Trial of the Templars
Most downloaded papers in Trial of the Templars
This article provides an outline for a new interpretation of the trial of the Templars, with special attention to the texts written by the instigators of the case, namely, Philip the Fair and his ministers. The trial had everything to do... more
Après avoir rappelé les grandes lignes de l’affaire du Temple, l’article en esquisse une réinterprétation d’ensemble. L’analyse des sources émises par les instigateurs du procès – le roi de France Philippe le Bel et ses conseillers – est... more
Complete transcription of the Acts of the trial of the Templar Knights held in Carcassonne in November 1307, that so far had been only partially published. Outline of the historical context, commentary to the text and refutation of the... more
Study of the order of the Temple has understandably concentrated on its military role on the frontiers of Christendom. Comparatively little research has been conducted on the order’s social and economic role in the localities of western... more
A look at the translation of the Chinon Parchment and the idea of why the Templars were absolved of their sins. but yet were still prosecuted, tortured, and murdered.
a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m © Copyrighted Material © Copyrighted Material Chapter 23 4 Von Hefele, Histoire des... more
This paper uses testimonies given during the trial of the Templars in the British Isles to explore what the people of Britain and Ireland actually knew about the Holy Land during the early years of the fourteenth century. Having discussed... more
The trial of the Templars in Ireland was somewhat different from that in Britain, in its procedures, its record, and its conclusion. Any Templar who was a visitor rather than a regular member of a commandery in Ireland was not... more
Identificazione precisa dei luoghi e dei personaggi coinvolti nel locale processo attraverso anche nuove fonti coeve (1309) Analizzando le fonti disponibili coeve si ritrovano notizie sulla partecipazione dei bolognesi alle crociate, in... more
"Le prime testimonianze storiche accertate riguardo alla Sindone di Torino risalgono alla seconda metà del XIV secolo; secondo qualcuno, però, esistono alcuni documenti che proverebbero la sua esistenza anche nei secoli precedenti, e... more
ABSTRACT On the night of the 13th of February 1308, exactly four months after the general arrest of the Knights Templars in France on the order of King Philip IV the Fair, Giacomo da Montecucco, the master of the Templar province of... more
""In the language of most superior jurisdictions in the end of the Middle Ages, the concept of enormitas included the most serious breaches of the legitimate order. It is suggested here that this concept was created during the 12th... more
Wandering Templars and Complaining Hospitallers: the Fate of the Knights Templar in the County of Flanders (1284-1332).
Des templiers errants et des hospitaliers se plaignants: le sort des templiers au comté de Flandre (1284-1332).
Des templiers errants et des hospitaliers se plaignants: le sort des templiers au comté de Flandre (1284-1332).
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Pour étayer l’hypothèse, que j’ai avancée il y a quelques années, d’un sens mystico-politique sous-jacent à la persécution des templiers lancée par Philippe le Bel et ses conseillers, on mettra en relation des éléments concernant les... more
Le nuove fonti su Pietro da Bologna e i Templari felsinei che permettono di definire meglio la situazioni e i rapporti con altre Istituzioni.
About the pseudonyme "Giovanni Aquilanti" and its authentic connexion with Barbara Frale, from the Vatican Secret Archives
"Crudelis" is the most important of a series of tracts written by Philip the Fair's main counselor for ecclesiastical affairs, Guillaume de Nogaret, to justify his own action against Pope Boniface VIII at Anagni (7-8 September 1303).... more
Séminaire IRHT/ELTI, Orléans, 1 er février 2008. Julien Théry (Université de Montpellier III), « Une nouvelle Alliance. Les conflits de Philippe le Bel avec la papauté et la pontificalisation du 'roi très-chrétien' (1301-1314) » 2 3
Recommended to read "Re-Examining the Larmenius Charter" in addition to this. The Charter of Larmenius has not been considered a reliable historical document regarding a legitimate line of descent of the Knights Templar for nearly 200... more
This study commences by exploring the reactions of Clement V to Philip the Fair’s decree ordering the seizure on suspicion of grave heresy of all members of the Templar Order in France, a decree issued on 14 September 1307, the feast of... more
Qui peut nous enlever la folie de ce mauvais rêve ? De la sensation que nous vivons dans un monde à la dérive, un monde ébloui et dirigé vers un rivage bourdonnant ? Je pense que personne ne peut s’imaginer la facilité avec laquelle nous... more
After the arrest of the templars in France in October 1307, they were held in various prisons throughout the kingdom for almost three years. they did not have the opportunity to exchange information with each other and, above all, to get... more
I Templari furono distrutti. Il loro ultimo Gran Maestro fu sacrificato sul rogo, molti suoi confratelli subirono lo stesso supplizio, moltissimi furono torturati e incarcerati in condizioni durissime. Anche se alla fine l'Ordine non fu... more