Recent papers in Transplantation
To define the protective effect of ischemic preconditioning on cold ischemia and reperfusion injury associated with intestinal transplantation, and the role of nitric oxide in this process.
Introduction. Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication in kidney transplantation. We sought to evaluate possible correlates for DGF including intraoperative parameters, focusing on fluid replacement and central venous... more
Transplantation from deceased donors is still scarce in Oman, mainly due to family refusal. We conducted a survey to learn the attitudes of the Omani population regarding transplantation. Subjects and Methods. Among 500 individuals who... more
Background. Technical failure rates are higher for pancreas allografts (PA) compared with other solid organs. Posttransplant surveillance and prompt availability of rescue teams with multidisciplinary expertise both contribute to improve... more
There is disagreement about the impact of delayed graft function (DGF) on renal allograft outcome. This may depend on several variables including the age of the donor. We evaluated whether DGF could have different effects in recipients of... more
Facial transplantation is emerging as a therapeutic option for self-inflicted gunshot wounds. The self-inflicted nature of this injury raises questions about the appropriate role of self-harm in determining patient eligibility. Potential... more
Background. Liver transplant recipients are at risk of chronic renal disease, principally as a result of nephrotoxicity of the commonly used immunosuppressive agents cyclosporine and tacrolimus. We have investigated the incidence of... more
We wanted to develop an immunostaining method of urine cytopreparations to detect polyoma virus infection by using fresh urine samples and staining with the monoclonal SV40 antibody and to compare the findings to the demonstration of... more
Introduction. Kidney transplant recipients have a higher quality of life and consume fewer health care resources compared with patients on dialysis. However, optimal timing of transplantation has been controversial. Recent studies have... more
for the leadership advice and guidance towards the completion of this study. It was of tremendous help for which I couldn't have made it without you. Dr. James A. Adjei, for his support, guidance, and for believing in me for this great... more
I N SPITE of improvements in graft and patient survival rates, the number of available cadaveric organ transplants continues to lag far behind the need, and waiting lists are still growing. 1 Shortage of cadaveric organs for... more
BACKGROUND: Bleeding is a major intraoperative complication during surgical procedures. When conventional methods such as ligature and diathermocoagulation are ineffective for bleeding management, hemostatic agents should be used.... more
Introduction. To eliminate mortality and morbidity risk in living related liver donors, we developed a new surgical technique to resect hepatic parenchyma using an ultrasonic surgical aspirator in association with a monopolar floating... more
The essay deals with the deceased donor organ donations and, in particular, with the nature and the features of the consent which authorizes the removal from the body of a deceased person of any relevant material. The analysis is... more
C.P. designed the research and wrote the article; M.S., M.P.S., F.C., and P.R. participated in the performance of the research; A.V. participated in the writing of the article; and M.B. com-puted statistical calculations and participated... more
Aim. The purpose of this study was to determine a specific indicator model to evaluate the Quality Management System (QMS) in Tissue Banks (TB) for deceased and/or live donors. Methods. Quantitative Indicators for Quality Management are... more
218 (1): 3. 21. Ringe B, Pichlmayr R. Total hepatectomy and liver transplantation: a life-saving procedure in patients with severe hepatic trauma. Br J Surg 1995; 82: 837. 22. Rozga J, Podesta L, Lepage E, et al. Control of cerebral edema... more
Although children's responses to drugs have much in common with the responses in adults and indeed in other mammals, they are not just small adults. Often, it is assumed that drug effects differ in children but in reality this perception... more
Recently in Latin America, there has been a strong influence of the "Spanish model" of organ procurement. In 2001, The "Punta Cana Group" was created by Latin American transplantation coordinators with the objective of registering and... more
The induction of alloantigen-specific unresponsiveness remains an elusive goal in organ transplantation. Here we identify plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) as phagocytic antigen-presenting cells essential for tolerance to vascularized... more
We wanted to develop an immunostaining method of urine cytopreparations to detect polyoma virus infection by using fresh urine samples and staining with the monoclonal SV40 antibody and to compare the findings to the demonstration of... more
This is a prospective cohort study in renal transplant patients who fasted or who did not fast for three consecutive Ramadans. The baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and urinary protein... more
Summary - We aimed to measure medical students’ attitudes to organ donation and transplantation. Health care providers’ attitudes and beliefs can influence public willingness to donate organ for transplantation. What do medical students... more
This article reflects on contributions from medical anthropology to our understanding of the bio-social and bio-political implications of renal transplantation. Taking up the idea of transplantation as a 'complex', a vast assemblage of... more
The problems that organ transplantation poses to the Muslim mind may be summarized as follows: firstly, a muslim believes that whatever he owns or possesses has been given to him as an amānah (trust) from Alla¯h. Would it not be a breach... more
Les Mains d'Orlac, roman de Maurice Renard publié en 1920, relate l'histoire d'une double greffe de mains sur un pianiste accidenté. Nous en faisons ici une triple analyse concernant l'épistémologie implicite du discours, le travail sur... more
Background. Despite the amount of evidence regarding the negative impact of medical comorbidities after transplantation, little attention has been directly paid to the pattern of somatic comorbidities in renal transplant recipients. The... more
Regulatory T cells (Treg cells) are a small subset of immune cells that are dedicated to curbing excessive immune activation and maintaining immune homeostasis. Accordingly, deficiencies in Treg cell development or function result in... more
The worldwide shortage of liver grafts causes medical, social and ethical problems. Although this situation requires intensive efforts to develop alternative grafts using regenerative biotechnology, they are still far away from the... more
Background. Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is rarely complicated by amyloidosis. Case. A 66-year-old white male presented to the emergency room (ER) after an unwitnessed fall and change in mental status. Patient... more
Trabalho apresentado no 1º Simpósio Sudeste da ABHR / 1º Simpósio Internacional da ABHR, e presente nos Anais do evento: (p.2043)
RESUMEN: Las investigaciones aquí desarrolladas buscan una aproximación interdisciplinaria al fenómeno de la salud y la enfermedad, así como a la naturaleza de la práctica médica en la posmodernidad. La filosofía de la medicina se... more