Transition to Kindergarten
Recent papers in Transition to Kindergarten
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there is significant variation in kindergarten programs and the entry assessment systems used in school districts. There are no reliable data on the kindergarten entry assessment (KEA) systems used in... more
The study aimed to determine the status on the implementation of Kindergarten Program. The areas of concern included the following: the status of the kindergarten program in terms of enrollment for the last three (3) years, participation... more
This study explored the impact of school eating environments on the wellbeing of children in the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) Early Learning Program in the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and compared childrens experiences of eating... more
The developmental model of transition Pianta and colleagues outlined emphasizes the interconnected relationships among the child, teacher, family, peers, and community that are developed across time . This study focused on the use of... more
This article critically examines Quebec policy and programs related to children's transition to kindergarten, with a particular focus on "hard to reach" families : those that are lowincome, have limited levels of formal education, are... more
our distinct patterns define the transition of African American boys from preschool to kindergarten, revealing the importance of parenting and other factors on their academic and social performance across this time of change. The move... more
This study explores smartness as a cultural construct rather than a biological capacity. The cultural construction of smartness has broad consequences related to teacher expectations, student academic identity development, and... more
Democracy requires citizens able to recognize and understand their rights and responsibilities they have towards themselves, the community and the state. If children learn to respect the rights of others, they show respect for themselves,... more
This study explored children's experiences of instructional alignment from prekindergarten through kindergarten. Using cluster analysis to analyze data from over 1,300 children in the 2009 Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey... more
This study focused on the transition patterns of African American boys from preschool to kindergarten using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) dataset. Analyses were conducted to examine whether socioeconomic... more
Cet article presente les resultats d’une etude multicas sur le role des centres de la petite enfance (CPE) au Quebec dans la preparation de la transition vers la maternelle des enfants et de leurs familles. La recherche s’appuie sur un... more
Results of a survey of parent and Head Start/Early Head Start staff beliefs about and actions taken in support of young children's kindergarten readiness.
Okay, I will play the central negative (devil’s advocate) and say if the Minneapolis /St. Paul Public Schools are spending over $20,000 per student in a classroom of 25, should parents and caregivers have their preschooler’s... more
New experiences, challenges, and opportunities inherent in biographical transitions are expected to foster the psychosocial development of individuals. Our study investigated, first, developmental gains in children's language competence,... more