Travel Diaries
Recent papers in Travel Diaries
L'argomentazione verte sul concetto di Mediterraneo considerato come una lente convergente attraverso la quale viene osservato il contesto etnografico abbozzato dall'autore in occasione dei viaggi intrapresi nel ruolo di inviato speciale.... more
Among the three cardinal human relations in Confucian morality, filiality stands out as the only one with the potential of being universally applicable. While chastity fell upon women and loyalty was meaningful for elite men, all human... more
A Russian aristocrat and a Jew? Yakov Polyakov was a rare breed. Luckily
for us, this fascinating figure also kept a diary
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for us, this fascinating figure also kept a diary
The article is also published here:
The paper "First Polish tourist in Spain. About the relation of anonymous traveler from the year 1595" intents to describe the touristic experience of the author of travel diary "Anonima diariusz peregrynacji włoskiej, hiszpańskiej,... more
in "Saggi e Memorie di Storia dell'Arte", n. 42, 2018 (2019), pp. 60-97 [con Lorenzo Mascheretti]
The Diary of European Travels (1682-1688) by Jan Michał Kossowicz. Jan Michał Kossowicz’s travel diary provides an exceptional account of a 17th Century journey, grand tour that took place in 1682–1688. On 12 September 1682 Jan Stanisław... more
in R. Antonelli (a cura di), La scuola di Leonardo da Vinci a Lodi tra presenze e ricomposizioni, PMP edizioni, Lodi 2019, pp. 121-168, 180-184 (tavv. 1-10)
Embora mais conhecida como atriz, Bruna Lombardi é também escritora. Já publicou, entre outros, No ritmo dessa festa (poesias, 1976) e Filmes proibidos (romance, 1990). Quando interpretou Reinaldo/Diadorim na minissérie Grande sertão... more
This article builds upon emerging work on the geographies of sleep by turning to the sleep-hopeful body. More specifically, it attends to the methodological challenges posed by this work and the question of how spaces and states of... more
The chapter is the third in a series of joint studies on colors in Japanese literature, focussing on the role that the fictionalization of his experience in London as a scholar played on Natsume Soseki (1867-1916) ' s overall allegoric... more
“A Tale Worth Telling: The Emigration to North America in Eco-documents”. This chapter studies diaries and eco-documents from Icelandic Emigrants to North-America in late 19th century.
Съдържание: Предговор (П. Пейковска) 7 История Геза Фехер (1890-1955) 27 Геза Фехер, Паметниците на прабългарската култура и връзката им с древната унгарска история (Прев. Н. Димова) 30 Дюла Моравчик (1892-1972) 57 Дюла... more
Although it is a field not yet investigated, it is now known that there is a controversialist tradition that was hostile toward the pilgrimage, ever since the early Middle Ages. Less well known is that this kind of criticism found... more
Nella presente comunicazione, l’estetica di Bernard Berenson, storico dell’arte universalmente accreditato per l’influsso esercitato, viene focalizzata da un’angolatura metodologica finora inesplorata, che permette di gettare nuova luce... more
Lettere da Olevano Romano. La scoperta di un motivo ideale e la difficile manutenzione di un bene paesaggistico Angela Windholz III. ACCADEMIE E PRATICHE ARTISTICHE 188 Correspondance romaine d'une académie de province : l'Académie de... more
This article focuses on the representation of the Muslim enemy in the epic literature of the Crusades and in the odeporic literature of pilgrimage. Pilgrimage diaries represent an important tradition where narrative and memory steadily... more
A embaixada de D. João de Almeida Portugal, 2.º conde de Assumar, na corte do arquiduque Carlos: notas diarísticas, percepções e identidade", en D. Martín Marcos, J. M. Iñurritegui & P. Cardim, Repensar a identidade. O mundo ibérico nas... more
Resorting to colonial travel reports as a source for musicological studies can provide an edge in gathering useful knowledge, while being at the same time a challenging task from several points of views. A question which was often raised... more
At the age of twenty-two, Charles Darwin embarked on the HMs Beagle for a five-year voyage around the world. The trip, motivated by interests in botany and entomology already extensively developed by the young Darwin, would be fundamental... more
Although it is a field not yet investigated, it is now known that there is a controversialist tradition that was hostile toward the pilgrimage, ever since the early Middle Ages. Less well known is that this kind of criticism found... more
In order to fully understand the evolution of relationships between man and wolf, historians must explain past phenomena, using their own tools and employing scientific methods. Which sources should be used to carry out analyses? How... more
Au printemps 1860, âgé de 25 ans, le duc de Brabant, prince héritier du trône de Belgique, séjourne près d'un mois à Constantinople. L'Empire Ottoman est en voie de désintégration et le futur colonisateur du Congo belge rêve d'obtenir... more
The article shows the Western perception of the Muslim world through the representation of the pilgrimage’s diaries. In this kind of sources is in fact evident the contrast between stimulus aroused from the comparison with otherness and... more
Background: Global positioning systems (GPS) are increasingly being used in health research to determine the location of study participants. Combining GPS data with data collected via travel/activity diaries allows researchers to assess... more
The travel diaries, from Christopher Columbus to Charles Darwin, can contribute to the reconstruction of the musical identities of “note-less” peoples, not only as identities “other” than the narrating self of the accounts, but as parts... more
This paper examines the textual and performative functions of early women's writings on the example of three accounts of the pilgrimage to Mecca written during the Qajar era by Mehrmāh Khānom ʿEsmat al-Saltaneh (1880-81), the anonymous... more
by Crowley, Patrick, Noreen Humble, and Silvia Ross (eds)
Travelling is a very interesting yet complex activity that happens on a daily basis. Travel behaviour has proven to be very challenging to model due to its complexity, diversity and size of the data. Understanding this kind of activity is... more The main goal of Upgrading History is to preserve historical memory and to reactivate old personal stories. Europeana Collections include a good amount of soldiers’ writings (especially in Italian,... more
The paper offers an analysis of the key passages in the diary written by zoologist Giosuè Sangiovanni about his voyage to Italy from February to June 1818. Sangiovanni’s récit de voyage contains some interesting elements that distinguish... more
«The Minsk Governor Valery Charykov and His Entourage in the Light of the Documents of the Charykov Family Archive». On the basis of the documents from the Charykov family archive, kept in the Central State Archives of the Samara Region,... more
IX Congreso internacional de análisis textual (9th International Conference of textual analysis): “¿Qué es el cine? / What is cinema? ” University of Valladolid. 18th-21st October 2017
Um día Ken Jacobs topou no lixo uns descartes dum documentário televisivo sobre o assassinato de Malcolm X e decidiu apresentá-los, tal e como fôrom encontrados, sem maior manipulaçom, sem montage, baixo o significativo título de Perfect... more
w: Między misją a profesją. Ewolucja roli dyplomaty w stosunkach międzynarodowych na przestrzeni dziejów, red. Rafał Simiński, Anna Szczepańska-Dudziak, Szczecin 2016, s. 93-114
Si tratta di una monografia accademica includente la procedura peer-review, che si basa su una versione parzialmente riscritta e modificata della dissertazione dottorale. Questo libro scientifico si propone lo studio del diario personale... more
Testimonies of travelers are one of the most important groups of sources in the history of Russia of all times. Traveling literature, being extremely informative, nevertheless didn’t get much attention of scientists before the beginning... more
Ya se han estudiado con anterioridad las tácticas que el gobernador Miguel de La Torre había ejercido sobre los habitantes de Puerto Rico para suprimir las conspiraciones de sublevación. Estos mecanismos de poder han sido reproducidos a... more