Background: Depression symptoms may negatively affect the achievement of developmental tasks within the transition to parenthood, increasing the risk of paternal adjustment problems and negative paternal attitudes. Objective: This study... more
Drawing on a comparison of two ethnographic research projects on surrogacy in the United States and Israel, this paper explores surrogates' views about motherhood and parenthood, relationships and relatedness. The paper challenges three... more
Selbst junge Erwachsene, die noch keine Kinder haben, sind durch traditionelle Familienbilder gepragt, wie eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds unterstutze Studie zeigt. Gleichzeitig haben sie moderne Ansichten von Gleichberechtigung,... more
Model 1: Depressive symptoms predicted by time.
Intimate Partner Violence in Couples Seeking Relationship Education for the Transition to Parenthood
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a prevalent and common problem yet is rarely screened for, or addressed, in couple relationship education (CRE). The current study examined the prevalence of IPV in 250 couples expecting their first... more
Despite elevated incidence of preterm births among African Americans, very little is known about how aspects of family functioning, such as the division of labor and maternal functioning, operate within this population of families. The... more
Drawing on the relational turbulence model, this study queries whether it is the amount of relational uncertainty and partner interference in a relationship, or the magnitude of an increase in these mechanisms over time, that accounts for... more
Coparenting is based on parents' representations of themselves as coparents. Attachment theory can be a useful framework to understand the way that different coparenting representations are developed during the transition to parenthood.... more
Background: Depression symptoms may negatively affect the achievement of developmental tasks within the transition to parenthood, increasing the risk of paternal adjustment problems and negative paternal attitudes. Objective: This study... more
ABSTRACTCoparenting is based on parents’ representations of themselves as coparents. Attachment theory can be a useful framework to understand the way that different coparenting representations are developed during the transition to... more
Background: Depression symptoms may negatively affect the achievement of developmental tasks within the transition to parenthood, increasing the risk of paternal adjustment problems and negative paternal attitudes. Objective: This study... more
This study aimed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Coparenting Relationship Scale when administered in fathers during pregnancy. During the first trimester of a partner's pregnancy, 91 primiparous fathers completed the... more
The association between the couple relationship and the mothers' and fathers' psychological adjustment to the transition to parenthood has been examined in the literature. However, the direction of effects between these variables... more
Background: Little is known about the development of fathers' parenting self-efficacy during the transition to parenthood. Objectives: To analyse (1) fathers' parenting self-efficacy developmental path and (2) the effects of anxious and... more
Prevalence rates of infertility show that one in every six couples worldwide have experienced fertility problems; however, there is still a relatively high chance of spontaneous conception for couples with unexplained infertility.... more
Objective: To reach consensus between care providers and childbearing women about the midwife's relevant and appropriate domains and elements to support transition to motherhood. Methods: A modified web-based Delphi study was conducted... more
This study explored the use of dynamical systems modeling techniques to evaluate self- and co-regulation of affect in couples' interactions before and after the transition to parenthood, and the impact of the Family Foundations... more
The present study was intended to develop a measure of relational turbulence for the young married individuals in Pakistan's cultural framework. In the first phase of developing scale, 19 semistructured interviews were taken from married... more
Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginário? Experiences of prematurity: has the acceptance of the real child assumed the deconstruction of the imaginary baby? Vivencias de la... more
Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginário? Experiences of prematurity: has the acceptance of the real child assumed the deconstruction of the imaginary baby? Vivencias de la... more
The ever-watchful eyes of society have created burdensome challenges for mothers in the 21st century, who are constantly trying to manage their emotions and daily life in accordance with the dominant discourse of what a 'good mother'... more
And after having the baby, yeah, we got a good support from [my wife's] mum, so even after [we] came back to the home, she helped both of us-how to manage the baby, how to feed the baby, how to bath the baby. … [A]nd I get a good support... more
In this paper we consider early maternal distress and clinical care, drawing on narratives of women interviewed to populate an Australian health information website. We consider the notion of 'care barriers', which has become popular in... more
This investigation examined the validity of parental reflective functioning (RF; Fonagy, Target, Steele, & Steele, 1998) which is a measure designed to assess understanding of emotions and other mental states. RF was coded based on the... more
ΕΡΕΥΝΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Εισαγωγή: Η αποτύπωση του βαθµού ικανοποίησης των γονέων είναι µείζονος σηµασίας για τα παιδιατρικά νοσοκοµεία, καθώς αποτελεί τη βασική συνιστώσα της αξιολόγησης της ποιότητας των παρεχόµενων υπηρεσιών στις... more
This study explores marital satisfaction, division of child tasks, and satisfaction with the division of childcare outcomes among low-income Caucasian and Mexican American (MA) couples with young children. Participants were 521 California... more
Model 1: Depressive symptoms predicted by time.
The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between women's marital adjustment and sexual quality of life, and their use of family planning methods. This is a descriptive study. The sample size was calculated as 349 women.... more
This study investigated the relationship between parenting inequalities and feelings of relationship quality, and whether those patterns differed for women and men. Using data from the nationally representative 2011 Canadian Work, Stress,... more
This study investigated the relationship between parenting inequalities and feelings of relationship quality, and whether those patterns differed for women and men. Using data from the nationally representative 2011 Canadian Work, Stress,... more
The birth of a first child can be stressful on intimate partner relationships and the women having their first child. Conflict can occur, and hurts might be experienced, which could lead to post-partum depression. Thus, capacity for... more
This study explores marital satisfaction, division of child tasks, and satisfaction with the division of childcare outcomes among low-income Caucasian and Mexican American (MA) couples with young children. Participants were 521 California... more
This study examines two overlapping longitudinal samples of U.S. couples with children, covering a period of 15 years after the first child's birth. The first sample extended from the pregnancy with a first child until that child was 5.5... more
This study explores marital satisfaction, division of child tasks, and satisfaction with the division of childcare outcomes among low-income Caucasian and Mexican American (MA) couples with young children. Participants were 521 California... more
Considering narration and psychoanalysis as processes of interpreting human experience, a narrative was developed to investigate the collective imaginary about motherhood. It is a fictional story elaborated by the researchers based on... more
Transition to parenthood represents an important life event increasing vulnerability to psychological disorders. Postpartum depression and parenting distress are the most common psychological disturbances and a growing scientific evidence... more
This study aimed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Coparenting Relationship Scale when administered in fathers during pregnancy. During the first trimester of a partner's pregnancy, 91 primiparous fathers completed the... more
Background: Little is known about the development of fathers' parenting self-efficacy during the transition to parenthood. Objectives: To analyse (1) fathers' parenting self-efficacy developmental path and (2) the effects of anxious and... more
Background: Fatigue is prevalent in new parents and is associated with poorer functional performance and cognitive functioning. This can be particularly detrimental during the transition to parenthood when parents are adapting to new... more
The association between the couple relationship and the mothers' and fathers' psychological adjustment to the transition to parenthood has been examined in the literature. However, the direction of effects between these variables... more
is to encourage research on the ethical, legal and social implications of new medical technologies. Its main activities are to host visiting researchers and to organize symposia, workshops and summer academies. More information on the... more
For all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, transition to parenthood often increases stress, although, according to minority stress theory (MST), same-sex couples often experience additional stressors specifically related to their... more
On the basis of a qualitative longitudinal study of 14 German couples, the conditions that are necessary and sufficient for an equal division of labour in the transition to parenthood are examined in an explorative way. Based on the... more
This study examines the identity transition of women when they become mothers and return to work. Twenty-two first-time mothers were interviewed at two points in time: just after giving birth and on re-entry into employment after... more