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Daily life in a Mayan kingdom was a complex, multi-faceted -- and often times difficult -- way of life. Their geographic area encompassed a portion of Mesoamerica, from Southeastern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula down into Northern... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya HistoryMesoamerica (Anthropology)Mesoamerican Ethnohistory
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      GeographyArchaeologyJewish StudiesSemitic languages
This study discusses the relations between the peoples known as Sarmatians, Alans, Vandals, and other groups in the context of fluid identities and political affinities of Late Antiquity and early medieval Europe. It is argued that the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesByzantine HistoryTribal studiesGermanic Studies
The present study examined social maturity among tribal and non tribal adolescents with special reference to their type of school and stream. The study was confined to 280 tribal and non tribal adolescent students of government and... more
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    • Tribal studies
This paper covers the history and present situations of tribal development in Kerala
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      Tribal studiesSocio Economic problems of tribals
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyNutrition
The current research was conducted in Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan to explore the structure and procedure of the informal social justice system- commonly known as Jirga. The war on terror made it imperious for tribal Pakhtuns to bring back... more
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      PakistanTribal studiesTribal and customary lawsKhyber Pakhtunkhwa
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      ReligionInternational RelationsMiddle East StudiesHuman Rights Law
Residential schools for indigenous students are rarely conceptualised as castles of hope, but because of the difficulty of providing quality education in rural areas, they remain an option, or a necessity, for many indigenous students.... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyAdivasi StudiesTribal studies
The prime aim is to investigate whether the influence of social media have changed the cultural patterns of tribal society in West Bengal. Four districts of West Bengal, with 115 householders of 500 samples were selected for the present... more
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    • Tribal studies La question tribale est réapparue en Algérie suite aux révoltes survenues en Kabylie en avril 2001. Cet ouvrage constitue une contribution aux débats : qu'en... more
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      AnthropologyMiddle East & North AfricaAnthropology of the StateTribal studies
Considerations of Lawful Approach
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      Indigenous StudiesIndian LawInterfaith DialogueTribal studies
Short informative essay on how to conduct research in Oregon Tribal genealogy.
updated March 2015.
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      HistoryNative American StudiesGenealogyTribal studies
An ethnobotanical study in "Garo" ethnic community living in the Madhupur, Tangail district has been carried out. Information gathered through repeated visits to various sites, participant observations, structured, semi-structured and... more
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      EthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsTribal Culture and Local self GovermentHerbal Medicine
Child marriage reduction using provisions under POCSO Marriage is a universal, social institution and the multiplicity and variety of its forms serves to suggest its indispensability. The evolution of the concept of marriage is a... more
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      Human RightsTribal studiesChild Sexual AbuseChild Rights
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      Native American StudiesAddiction MedicineAddictionDrugs And Addiction
I try here to give an overall view of the situation of the tribes of Western India, particularly in regard to religion. I stress the continuity between tribal religion and popular Hinduism in the region, but also point to various specific... more
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      ReligionIndiaTribal studiesWestern India
Health is one of the Social Indicators of Human Development; Environment is the Basic determinant of Health in general. India has the world's second largest concentration of tribal population next to Africa, 2011 census the scheduled... more
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      Public HealthTribal studiesTribal EducationPrimitive Hut
The tribal communities of Jangalmahal in West Bengal are the oldest settlers of Chotonagpur plateau. They still bear the identity of tribes as they practice the rules followed by their ancestors following an independent route of... more
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    • Tribal studies
Points out how religion is power; power will be used by others--even the non-religious; when things go awry, then, religion is then blamed, often by the same ones who have exploited its power. This calls for critical and wary analysis of... more
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      ReligionChristianityPolitical PhilosophyEthics
This paper focuses on the politico Historical context of Mapithel dam. The study tries to understand the phenomenon looking at the multiple concepts emerging out from the people's perspectives. Large dams are considered as development... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPolitical EcologyBig DamsEnvironmental Sustainability
The policy of assimilating, 'mainstreaming' or 'de-tribalizing' indigenous communities by placing their children in boarding schools has been increasingly discredited and abandoned, most publicly throughout North America and Australia... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyAdivasi StudiesTribal studies
Townsend Middleton's The Demands of Recognition is an invitation to think through the everyday dilemmas of ethnic minorities as well as the state anthropologists who certify them as 'scheduled tribes' in contemporary India. Through an... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesRural SociologySocial Movements
The word Gandharva has been derived from the Sanskrit root gandh, meaning smell or fragrance [1]. Gandharvas are low-ranking male natural deities, appeared in Jain, Hindu, and Buddhist myths. Characteristically, the Gandharvas find their... more
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      HinduismTribal studiesHindu Studies
Interview with a designer and collector
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      DesignArchitectureHistory of CollectionsCollecting and Collections
Gender issue has gained importance and recognition. It has become an issue almost everywhere including the tribal society in North East India. This article is an attempt to study gender status and role of women in the Paite society, a... more
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      Social SciencesTribal studies
This book offers a comprehensive view of the relationship between the Indian tribes and the mainstream. It covers key topics such as health, education, development, livelihood, disability and culture, and presents new insights by focusing... more
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      Tribal studiesTribal EducationResearch Studies In Tribal People Related to Health and Other Issues
According to the United Nations, violence against women consist of "any act of gender based violence that result in or likely to result in, or likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering of women, including... more
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      Gender StudiesHuman RightsWomen RightsTribal studies
Sabeans: folk settled in central Yemen belonging to the great tribe and kingdom of Saba’ (8th century BCE – 3rd century CE). Famous for the likely fictitious character of the Queen of Saba’, this kingdom established itself as one of the... more
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      Ancient Near EastEpigraphic South Arabian, SabaeanYemen (History)Epigraphic South Arabian
The vibrant life of the tribal people, their traditional customs, festivals, and dances are some of the significant components of their rich cultural diversity. Culture is a dynamic and ever-changing entity. The changing environment makes... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial ChangeSocial WorkSocial Anthropology
The paper investigates the linguistic issues faced by the Adivasi children in the state of Jharkhand. Despite being formed on the basis of a distinct ‘identity’ (here Adivasi), Jharkhand has failed its children in providing them the... more
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      Sociology of EducationLanguages and LinguisticsMarginalized IdentitiesTribal studies
Mithila"s contribution to Sanskrit learning through the ages has been an established fact. To keep the identity of being a pioneer centre of Sanskrit learning Mithila had to consolidate herself against Buddhism and Jainism up to the early... more
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      Tribal studiesIndian Society & Culture
מאמר זה עוסק בתופעת השבטיות האורבנית בעיירות הבדווים בנגב באמצעות המתודה
הפנומנולוגית של הפילוסוף מוריס מרלו־פונטי, ובייחוד דרך המושגים מרחב חברתי"
.או מרחב משותף
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      Urban StudiesMaurice Merleau-PontyUrban SociologyTribal studies
Environmental Changes and their impacts are the unwanted of physical and as well as socioeconomic activities. Environmental process change the acidity of soils, natural soils composition, the nutritional status of soils content,... more
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      Social GeographyTribal studies
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      AnthropologySoviet HistoryPastoralism (Social Anthropology)Central Asian Studies
Human security forms an important part of people’s well-being, and is therefore an important precondition for development. The UNDP's 1994 Human Development Report's definition of human security identifies seven areas viz. economic, food,... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeHuman Security
"...a successful attempt at discussing the history of Jews in India, and in initiating a dialogue for introducing Indo-Judaic studies in Southasia. A pioneering work, introducing Indian Jewry to the world of academics, Aafreedi lays the... more
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      HistorySociologySociology of ReligionEthnic Studies
Forensic Linguistics analysis became an independent discipline in the last few decades. Forensic Linguistics is the study of Linguistic techniques to investigate Crimes (Criminal/ Civil) especially Authorship disputes, Documentation,... more
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsForensic LinguisticsSociolinguistics
الثأر نمط من أنماط ممارسة العنف الأولى الذى يحدث بين البشر من منطلق الحفاظ على توازن المكانة والقوة بين البشر والذى يظل مرهونا بتحقيق السلام والعدل الاجتماعى بين جماعات البشر. انه الشكل الأولى للعنف الذى يستوجب الرد ويعيد الأمور الى... more
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      SociologyCriminologyAnthropologySociology of Violence
The Book Reviewed:

The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology

Tarun Chhabra

New Delhi: Orient Blackswan Private Ltd., 2015.

618 pp. ISBN 978-81-250-6160-1. Price: ₹2500
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)Ecological AnthropologyEconomic AnthropologyApplied Anthropology
From being “the cradle” of raw diamonds in the world in the eighteenth century, India has turned into an insignificant producer of rough diamonds today. Yet, even now, the indigenous Gonds mine diamonds artisanally in a remote location in... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
Kotwalias are a Primitive tribe residing in hilly and forest region of Western India. They are a semi nomadic and landless poor community dependent on forest resources for their survival. This paper is a first comprehensive socio-economic... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTribal studies
B ih a r: C a s te w a rr io rs s e tt le fo r p e a c e s a n s ju s ti c e çÕ ã U aeÚ U Ñ Á aeç Ì Ø ôh ae¥ ô´ × ð ‹ Ø aeØ -çß ã èÙ â é Ü ã ×»ßae°´ Ñ È¤aeÚU ßÇü U Âý ð â â·¤ÜÙ ORDER: Collected issues of FORWARD Press * çÎâṌÚU 2014 Ì·¤ Âý... more
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      Sociology of LawSocial and Cultural AnthropologyLegal AnthropologyColonialism
An analysis of urban development in post-independence India shows that the country has inherited an uneven regional distribution of city and town formations. No other region illustrates this better than the North East. This complex topic... more
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      SociologyUrban GeographyAnthropologyDevelopment Studies
The tribals are, by and large, children of nature, their life style being conditioned by their ecosystem. At present there are approximately 250 million tribal people, roughly five percent of the global population. The paper is aimed to... more
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      Social DemographySocio-Economic StatusTribal studiesHealth and Social Care
Come esseri umani, «esistiamo in quanto operiamo nel linguaggio e conserviamo il nostro dominio di adattamento nel dominio di significati che questo crea; (…) siamo osservatori ed esistiamo in un dominio semantico creato dal nostro... more
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      Virtual WorldsMarshall McLuhanTribal studiesComunicazione
‘Duncan McDuie-Ra has not only written a thoroughly readable and well-researched ethnography on Northeast migrants in Delhi, in more general terms he has also produced an important contribution to what could be labelled ‘big city... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityMasculinityNeoliberalism
The essay probes into an uncharted area of the advent of modern education in Singhbhum to fulfil a long gap into how literate tradition first entered into this tribal region. The author is fortunate in accessing some vital archival papers... more
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    • Tribal studies
Tribal studies in India have been experiencing ideological and socio-political upheavals vis-à-vis taken serious turns. Comparative studies are done reflecting the complex aspects like tribe-caste interaction, habitation, ecological... more
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    • Tribal studies
By locating the Tana Bhagats in the shifting terrains of forests and fields in Chhotanagpur, and by examining the hierarchies within the Oraon community, this paper suggests an alternate reading of adivasi protest in colonial India. It... more
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      History and MemorySocial and Collective MemoryTribal studiesAdivasis