Richard Vogt
The aim of this paper is to re-evaluate two megaliths - tomb 8 at Sarnowo and tomb 1 at Świerczynek. A starting point of the analysis is presentation of conceptions of a palimpsest and perspectivism, which, in this case, are effective... more
kunst und kultur Eine verheerende Sturmflut im Jahre 1872 brachte auf der Insel Hiddensee Teile des Goldschmuckes zutage, der zu den qualitätvollsten Zeugnissen der wikingischen Goldschmiedekunst gehört und das Wahrzeichen des... more
(english abstract) Excavations of late-medieval and younger farmstead sites in the peatland of the Matsloot-Roderwolde polder, nowadays part of De Onlanden, yielded hundreds of flint artefacts. Surprisingly, these finds did not only... more
In the course of wide-area excavations of Site 52 in Pawłosiów there were identified 26 spindle whorl of the Funnel Beaker culture in various state of preservation. In analysis of the collection a detail metric and quantitative... more
Geographic, climatic, and archaeological data provide contextual information to complement theories on the emergence of monumental architecture and the development of prehistoric social complexity in Central Europe. Environmental,... more
"The Neolithic settlement and land use history in northwestern Germany is subject to detailed archaeological and palynological investigations that are carried out within the framework of the DFG priority program “Early... more
This paper deals with the diffculty to find settlement sites of the Funnel Beaker culture in the Dutch province of Drenthe. It proposes that due to the locational preference for sandy soils poor in loam preservation of features is poor.
Zusammenfassung Seit 2009 untersuchen verschiedene Forschergruppen im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogrammes 1400, "Frühe Monumentalität und so-ziale Diferenzierung", die materielle Hinterlassenschaft der trichter-becherzeitlichen... more
Geographic, climatic, and archaeological data provide contextual information to complement theories on the emergence of monumental architecture and the development of prehistoric social complexity in Central Europe. Environmental,... more