Selbst junge Erwachsene, die noch keine Kinder haben, sind durch traditionelle Familienbilder geprägt, wie eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds unterstütze Studie zeigt. Gleichzeitig haben sie moderne Ansichten von Gleichberechtigung,... more
Drawing on the relational turbulence model, this study queries whether it is the amount of relational uncertainty and partner interference in a relationship, or the magnitude of an increase in these mechanisms over time, that accounts for... more
Expectations of the transition to parenthood often bear little resemblance to parents’ lived experiences, yet shape parents’ emotional responses. Drawing on concepts of intensive mothering, emotion work, and maternal ambivalence, this... more
Nel presente contributo, si intende dimostrare quanto la dimensione lavorativa - essere o meno entrati nel mercato del lavoro, ricoprire una posizione professionale più o meno qualificata, poter contare su un determinato livello di... more
The purpose of the current study was to briefly explore what creates a better adjustment for men’s transition to fatherhood in terms of expectations of the division of tasks, feelings of appreciation, feelings of support, and... more
For many individuals, becoming a parent is an important milestone. The current study examined attitudes and beliefs about parenting among a sample of 196 self identified bisexual, lesbian, and heterosexual women. Results showed no... more
Η μετάβαση στο γονεϊκό ρόλο αποτελεί σημαντική εξελικτική φάση, που χαρακτηρίζεται από προσωπικές, οικογενειακές και κοινωνικές αλλαγές στη ζωή του ατόμου. Αν και αυτή συνδέεται με θετικά συναισθήματα, συχνά αποτελεί αγχογόνο διαδικασία,... more
Childbearing has cross-culturally and historically been considered a time of vulnerability and transition for new mothers and their babies, as reflected in the existence of ritual postpartum practices. The decline of ‘lying-in’ or... more
This booklet was produced by Tracy Morison and Ingrid Lynch as part of a joint initiative between the Human Sciences Research Council, Triangle Project and Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action (GALA), with funding support largely from the... more
I modi in cui diventiamo adulti influenzano che tipo di genitori siamo? Il libro vuole comprendere come itinerari diversi di transizione all’età adulta condizionino le modalità di esperire la genitorialità, nonché le concezioni stesse... more
A project such as this would not be possible without the involvement of women who are willing to share their lives and experiences therefore I wish to firstly thank the participants who took part in this research project. My supervisor Dr... more
La famiglia è stata riconosciuta quale utile entità concettuale a partire dalla quale analizzare l’esperienza migratoria di donne e uomini che articolano il proprio ciclo di vita e scelte riproduttive tra contesti culturali differenti.... more
This qualitative study explores perspectives towards motherhood of young Millennial women for preconception care purposes. The findings highlight the specific views that Millennial women have of motherhood: Mental mood boards portray both... more
Investing in parents is important because their well-being is positively related to the development and well-being of their children. This study investigated which factors predict two types of parents’ well-being: individual well-being... more
This study explored the use of dynamical systems modeling techniques to evaluate self-and co-regulation of affect in couples' interactions before and after the transition to parenthood, and the impact of the Family Foundations program on... more
This article reports on a qualitative study about male involvement in parenthood decision making (i.e., decisions related to becoming a first-time parent) in which the focus was on White, heterosexual men. Little is known about the roles... more
The transition to parenthood (TTP) is a stressful life event for most couples. Therefore, the way both partners jointly cope with stress (i.e., dyadic coping) is important for the prevention of individual adjustment problems (e.g.,... more
This study evaluated the effects of expected and perceived division of childcare and household labor on mothers' relationship satisfaction during their transition to pa-renthood. Mothers were administered a questionnaire during their... more
Comment JE deviens PARENT: Articulation entre le parcours et le récit de parentalité? Notre communication portera sur l’articulation et la comparaison des données produites par le récit biographique d’un parent avec les indicateurs issus... more
This study focuses on the changes in perception of dyadic adjustment following childbirth and on the role of attachment (as a risk or protection factor) in the way partners adjust to this stressful event. Four attachment configurations... more
In diesem Artikel möchte ich einen spezifischen Aspekt der Debatte um den Geburtenrückgang aufnehmen und versuchen, damit einen Beitrag zu einem geschlechtersensiblen Ver- ständnis des demografischen Wandels zu leisten. Mein Fokus... more
To have a mother is to be in perpetual deficit of thanks toward her.
Selbst junge Erwachsene, die noch keine Kinder haben, sind durch traditionelle Familienbilder geprägt, wie eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds unterstütze Studie zeigt. Gleichzeitig haben sie moderne Ansichten von Gleichberechtigung,... more
Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão integrativa de artigos nacionais e internacionais sobre o tema da transição para a paternidade publicados entre 2006 e 2014. Foram consultadas as bases de dados EBSCO, PsycINFO, SciELO... more
Drawing on the relational turbulence model, this study queries whether it is the amount of relational uncertainty and partner interference in a relationship, or the magnitude of an increase in these mechanisms over time, that accounts for... more
Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão integrativa de artigos nacionais e internacionais sobre o tema da transição para a paternidade publicados entre 2006 e 2014. Foram consultadas as bases de dados EBSCO, PsycINFO, SciELO... more
Selbst junge Erwachsene, die noch keine Kinder haben, sind durch traditionelle Familienbilder gepragt, wie eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds unterstutze Studie zeigt. Gleichzeitig haben sie moderne Ansichten von Gleichberechtigung,... more
Abstract. This study focuses on the changes in perception of dyadic adjustment following childbirth and on the role of attachment (as a risk or protection factor) in the way partners adjust to this stressful event. Four attachment... more
Les parents sur le chemin de l'école: de l'espace privé à l'espace public Notre communication portera sur l'analyse d'un espace de transition entre l'espace public et l'espace privé dans les récits de parentalité et la manière dont les... more
This poster presentation (November 2015, 2015 conference, Vancouver, Canada) offers an account of literature review (till 2015) on transition to parenthood (TtP), a demanding and complex life experience for couples who set a... more
Sexual satisfaction is an important contributor to relationship functioning that is not well understood among first-time parents, at a time when relationship functioning is important for the well-being of parents as well as the child. The... more
The word of parents face disciplinary interpretations. Our communication aims at outlining the disciplinary issues we face today in a research built around what parents say about parenthood. What can we learn through biographical research... more
Così lontane, così vicine. Famiglie migranti, ruoli familiari e nuove configurazioni di genitorialità Distant, yet so close. Migrant families, family roles and new parenting (mind)sets
This study evaluated the effects of expected and perceived division of childcare and household labor on mothers' relationship satisfaction during their transition to parenthood. Mothers were administered a questionnaire during their third... more
Selbst junge Erwachsene, die noch keine Kinder haben, sind durch traditionelle Familienbilder gepragt, wie eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds unterstutze Studie zeigt. Gleichzeitig haben sie moderne Ansichten von Gleichberechtigung,... more
For many individuals, becoming a parent is an important milestone. The current study examined attitudes and beliefs about parenting among a sample of 196 self identified bisexual, lesbian, and heterosexual women. Results showed no... more
This study aims to conduct an integrative review of national and international articles on the subject of the transition to fatherhood published between 2006 and 2014. EBSCO, PsycINFO, SciELO Regional and PEPSIC databases were consulted... more
In this article we examine the relationship between various biographical transitions of young adulthood and the structure of social networks. We ask how personal networks change in size and composition over the course of family formation... more
Objective: 1) To explore the psychological processes that develop in women and men during their first pregnancy obtained with assisted reproduction treatment; 2) to individuate the main plot that women and men use to recount their... more
Sad and anxious feelings are known to increase in the immediate postpartum period, whereas studies on new mothers' other emotional qualities such as anger are scarce. In laboratory studies, attachment security was found to be associated... more
Model 1: Depressive symptoms predicted by time.
In this article we examine the relationship between various biographical transitions of young adulthood and the structure of social networks. We ask how personal networks change in size and composition over the course of family formation... more
Drawing on a larger study of a diverse group of eight Tongan-European Australian intercultural couples' experiences of partnering and becoming parents, this article explores participants' accounts of relationships with parents and... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate how various aspects of the economic uncertainty generated by the Great Recession combined and affected fertility behavior among American couples, focusing particularly on the transition to the first... more
There is little South African research on gender and sexual minorities’ reproductive decision-making and, to date, no published work explicitly focused on gay men. Motivated by the virtual absence of gay men in research, as well as their... more
The transition to parenthood can be stressful for new parents, as parents must learn to take on new roles and responsibilities. Sleep disruption—which has been linked in prior research to parent distress and fatigue—is common in the early... more