Transgender Legal History
Recent papers in Transgender Legal History
A guide for Texas attorneys on the unique issues involved with transgender law, co-authored with Phyllis Randolph Frye and published in the Texas Bar Journal, July 2003.
An examination of the early Common Law’s recognition of intersexuality, focusing on three cases in which a person’s legal sex designation was a central issue. This article was published in the Texas Journal of Women and the Law, 14:77... more
An analysis of the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' 2000 decision in, which not only marked a sea change in federal court analysis of transsexuals’ rights under laws addressing sex discrimination but also exposed the disturbing... more
Comparative analysis of the law of status in antebellum slave law cases and modern cases involving transsexuals. Co-authored with Alyson Meiselman and Phyllis Frye, the article appeared in the Georgetown Journal of Gender & the Law,... more
A comparison between the treatment of name changes for same-sex couples and for transsexual individuals in the courts of Ohio and New Jersey. The article was published in the Thomas Jefferson Law Review, 25:89 (2002).
Using cases and legal precedent on transgender employment discrimination in the US-American context, this article investigates the epistemological consequences of creating a gendered legal subject. It interrogates the ways that courts... more
(Engl. Title: Legal Relief or a "Big Mess"? - The discussion of the Transsexual Act as seen in the press and in petitions to the German parliament from 1975 to 1982) In her article, Kim Trau looks at an important aspect of the German... more
An analysis of potential interaction between a California’s constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage - also known as Prop 8 - and its statute recognizing change of sex, which had been enacted over three decades before the... more
The term cisgender (from the Latin cis-, meaning “on the same side as”) can be used to describe individuals who possess, from birth and into adulthood, the male or female reproductive organs (sex) typical of the social category of man or... more
An examination of the history of one of the earliest American transsexual birth certificate statutes - that of Louisiana (enacted in 1968) - and its unrecognized public policy implications. The article was published in Australia's Deakin... more
Despite the significant upswing in positive media attention being given to transgender people and transgender concerns, the exuberance currently being expressed – much of it from within the trans community – over recent transgender legal... more
An analysis of potential interaction between a Michigan’s 2004 constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and its 1978 statute recognizing change of sex. The article was published in the Ohio Northern University Law Review,... more
This is a paper that I did for a Gender and the Law class at the University of Iowa (team-taught by Patricia Cain and Linda Kerber), examining the multitude of problems with the Iowa Supreme Court's 1983 Sommers decision (subsequently... more
A comparison between the Kansas Court of Appeals' treatment of transsexual identity in In re Gardiner and a Texas appellate court's treatment of the same issue in Littleton v. Prange. This article appeared in the University of... more
Panel Presentation at the Intersections of Transgender Lives and the Law: Critical Perspectives on Legal and Social Challenges symposium, Temple University Law School, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 8, 2008. My presentation included some... more
Discussion of general trends in transgender law, but with a focus on the Littleton v. Prange case which, at the time of the conference, had been heard by the San Antonio Court of Appeals though the court had not yet issued its... more
This panel, on which I appeared with Alyson Meiselman, was connected to, though not purely a presentation of, research that appeared in "Sign of a Wave? The Kansas Court of Appeals Rejects Texas Simplicity in Favor of Transsexual... more
An analysis of the 1999 Texas Fourth Court of Appeals' decision in Littleton v. Prange, placing it in context with the emergent quest for same-sex marriage. The article was published in Tulane University's Journal of Law and Sexuality,... more