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El presente libro hace una lectura del textil andino como un repositorio documental sobre la esfera tributaria y argüimos que las huellas sobre esta esfera perviven en la terminología textil hasta hoy. Percibimos el textil como... more
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      TextilesAndesAndean studiesKhipus (quipus) colonial Peru
Chief Justice Zazzali's career reveals a dedication to public service and an unyielding sympathy for the disadvantaged. Accordingly, this Tribute examines his impact on New Jersey civil law and seeks to honor both the man and his... more
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      Civil LawSupreme CourtNew JerseyTribute
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar las recientes investigaciones arqueológicas relativas al transporte marítimo de grano en época romana, tratando de indicar a su vez las limitaciones de estas fuentes de información. Los resultados... more
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      Roman HistoryFood HistoryShipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping
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""The common understanding of early Chinese diplomacy largely is informed by the term 'tributary system:' during the Han period, foreign entities mainly engaged with the Chinese empire in order to secure economic profit. This view is... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryChinese StudiesTransnational and World HistorySinology
Ce sont les hommes qui produisent ce qui existe: on vit de ce qui est dans leurs bras, quand on en manque, la misère règne" (Texte du Moyen-Empire égyptien 1 "Riche je suis, par ma grande lance, mon épée et le beau bouclier qui protège la... more
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      Alexander the GreatIrrigation water ManagementAchaemenid HistoryHellenistic period
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      EmpirePersepolis Fortification and Treasury ArchivesAchaemenid HistoryANE Cylinder Seals
During Late Antiquity, the Persians almost regularly demanded money from Rome. Although the Roman sources try to interpret these payments as subsidies, I argue that the paid sums were actually quite insignificant. The real purpose of the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryInternational Relations
1-Issues raised by Welles, Royal Correspondence n°3 2-Greek cities and the grain from the King and Satraps 3-Royal surplus and exchanges A tributary system (what the Pseudo-Aristotle calls "the royal Economy") cannot live in a "closed"... more
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      Greek EpigraphyHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAchaemenid HistoryImpact of Taxes on Business Organization
Mısır’da Türk kökenli Memlükler tarafından kurulduktan sonra Moğol ilerleyişini durdurup, Suriye sahil şeridindeki Haçlı krallıklarını ele geçiren Memlük Devleti 1426 yılında, Khirokitia Savaşı neticesinde Kıbrıs Adası’na hakim olmuştur.... more
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      Mamluk StudiesCyprusKIBRISFamagusta
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      Roman EgyptRomeRoman AfricaGrain
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      tiglath-pileser IIITributesargon IISennacherib
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      BoliviaCitizenshipSiglo XIXTribute
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      Roman ArmyRoman EgyptRomeRoman food and drink
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      LawLegal EducationTributelegal remedies
In Trade, Tribute, and Transportation, Ross Hassig argues that indigenous towns in the northern Basin of Mexico during the colonial period were largely self-sufficient. They traded with Mexico City mostly in elite goods, but for the most... more
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      EthnohistoryHistorical ArchaeologyColonial AmericaAztecs
Tribute to the Master. And how he dealt with the intangible side of Architecture.
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      AestheticsDesignArchitectureContemporary Art
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      ArtMedieval Islamic HistoryTribute
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      SociologyAsian StudiesMulticulturalismDevelopment Studies
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      Egypt and CanaanTributePharaohs
Contents: Ann Corsellis: Preface - Brian Harris: Life of Brian Harris - Maria Jesus Blasco Mayor/Amparo Jimenez Ivars: Introduction - Brian Harris: !Cuentame como paso! - a memoir of machine translation in Montreal circa 1970 - Ricardo... more
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      Art HistoryArtTribute
My writing life has been a series of breakings and mendings, a shattering of the writing self that was, a repairing, through writing, of something in my life that warranted understanding and that needed fixing. Love for the written word... more
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      Art HistoryArtWomen WritersMemoir and Autobiography
Among the consignments sent by Canaanite rulers to the Pharaoh were maidservants whose names are rendered by variant designations (EA 64, 268, 288, 301, 309). Two Pharaonic letters sent to Canaanite vassals also mention a request for... more
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      Egypt and CanaanAmarna StudiesManpowerTribute
To borrow her words, a phenomenological woman genie, What shall we say to the Good Lord?
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      Odes (Classics)TributeMaya Angelou
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Just have a look to the file ;-)
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      AnesthesiologyHistory of MedicineMedecineAnesthesia
Steve Bishop lectures at City of Bristol College, Bristol, UK, and maintains the Reformational website www. He is a trustee of ThinkingFaith Network (formerly known as West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies... more
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My writing life has been a series of breakings and mendings, a shattering of the writing self that was, a repairing, through writing, of something in my life that warranted understanding and that needed fixing.
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      Art HistoryArtWomen WritersMemoir and Autobiography
My writing life has been a series of breakings and mendings, a shattering of the writing self that was, a repairing, through writing, of something in my life that warranted understanding and that needed fixing.
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      Art HistoryArtWomen WritersMemoir and Autobiography
Scholarship on Chosŏn gratitude to the Ming in the wake of the Imjin Wars stresses Chosŏn loyalism and nostalgia for a lost civilizational order then only remnant as a final human outpost on the Korean peninsula standing firm before the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Religion
This thesis aspires to contribute to a better understanding of the socio-economic and political conditions prevailing in the Balkans during Late Antiquity by examining closely the important Aegean province of Thessaly (provincia... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyUrbanismByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
As her colleagues and friends, we mourn the loss of a brilliant intellect, distinctive voice, and generous soul. The third and youngest daughter of Dieter and Renate Lührmann, she grew up with her sisters Silke and Susanne in... more
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      AnthropologyReligious StudiesHistorical StudiesTribute
Jim, we hardly knew you. You were taken from us before we were ready. So much more we could have learned from you. So much more you could have taught us. We listen for the sound of your voice, but all is still. Now we ask ourselves: What... more
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      Creative WritingEducational PsychologyCurriculum and InstructionEnglish language and literature
My writing life has been a series of breakings and mendings, a shattering of the writing self that was, a repairing, through writing, of something in my life that warranted understanding and that needed fixing.
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      Art HistoryArtWomen WritersMemoir and Autobiography
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    • Tribute
~ t l , , t i d ' \ t ( f~l i ) ''A v-~>; 1 )~{d \,((~\ >crlbe \Jkli Wt 0~u~~ ~rdh,\~Lrl/ Jh, (~~~J. ~~~,d-r-,,~h -r~, OH't~-?~ \h Hv\-..of Q/ (~i,t6b )(.f. ; : \1, 1. The main works written on the conscription and forc ed labor in Israel... more
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      TributeDiachronic Analysis
Fans have described Stevie Nicks as an embodiment of "amplified femininity", "beautiful and fierce", and "one of those sirens on the rock", while critics have written that Nicks was "the first woman to find a feminine way to rock", an... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
Este articulo examina las relaciones singulares entre vida y obra tramadas en la biografia que el colombiano Jose Maria Vargas Vila escribe sobre Ruben Dario en 1917, a partir de la hipotesis de que la misma interroga los lazos entre... more
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Ha sido costumbre contar todos los productos que aparecen en los grandes códices tributarios, pero hemos omitido hacer cuentas sobre lo que su existencia supone. En este artículo planteamos la necesidad de realizar esas cuentas,... more
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      MesoamericaCodex MendozaTribute
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      HistoriographyTributeCantabria (Spain)Palencia (Spain)
Ek was in een van die laaste groepie honneursstudente wat nog by prof. T.T. Cloete klas gekry het. Hy het teen daardie tyd reeds moeisaam beweeg en ons het sommer elke week na sy huis gegaan vir die lesings. Van daardie... more
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    • Tribute
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementInnovation ManagementTribute
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      TributeMaltese Art
Eu tinha seis anos de idade, era ruiva, cabelo crespo, dentuça, menina sardenta que se sentia muito desajeitada e com poucas habilidades nas aulas de Educação Física. Estudava em uma escola pública, morávamos em um prédio pequeno, na... more
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      Russian LiteratureArtMemoryMemória
A collection of more than forty tributes delivered at the funeral and subsequent shloshim assemblies in memory of Rabbi Dr. Bernard Lander, the remarkable Founder and first President of Touro College. The tributes contained within this... more
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      Jewish StudiesArtBiographyTribute
One of the giants in Czechoslovakia—now the Czech Republic—in plant water relations, Professor Jan Čermák, passed away on December 23, 2021, in Brno, Czech Republic. Following in the footsteps of earlier noted Czech physiological... more
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      Plant BiologyCzechEcologyMedicine
El Pais, 16 agosto 2013
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