Recent papers in Translate
Tercüme asla mükemmel oldu diyemeyiz. Çünkü tercümeyi yaptığımız kişiyi asla tatmin edip edemeyeceğimizi bilemeyiz. Ancak çevirinin daha kaliteli olmasını sağlayabilme imkânımız bulunmaktadır. Bu yollardan bazıları şunlardır;
Alessandra Scalero, una traduttrice. Materiali per una biografia Parlare di Alessandra Scalero dopo la sua morte improvvisa e prematura all'Ospedale di Ivrea nel 1944, è un'impresa che permette di aprire significativi spiragli su un... more
In this paper we've tried to offer the interested readers a complete translation of the "Art of Preaching", a short piece of work compiled toward the latter part of the fifteenth century by Martin of Cordoba, into Spanish. This... more
Cara Translate Dokumen PDF Inggris-Indonesia Secara Otomatis-Pernahkah Anda kesusahan saat ingin menterjemahkan jurnal atau dokumen PDF yang berbahasa inggris dan lainnya? Jika iya, maka edukasiku akan memberikan sedikit pengetahuan... more
Bu parça, Peyami Safa'nın Ateş Böcekleri adlı eserinden kısa bir bölümdür. Metin, Faruk Kadri Timurtaş'ın Osmanlı Türkçesine Giriş 1 isimli kitabının 29-32 sayfaları arasından alınmıştır.
Translate Bab I Fundamentals Of Managerial Economics” dari mata kuliah Ekonomi Manajerial
‘Asla ölmez gönlü aşkla dirilmiş olan Şu dünya listesinde kayıtlıdır ismimiz bizim’ Hâfız… Büyük şiirin evrenini kuran şairlerden biri. Doğu’nun hikmeti, aşk anlayışı, neşesi, yaşama şevki ve şiirsel coşkusunun zirvesi. Aklı, gönlü, ruhu... more
A guide for translators, about the translation theory, the translation process, interpreting, subtitling, internationalization and localization and computer-assisted translation. A special section is dedicated to the translator's... more
This research analyzes the influence of tradition in the translation and interpretation of the pericope of Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Initially, this research discusses the theory of Eugene A. Nida, who has been the leading theory in discussions... more
Eropa Barat, Amerika Utara dan Jepang melebihi pasokan saat ini, yang masih kecil (<1% dari produksi tahunan dunia). hampir semua (didominasi) kopi arabika. Itu produksi kopi organik bersertifikat mengikuti prinsip pertanian organik yang... more
RESUMEN En este artículo se edita por primera vez una traducción del latín de Los Besos (Basia), del poeta erótico holandés del Renacimiento Juan Segundo, que fue muy imitado por poetas posteriores: Sannazaro, Ben Jonson, Meléndez Valdés,... more
Özet Tanzimat’ın birinci dönemi, edebi türlerde sureta eskiye bağlı kalmakla beraber içerik itibariyle yeni temlerin ele alındığı bir edebiyattı. Dilde sadeleşmeyi ve sanatı toplumun ve ideolojinin emrine vermeyi gaye edinen birinci dönem... more
RESUMEN La expresión tiv ej moi; kai; soiv en Jn 2,4 ha sido diversamente entendida y traducida, con consecuencias relevantes para la comprensión de la perícopa y de algunas líneas del pensa-miento joanneo. El objetivo de este artículo es... more
Luca Baratta "A Great Bysshop of Rome knockynge at the Gates of Heuen coude not be suffred to come in": lo Iulius di Erasmo da Rotterdam nell'Inghilterra di Enrico VIII Alla data del 21 febbraio 1513, il cronista Sebastiano di Branca... more
In the essay “Mourning and Melancholia”, Sigmund Freud does not deal directly with language. However, his famous text reverberates formulations developed by the author in previous works, which are fundamental to think not only about past... more
En el mercado laboral de la traducción, la traducción técnica es la especialidad que mayor demanda genera (Bruno et al., 2016). En esta misma línea, Rico y García (2016) coinciden en que las traducciones más demandadas pertenecen al... more
Dudina, A.D., ‘Approaches to Translating Terminology in Art Texts’, Terra Artis. Art and Design, no. 2, 2021, pp. 136–143. The article offers an overview of specificities of the translation of terms in art texts. To work with texts of... more
RESUMEN En este artículo se edita por primera vez una traducción del latín de Los Besos (Basia), del poeta erótico holandés del Renacimiento Juan Segundo, que fue muy imitado por poetas posteriores: Sannazaro, Ben Jonson, Meléndez Valdés,... more
A longer life, but it will not seem longer We are now in a position to understand the famous relativistic effect known as the twin paradox. This paradox involves two identical clocks, one of which remains on the earth while the other is... more
Metaphors are the figures of speech widely seen in Joseph Conrad's great work, Heart of Darkness. The present research aimed to explore the way Conrad's Heart of Darkness had been portrayed in the Persian context. One of the challenging... more
Jasa Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Jogja, Jasa Terjemahan Di Jogja, CV N&B TRANSLATOR - WA : 0838-6952-3639, Jasa Translator, Jasa Terjemahan Murah Jogja, Jasa Terjemahan Di Jogja, Jasa Terjemahan Abstract Jogja, Jasa Terjemahan Jurnal Jogja,... more
The idiom tiv ejmoi; kai; soiv in Joh 2,4, has been differently understood and translated with relevant consequences to the comprehension of the passage itself and of some trends of the johannine thought. This article aims to clarify the... more
The guide include, as annexes, several independent adaptations of the corresponding European Commission works, freely available via the EU Bookshop as PDF and via as EPUB, MOBI (Kindle) and PDF. For a “smart”, sensible... more
Translate 2020 Tauhid - Covid-19
Penerjemahan yang tepat, yakni : Penerjemah harus mempertimbangkan pertanyaan, apakah terjemahan tersebut tepat maknanya ?, bahwa maknanya sesuai dengan makna yang dimaksud oleh penulis aslinya. Jadi, pada saat menerjemahkan, penerjemah... more
translate english-indonesian
Para a maior parte dos filósofos o Ego é um " habitante " da consciência. Alguns afirmam sua presença formal no interior dos " Erlebnisse " como um princípio de unificação vazio. Outros – psicólogos na sua maior parte – pensam descobrir... more
Resumen-El dispositivo permite la traducción en tiempo real para las presentaciones o Transmisiones en vivo cuyo lenguaje original no sea español. De esta manera cualquier persona presente en la emision será capaz de comprender su... more
Resumen: La expresión" Ti emoi kai soi, gunai" en Jn 2, 4 ha sido diversamente entendida y traducida, con consecuencias relevantes para la comprensión de la perícopa y de algunas líneas del pensamiento joanneo. El objetivo de... more
Utilizamos el mismo nombre que aparece en el título del libro de D. José Apolo de las Casas (Los mártires de Tazacorte, Madrid 1929) y uno de los que propone el prof. A. Rumeu de Armas, cuando refiriéndose a ellos dice «aunque más... more
한국어와 러시아어 신체 관련 관용어의 비교 – '머리'를 중심으로 Корейский и русский языки относятся к генетически и типологически разным языковым семьям и типам. Вследствие этого они имеют существенные различия. В данной статье мы рассмотрели особенности... more
Background and objectives: This study demonstrate the impact of cyberspace and its facilities, such as Google Translate, on the boundless realm of English translations. Particularly English translations of the most sophisticated text like... more
Issues of Translating “Мать” Concept Existing in Russian into Azerbaijani As is known, meaning attribution of the same concept in various languages is different from each other. Therefore, it is impossible to present in one language a... more
By Viola Miglio -- Translation Studies Journal, 1(1), 2005
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo trato especialmente de relacionar la traducción de la Biblia de Felipe Scío de San Miguel con los criterios, tópicos, modos y formas de traducir que imperaban en el momento de su realización, finales del... more