Transmedia Narratives

270 papers
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Transmedia narratives are storytelling techniques that unfold across multiple media platforms, where each medium contributes uniquely to the overall narrative experience. This approach allows for a more immersive and interactive engagement, as audiences can explore different facets of the story through various formats, such as film, literature, games, and social media.
This article examines the transmedial theme and narrative genre of bildung (life formation) in relation to videogames. It revisits key tenets of life formation theory insofar as they can be applied to a small but growing corpus of games... more
Transmedia storytelling (TS) refers to media experiences expanded across multiple platforms. This article answers the research question about the specificity of Russian TS initiatives. The goal of the research is to emphasize the social... more
It was slightly more than 10 years ago that Henry Jenkins (2003) first introduced the conceptualizations of transmediality into the mainstream of contemporary media studies, but the related academic research and scholarly disputes had... more
This essay aims to reflect on why and how the research on journalism and, specifically, research focused on the possible future innovations to be applied, may look at the concept and logic of transmedia as a way to refresh ideas,... more
This article analyses the transmedia contents created around 33 Spanish television series broadcast in 2013 by national and regional TV networks. The article reviews the TV series’ official websites, in which the transmedia contents are... more
En el marco de una investigación transnacional sobre alfabetismos digitales, el objetivo fue estudiar las prácticas de lectoescritura de estudiantes de colegios públicos colombianos en relación a las narraciones transmedia. Sostenido en... more
Resumo: A partir de uma abordagem teórica inicial, o artigo propõe-se a fazer uma aproximação entre as concepções de narrativa transmidiática (JENKINS, 2008) e de convergência de conteúdo (SALAVERRÍA & AVILÉS, 2008; e SALAVERRÍA &... more
In this article, called Ministerical Fannibals: the power of the fandom it will be analyzed how the fandom has become in recent years an essential role. While this is not something new or belonging exclusively to the field of seriality,... more
Vivimos actualmente una época que se puede entender en términos de procesos de comunicación, en donde las redes mundiales de comunicación participan de manera importante en el consumo y generación de cultura de imágenes e ideas a... more
Dentro del panorama transmedia televisivo español reciente, destaca la experiencia llevada a cabo por la serie 'Víctor Ros' (TVE). El objetivo de este artículo es centrarse en el empleo del perfil personal en Twitter del detective... more
Transmedia narratives use a combination of Barthesian hermeneutic codes, negative capability and migratory cues to guide audiences across multiple media platforms. This thesis examines complex narratives from comics, novels, films and... more
Los avances tecnológicos han supuesto una revolución en la forma de crear, transmitir y consumir los productos de entretenimiento, dando lugar a nuevas formas de contar historias, como la narrativa transmedia, que se caracterizaría... more
Keynote talk given at the conference of ISIS (International Society for Intermedial Studies) “Rethinking Intermediality in the Digital Age” organized by the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between... more
The aim of this chapter is to examine the history of storytelling. This brief history includes the concept of storytelling from myths to the digital era. In the first part of the chapter, the origins of storytelling in primitive... more
Transmedia storytelling is defined as a process where integral elements of fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels to create a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. This process and its narrative... more
The phenomenon of the transmedia narrative, as a result of the experimentation of the fiction in television in a multiplatform and multimedia frame, arises multiple challenges which not only affect to the decisions in the industry and its... more
Ever since Henry Jenkins published his oft-cited article on “Transmedia Storytelling” in Technology Review (2003), transmediality has become a crossroads and a meeting place for researchers from different disciplines (Media Studies,... more
• The world of new media has inevitably changed teachers' and students' attitude towards information. Data of all kinds and from any scientific field are easily available at any time. Nevertheless, isolated data have nothing to do with... more
Resumo Vivemos em uma sociedade multissemiótica, cada vez mais inserida em uma cultura participativa, colaborativa e digital. Os textos não são apenas verbais, nem o conhecimento é de propriedade individual, assim, espera-se que os... more
From a narratological perspective this paper argues that Ricardo Piglia's posthumous book Los casos del comisario Croce offers readers a theoretical project on transmedia narratives and storytelling. The reading of Los casos del comisario... more
The concept of transmedia storyworlds unfolding across complex serial narrative structures has become increasingly important to the study of modern media industries and audience communities. Yet, the precise connections between transmedia... more
This paper analyzes the design, creation and diffusion of transmedia content based on the production of young university students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education. Following a brief introduction on the role of... more
Espen J. Aarseth defined in his work Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature (1997) ergodic literature as one in which “a non-trivial effort is required to allow the reader to pass through the text”. Based on the analysis of a... more
Interactivity with users represents a key feature of transmedia storytelling. This research revolves around the way viewer engagement influences the content of an interactive Web series-namely, Si fueras tú. The series used a strategy... more
Recently, a peculiar narrative configuration has developed and is spreading through the internet culture and new media. Characterised by a specific representation of the individual growth process, Apeiron narratives find their origin in... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las acciones transmedia de la décima temporada de The X-Files. Vamos a reflexionar de qué forma el fenómeno profundiza la trama.
El presente artículo propone la posibilidad de un teatro transmedia, analizando para ello el desarrollo de obras a partir del universo ficcional re-presentado en escena y que, en ocasiones, desembocan en obras de carácter parateatral o... more
In recent years, the creation and development of transmedia projects has become fairly evident, in which it is possible the production of more immersive and vast narratives, by the conception of many different contents for multiple... more
The article "Silmarillion"—J. R. R. Tolkien’s Allotopia From Ardological Perspective aims at outlining the methodology for studying Tolkien’s world-building project without the need of acknowledging the text-centered reading paradigm.... more
This book examines how television has been transformed over the past twenty years by the introduction of new viewing technologies including DVDs, DVRs and streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. It shows that these... more
Este trabajo se articula en torno al debate contemporáneo en el que los nuevos medios audiovisuales se asumen como herramientas para la construcción de una memoria histórica moderna a través de nuevas formas de producción audiovisual,... more
The objective of this work is to contribute to studies about the grotesque aesthetic in rock'n'roll and the use of different media platforms as a means of poetic styling and creating new narratives converge to Viver até Morrer. The... more
If each medium should do what it does best in order to deliver its part of the narrative in a transmedial production, then the emphasis on games should be placed on the experience resulting from the ludic agency provided by their game... more
Este texto surge no âmbito de um projeto de investigação de doutoramento e tem como objeto o conceito de narrativas transmédia. Constituindo uma primeira reflexão baseada na revisão da literatura, propomo-nos aqui definir o conceito,... more
The paper aims to outline the narrative universe of the New Testament as a transmedial storyworld in a diachronical perspective to ask in a second step how exactly this universe is actualized and adapted in contemporary culture. For this... more