Transfer of Learning
Recent papers in Transfer of Learning
... Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Public Sector Leadership Development Programme Steering Committee (Roma Bridger, Cathy Mercer, and Karen Taylor) and Memorial University's Gardiner Centre (Susan Arscott,... more
Although transfer of learning was among the very first issues addressed by early psychologists, the extant literature remains characterized by inconsistent measurement of transfer and significant variability in findings. This article... more
Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject preexisting knowledge into the network. To make use of... more
Although training is often used in child welfare as an intervention to promote effective performance on the job (transfer of learning—TOL) as well as staff retention, there is not a preponderance of empirical evidence to support this... more
Early detection is crucial to prevent the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Thus, specialists can begin preventive treatment as soon as possible. They demand fast and precise assessment in the diagnosis of AD in the earliest... more
Abstract—Artificial neural networks learn how to solve new problems through a computationally intense and time consuming process. One way to reduce the amount of time required is to inject pre-existing knowledge into the network. To make... more
This paper focuses mainly on theoretical frameworks for understanding and investigating informal learning in the workplace, which have been developed through a series of large-and small-scale projects. The main conclusions are included... more
The goal of this work is to examine how second-language learners acquire grammatical knowledge. To measure this knowledge, our research examines how native speakers of English choose between constructions that have similar meanings, but... more
This paper extends recent efforts to critique and reconceive transfer by using an empirical study to rethink the surface/structure distinction of the traditional transfer paradigm. The findings suggest that what researchers typically... more
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003 17 Limitations with current approaches to the investigation of the transfer of learning in design experiments constrain the type of information that is available to researchers as they make design decisions. This... more
Why do we teach the arts in schools?
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Cornwall has implemented significant changes to the way that it delivers its safeguarding adults training. This paper outlines the benefits of combining safeguarding adults, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (HM Government, 2005a) and equality... more
The paper reviews theories of learning transfer from the perspective of whether they contain guidelines for generating educational approaches to the production of facilitative transfer. Two classes of theories are described. The first... more
The aim of all education is to apply what we learn in different contexts and to recognise and extend this learning to new situations. Virtual learning environments can be used to build skills. Recent research in cognitive psychology and... more
This article traces the uncomfortable relationship that Writing Studies has had with the concept of learning transfer. It reviews attitudes to learning transfer in writing theory influenced by rhetorical genre studies, activity theory and... more
Millions of people with speech and hearing impairments communicate with sign languages every day. For hearingimpaired people, gesture recognition is a natural way of communicating, much like voice recognition is for most people. In this... more
The outbreak of novel coronavirus disease (COVID- 19) has claimed millions of lives and has affected all aspects of human life. This paper focuses on the application of deep learning (DL) models to medical imaging and drug discovery for... more
Quest’elaborato verte sullo studio delle reti neurali artificiali, e si prefigge principalmente due scopi: il primo consiste nel comprendere il funzionamento che sta alla base delle reti neurali ed il loro apprendimento; il secondo sta... more
In this paper, we proposed a transfer learning-based English language learning chatbot, whose output generated by GPT-2 can be explained by corresponding ontology graph rooted by fine-tuning dataset. We design three levels for... more
Traditionally, data mining algorithms and machine learning algorithms are engineered to approach the problems in isolation. These algorithms are employed to train the model in separation on a specific feature space and same distribution.... more
1. Einführung ................................................................ 1 2. „Sozialplanung“ und die Anfänge der Lerntheorie...................................................................2 3. Die Theorie der logischen... more
We present EleMental: The Recurrence, a novel game that provides computer science students the opportunity to write code and perform interactive visualizations to learn about recursion through depth-first search of a binary tree. We... more
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common complication of diabetes mellitus, which causes lesions on the retina that effect vision. If it is not detected early, it can lead to blindness. Unfortunately, DR is not a reversible process, and... more
Image classification is getting more attention in the area of computer vision. During the past few years, a lot of research has been done on image classification using classical machine learning and deep learning techniques. Presently,... more
Iris is one of the common biometrics used for identity authentication. It has the potential to recognize persons with a high degree of assurance. Extracting effective features is the most important stage in the iris recognition system.... more
This dissertation could not have been completed without the commitment, contributions, dedication, interest, love, and patience furnished by my wife and best friend, Louise R. Levergneux. Between 2000 and 2007 my wife took on the status... more
This article briefly discusses the correlation between critical thinking and the transfer of knowledge and skills, and the two different aspects of their combination, in making up the coherent learning process. The two aspects are:... more
This chapter reports methods, findings, and implications for research and policy from 10 metaanalytic reviews of the effects on non-arts cognition from instruction in various art forms. Three analyses demonstrate generalizable, causal... more
Mango is the popular tropical fruit that is consumed all around the world. India is the largest producer of mango and it is exported to many countries. Proper classification of mango is must in agro-based industries. The conventional... more
According to data obtained by the World Health Organization, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has severely impacted the world and has now infected more than eight million people worldwide. Wearing face masks and following safe social... more
Technological advances enable the use of innovative learning tools for education. This work gives a brief insight into the potential and challenges of using collaborative Augmented Reality (AR) in education within the greater context of... more
In an attempt to illustrate the application of cognitive science principles to hard AI problems in machine learning we propose the LIDA technology, a cognitive science based architecture capable of more human-like learning. A LIDA based... more
Chatbot is a software agent that is used to conduct intelligent conversations between machines and humans. Chatbots are mostly depend on Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this paper, the design and implementation of a chatbot are... more
This article explores what metacognition is, why it is important and how it develops in children. It argues that teachers need to help children develop metacognitive awareness, and identifies the factors which enhance metacognitive... more
"Approaches to the longstanding challenges of ‘integrating’ subject-based and work-based knowledge have typically focused on questions of how learning can be ‘transferred’ from one setting to another, usually from theory into practice.... more
In the construction industry, some progress have been achieved by researchers to design and implement environments for task training using VR technology and its derivatives such as Augmented and Mixed Reality. Although, these developments... more
In the 1980s to 1990s, studies of perceptual learning focused on the specificity of training to basic visual attributes such as retinal position and orientation. These studies were considered scientifically innovative since they suggested... more
Artificial intelligence in combination with modern technologies including medical screening devices has the potential to deliver better management services to deal with chronic diseases with higher accuracy, efficiency, and satisfaction.... more