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This article focuses on Pili, a popular Taiwanese transmedia puppetry that features martial arts-based narratives and fight sequences through CGI (computer-generated image) animation, and examines relations mediated between puppetry,... more
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      AnimationPuppetryTheater and filmTransmedia
Die enge Verbindung von Spielen und Lernen geht evolutionsgeschichtlich der Ausbildung menschlichen Lebens voraus. Mit der Digitalisierung erreicht sie nun ganz neue Qualitäten: Computerspiele treten in Konkurrenz zu den älteren... more
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      Game studiesSerious GamesVideo Games and LearningVideo Games
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      JournalismTranslation StudiesDigital JournalismCitizen Journalism
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      JournalismDigital JournalismCitizen JournalismTransmedial Storytelling
Addressing the interart, intertextual, and intermedial dimensions of David Bowie's sonic and visual legacy, this book considers more than five decades of a career invested with a star's luminosity that shines well beyond the remit of pop... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicPopular CultureCelebrity Culture
Measuring user experience in board games is broadly unexplored with research mainly focused on digital games. This paper assesses the suitability of using a questionnaire, developed for digital games, for use on board games - thus... more
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      User Experience (UX)Game DesignBoard GamesTransmedia
Temel olarak 4 arkadaş ve 1 köpeğin gizem dolu maceralarını konu alan çizgi film artan iletişim olanaklarıyla birlikte çeşitlenen medya ortamlarına da ayak uydurabilmiş, farklı kanallar aracılığıyla takipçilerine ulaşmıştır. Gelinen... more
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      New MediaTransmediaYeni medya
Casi tres décadas después de que Marsha Kinder emplease por primera vez la expresión transmedia en estudios de Comunicación, debemos señalar una explosión de este tipo de narrativas. Lejos quedan ya películas como The Blair Witch Project... more
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      Transmedia StorytellingTransmediaTransmedial NarratologyNarrativas Transmídia
Digital transformations are also at work in education and the whole academic system is in a debate continues on the possible ramifications of this expansion. This work argues that an understanding of new media integration to higher... more
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      EducationNew MediaEducational TechnologyHigher Education
in The Italian Mafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality, edited by Robin Pickering-Iazzi (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press), 137-161.
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      New MediaItalian StudiesOrganized CrimeItalian Cinema
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      Television StudiesSocial MediaTransmediaSoap Operas
Los mitos y figuras creados en la literatura han sufrido, desde el s. XX y aún en el XXI, trasvases a otros soportes de ficción como son el cine, la televisión, el cómic y los videojuegos. Este fenómeno, que recibe ‒entre otros‒ el nombre... more
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      Transmedial StorytellingWalt Disney CompanyTransmedia StorytellingFiction
Performance and digitality constitute an onto-historical apparatus or dispositif reshaping cultures globally, yet our engagement with these performative circuits remains out-of-sync and ineffective, especially at the levels of knowledge... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyCommunicationEducation
In this chapter, Graves considers the lasting cultural influence of Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer (WB, 1997-2001; UPN, 2001-03) through the lens of textual genealogy, tracing contemporary intertextual and metatextual references... more
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      Buffy the Vampire SlayerSupernaturalTransmediaJoss Whedon
En la actualidad, las narrativas transmedia trastocan la forma en la que se interpretan los contenidos audiovisuales, posibilitando nuevas formas de interacción y consumo. Un ejemplo es la presencia de los universos cinematográficos... more
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      TransmediaTransmedialityCINE DE TERRORLo fantástico
Encontramos diferentes fechas para determinar el inicio de lo que entendemos por educomunicación, del mismo modo que aproximarnos a su campo de estudio nos lleva a diferentes abordajes de la temática. En cuanto a sus fechas, si tomamos... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaMedia Literacy
Dentro del panorama transmedia televisivo español reciente, destaca la experiencia llevada a cabo por la serie 'Víctor Ros' (TVE). El objetivo de este artículo es centrarse en el empleo del perfil personal en Twitter del detective... more
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      TwitterTransmedial StorytellingSeries TVTransmedia Storytelling
Partiendo de la conocida analogía propuesta por Henry Jenkins de comparar las estrategias narrativas transmedia con la matriz de pixels de una imagen digital, se propone ampliar esa idea de forma pormenorizada equiparando los principales... more
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La sociedad actual y la cultura contemporánea están caracterizadas, sin duda, por la capacidad «multimediática» de sus producciones artísticas. Las relaciones entre los diversos medios en los que el arte cobra cuerpo-literatura, cine,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureIntermedialityAdaptationLiterary Theory
Dramaturgy of Form examines verse in twenty-first-century theatre practice across different languages, cultures, and media. Through interdisciplinary engagement, Kasia Lech offers a new method for verse analysis in the performance... more
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      Poetic DramaHip-Hop/RapSpoken Word PoetryTransmedia
The animated music videos of Radiohead, Chris Hopewell and Gastón Viñas are entwined by intertextual threads that refer to each other in a reciprocal and generative way. As a graphic artist and applied fan of the band Radiohead, Viñas has... more
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      Media StudiesAnimationPopular MusicMusic Video
A chapter on a transmedia campaign that appeared in "Management in Virtual Environments. Case Studies", Mazurek Grzegorz (ed)., POLTEXT, s.79-89
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      Transmedial StorytellingTransmediaTransmediality
As concerns have grown over the decline of TV viewership, especially among younger viewers, many networks have begun transmedia extensions in an attempt to increase audience engagement for their programs, and with second-screen... more
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Many scholars have discussed the recent expansion and mixing of Play in our societies, a process generally labelled cultural gamification or ludification. Many cultural phenomena and societal domains are increasingly permeated by ludic... more
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      Media StudiesCultural SemioticsTransmediaGames Studies
El taller, de formato cuatrimestral, se encuentra dirigido a los estudiantes de los años finales de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Su planteo teórico y práctico consiste en proporcionar las... more
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      Web 2.0Web TechnologiesTransmedial StorytellingComunicacion Social
Within the broad historical context in which transmedia has been practiced and studied, David Bowie and Floria Sigismondi are instructive for their transformative approaches toward creating art across media, and for their alchemical... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTheatre StudiesPopular Music
Where does live performance end and life begin? Why are such distinctions made, between live art and life itself? What if one tries to overcome these formal differences? Is it possible for me to approach my everyday life as a documentary... more
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      PsychoanalysisSelf and IdentityPerformance ArtPerformance Documentation
Although it does not look or at first seem like what proponents of virtual worlds have been waiting for, Minecraft is the breakthrough success for virtual worlds. In thinking through how what has emerged through the Minecraft phenomenon... more
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      Virtual CommunitiesVideo GamesParticipatory CultureTransmedial Storytelling
Las empresas periodísticas han tenido que adaptarse para ofrecer información en video y distribuirla a través de redes sociales y medios digitales. En este contexto, se pretende reflexionar sobre la transición que está sufriendo el... more
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Transmedia storytelling is defined as a process where integral elements of fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels to create a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. This process and its narrative... more
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      NarrativePersonal Narrative (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Narrative TherapyVisual Narrative
Chapter 10 of the book Edges of Identity: The Production of Neoliberal Subjectivities In this chapter we explore the evolving role of art and storytelling programmes in an inner-city building in Phnom Penh, Cambodia known as the White... more
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      Community Action Projects (Art)Henri LefebvreUrban ArtCommunity-Based Participatory Research
This essay works toward a definition of the media franchise and uses the Alien franchise (1979-Present) to consider how digital technologies have influenced a shift in franchise management from multimedia to transmedia. The Alien... more
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      New MediaVideo GamesAdaptationMedia Industries
L’évolution constante du paysage médiatique invite les chercheurs à repenser sans cesse les changements de société sous différents angles, qu’ils soient culturels, sociaux, économiques ou historiques. Dans cette optique, les travaux sur... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesAudience StudiesConvergence
Resumen El presente trabajo pretende conocer si existe una estrategia de comunicación transmedia en Gadis, una empresa de supermercados gallega cuya publicidad destaca por las campañas “Vivamos como galegos!”. Se ha llevado a cabo un... more
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Digital and social media systems/environments are a result of collective knowledge by the wisdom of crowds and Web 2.0 participatory cultures. They reveal the digital convergence of media, communication and content production/consumption... more
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      EthnographyDigital MediaIdentity (Culture)Participatory Culture
La fantastica vita della plastica è una tesi pensata concettualmente con la logica del transmedia. È incentrata su un progetto a sua volta transmediale dedicato alla gestione della plastica in chiave di economia verde. L’idea nasce dalla... more
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      Transmedial StorytellingDocumentary FilmDocumentary FilmmakingTransmedia
A transmídia veio para ficar. A multiplicação de dispositivos, plataformas, telas e o modelo de negócios das franquias, tudo isso conspira a seu favor. Além disso, o conteúdo que nela domina - a cauda longa de histórias contadas,... more
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      TransmediaJornalismoTransmedial NarratologyNarratología
This article explores two stories told during the production of the transmedia documentary project <em>Big Stories, Small Towns: Bongkud-Namaus</em> in the Dusun villages of Bongkud and Namaus in Sabah, Malaysia. Both stories... more
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      ArtHeterotopiaInteractive Digital StorytellingLiminality
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      Digital MediaMusic VideoYoutubeAdaptation Studies
(pp. 17-24) Although paving the continuity road towards 'The Avengers', 'Captain America: The First Avenger' is as interesting for the ways in which it differs from the previous four Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films as for its... more
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      Comic Book StudiesAmerican War FilmWar FilmsTransmedial Storytelling
Si esto era "música experimental" ¿dónde estaba el experimento? Quizá en el continuo rehacerse la pregunta, "¿qué mas podría ser la música?", el intento de descubrir qué es lo que nos permite percibir algo como música. Y de ahí,... more
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      ElectronicsTransmediaPeriodismoPeriodismo Digital
Interactivity with users represents a key feature of transmedia storytelling. This research revolves around the way viewer engagement influences the content of an interactive Web series-namely, Si fueras tú. The series used a strategy... more
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      CommunicationTelevision StudiesTelevisionTransmedia Storytelling
TEESID: Artikli eesmärk on arutleda transmeedia protsesside üle hiiu-pärimuse näitel, kasutades eeskätt folkloristika ja meediauurimise mee-todeid. Hiiupärimus ja eriti eepos " Kalevipoeg " kui rahvuslik tüvitekst on ajendanud eri... more
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Motion graphics or typographical animation has been used by the film and television industry for decades in order to present and promote movies and tv shows, while this industry has adopted traditional animation techniques in its arsenal... more
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      AnimationMotion GraphicsTransmediaGraphical User Interfaces
Archie comics have long faced pressures to confront social issues and produce more diverse, inclusive narratives. With Riverdale, the Archie-verse has newly asserted its cultural relevance by simultaneously embracing and revising a... more
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      Feminist TheoryTelevision StudiesPopular CultureComics Studies
RESUMEN Este trabajo explora las opciones que existen para ampliar los horizontes narrativos de los mundos de ficción en las actuales series de televisión. En él se analizan, única y exclusivamente, contenidos de ficción. Teniendo en... more
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      Transmedial StorytellingFictionTransmediaSpreadable Media
"The Inside Experience" and transmedia storytelling construction process. A Communication and Literary Theory approach. ABSTRACT This paper deals with some of the most relevant results of our research on Narrative Storytelling... more
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      MarketingCommunicationLiterary TheoryTransmedial Storytelling
Case study of Warner Communication's use of long term planning and its transindustrial corporate structure to develop, synergize, and franchise the film Batman (1989). Published in The Many Lives of the Batman (1991) and republished in... more
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      Political EconomyTransmediaBatman
El presente artículo busca explorar los modos en que estas actividades de creación libre, informal y cotidiana de los jóvenes en entornos extraescolares puede ser aprovechada pedagógicamente desde el medio educativo con un doble objetivo:... more
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      EducationTransmedia StorytellingProsumerEducación