Transitivity Analysis
Recent papers in Transitivity Analysis
The present document will offer an analysis of the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance lecture delivered by the former Colombian President, Juan Manuel Santos, from the fundaments of the transitivity system provided by the Systemic Functional... more
Language plays a vital role in political speech as it comes in a form of argument shaping and speech presenting which often contain a set of beliefs called ideology. It gets even more crucial when the speech is delivered as a presidential... more
Theocratic communities often provide an atmosphere for injustice against individuals, especially women. This dissertation examines the relationship between dogmatic theocracies, and oppressed women in two distinct... more
Abstract This study examined how discursive strategies and related linguistic devices were employed by The New York Times (TNYT) to portray Iran after the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001, and how the media... more
This study explores transitivity in the novel “To the Lighthouse” (1927) by Virginia Woolf as one of the methods of clause analysis in the ideational meta-function of language. The transitivity analysis was carried out by using AntConc... more
This paper aims to examine the character type of the main character in “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green. It also aims to unfold the development of the character type through analyzing the text’s linguistic features in the light of... more
This study reorients representation of love in Oscar Wilde's short story The Nightingale and the Rosein a more focused way by subjecting it to Halliday's transitivity model of text analysis. The transitivity analysis showed how Wilde... more
Since its inception, psychology has struggled with issues of conceptualisation and operationalisation of social-psychological phenomena. The study of social values and points of view has been prone to such difficulties, despite a... more
The paper presents a study of two extracts (292 and 276 words, respectively), both depicting bombing scenes, from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five and Joseph Heller’s Catch-22. While the two novels are typically considered to be very... more
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses transitivitas yang paling dominan digunakan dalam teks report dan kaitannya dengan prinsip dasar teks report. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif... more
This article documents the operation of multimodal and rhetorical strategies in cosmetic surgery leaflets, with a focus on the interplay between the verbal and visual channels. It describes how advertising discourse exploits the image of... more
This study explores transitivity in the novel "To the Lighthouse" (1927) by Virginia Woolf as one of the methods of clause analysis in the ideational meta-function of language. The transitivity analysis was carried out by using AntConc... more
The researcher has used of transitivity analysis on spoken discourse. Discourse can be spoken or written , it is a conceptual generalization of conversation in a specific context so here researcher has used experiential analysis on... more
This paper attempts to use Transitivity and Critical Linguistics to demonstrate that news is (or can be) socially constructed and that reality is more about opinions and propositions than facts. The language that is used to represent... more
In homage to the work of Uroš Mozetič, the paper takes as its starting point previously developed suggestions about how the language of “Eveline” conveys a picture of the heroine as a passive, paralysed character. Using Hallidayan... more
This paper is entitled “Transitivity Analysis of Senior High School Student’s Descriptive Text”. The purposes of the paper are to find out the processes on every clause and to acquire a clear description of the transitivity system. This... more
A critical approach to discourse analysis can provide valuable insight into language as a social semiotic system, the discursive construction of identity and the operations of ideology and power. The purpose of this study is twofold.... more
This study aims to explore talisman advertisements as examples of persuasive discourse widely found in Thailand. In the Thai context, the advertising of talismans and Buddha images seems prevalent in a wide range of printed media ... more
Bibliography 65 iii I am deeply grateful to my advisor, Professor Mira Ariel, for her guidance throughout my linguistics studies in general and this work specifically. I most grateful for her introducing me to Construction Grammar and to... more
Ideational meaning, or some linguist called experiential meaning is the meaning that expresses the experience or the idea of someone on producing text. Ideational meaning is one of three metafunction in Systemic Functional Linguistic... more
From the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) standpoint, experiential meanings reflect our experience, perceptions, and consciousness. Research on experiential meaning-making in tertiary contexts has traditionally focused on areas such... more
This master’s thesis wants to contribute to a further understanding of the small participation of women in bachelor programs in Computer Science (CS). To do so, it analyzes the dialogue between normative gender discourse and occupational... more
Learning journal enables students to reflect of what they have experienced in the learning process. This article presents the students' learning journal in grammar class. For some students, grammar is seen as a course which does not... more
Despite previous genre studies investigating various professional report genres in different contexts, disciplines and languages, professional report genre in forestry discipline remains the least explored, particularly from a Systemic... more
This collection presents typological work on tense, aspect, and epistemic modality in a variety of languages and against the background of different schools of thinking, among which the St. Petersburg Typological School developed and so... more
The linguistic study of African-American literary texts opens up a wide area of research. Due to this fact this research tries to establish a connection between two areas of study. The first one is Critical Discourse Analysis and the... more
The volume brings together the papers read at the international conference on Romance Objects organized by the Linguistics Department of the Roma Tre University. It is characterized by a striking uniformity of approach, which is... more
In the grammatical level of analysis, transitivity is one of the choices. The role of verb in a clause determines its process and participants, and thus imply particular meanings. This research took two chapters as the research data taken... more
While extant research has studied the clause in its experiential function in relation to both everyday/academic discourse and informed our understanding of how transitivity analysis can be employed productively in diverse contexts, there... more
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses transitivitas yang paling dominan digunakan dalam teks report dan kaitannya dengan prinsip dasar teks report. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif... more
Here is my work on analyzing the Transitivity in Reni Anggarini's text about overcoming the laziness on her ways.
Causative constructions in Tuvinian: towards a typology of transitivity Leonid Kulikov Introductory remarks The present paper deals with an interesting peculiarity of Tuvinian causa-tive constructions. The feature on which I shall focus... more
The typical paradigm adopted in cultural studies research and teaching methodologies alike is more often than not the interpretative approach to the available data. The present paper speculates that the cross-verification of the outcome... more
This research is an investigation into the language use in people's opinions of capital punishment for drug convicts in The Jakarta Post. Capital punishment was executed to six drug convicts on January 18 th , 2015. Controversy about this... more
Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto " Procesos verbales en la escritura académica a la luz de la Gramática Sistémico-Funcional " que se llevó a cabo en el Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universi-dad... more
interpersonal meaning and ideational meaning of HIV AIDS slogans
The three concepts of case, valency and transitivity belong to the most discussed topics of modern linguistics. On the one hand, they are crucially connected with morphological aspects of the clause, including case marking, person... more
Transitivity can be used as a stylistic device used to elucidate writers' worldview through types of processes at the level of semantic construction. This paper aims to conduct a corpus-based transitivity analysis to compare tonal... more
Considered as the universal language, music has been historically a means of communication and personal expression about the inner and outer world of its creator, it is present in almost every social activity of human beings as in the... more