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      Regional Planning/DevelopmentRegional developmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementRegional Integration
Executive Summary This study considers whether South Africa is facing a water crisis and, if so, what the nature of the crisis is. It then reflects on whether the country is “water secure” and, if not, what is required to rectify the... more
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      HydrologyAgricultural DevelopmentIrrigationWater resources
The scope of this work is to understand which peculiarities and interconnections influence the management and governance of Transboundary Waters. Particular attention has been posed on how to reach agreements and design institutions that... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityWater ManagementTransboundary WaterWater governance
Aside from the issues peace and stability, one of Afghanistan's most vital needs is safe and reliable supplies of water. But Afghanistan faces certain economic, political, institutional problems to develop water resources potential. These... more
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      Water resourcesAfghanistanCentral AsiaTransboundary Water
Water is an essential component of human right, yet legal framework of its usage, except for navigation is disproportionally underdeveloped. This allows countries to abuse flaws in this framework, which in turn has a negative impact on... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsSovereignty
Im Disput über die Nutzung und Verteilung des Nilwassers hat sich das Kräfteverhältnis zwischen den großen Rivalen Ägypten und Äthiopien zugunsten Äthiopiens verschoben. Veränderte hydrologische, wirtschaftliche und geopolitische... more
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      Water ConflictsTransboundary WaterWater Conflict ManagementTransboundary Waters
The ―Arab Spring‖—a wave of pro-democracy demonstrations that began in Tunisia in late 2010 and swept across Libya and Egypt—finally reached Syria in early March 2011. The unrest resulted from a combination of socio-economic and political... more
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      GeographyMiddle East StudiesMiddle Eastern PoliticsMiddle East Politics
Marguerite de Chaisemartin & Léna Salamé, “L’hydrodiplomatie: une volonté politique, un échange scientifique, et un perpétuel dialogue”, Diplomatie, Les grands dossiers n°15 (June-July 2013) 84.
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      Transboundary WaterWater DiplomacyCooperation on Transboundary WaterTransboundary Water Issues
Many types of fish migrate up and down the Mekong River, and back and forth between the Mekong and her tributaries, adapting within a river system characterised by extreme seasonal flow variations.
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      FisheriesCambodiaLaos (Lao PDR)Transboundary Water
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      ConstructivismWater resourcesCentral Asian StudiesSocial Constructionism/ Constructivism
— After seven years long civil war, Syria move to another phase and federal, confederal models are more pronounced than before. Oil and gas pipelines has always played very significant role in the future of the Middle-East. Experts says... more
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      Water resourcesMiddle East PoliticsInternational Water LawClimate Change Impacts
Lao translation of Transboundary Environmental Governance - Principles and Practice in Mainland Southeast Asia
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      Southeast AsiaLaos (Lao PDR)Environmental GovernanceTransboundary Water
To achieve flood protection in the Maritsa River Basin, Greece and Turkey have been forced to take preventative measures. However, these actions have been taken unilaterally making the Maritsa River Basin an example of poor international... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementWater qualityWater resourcesWater Resources Management and Policy
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      Water-Energy NexusWater and EnergyWater ConflictsTransboundary Water
Various multi-dimensional governance models have been suggested by scholars and policy makers alike as suitable conceptual lenses through which to view the complexity of water governance, particularly in international river basins. While... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEthnic StudiesAnthropology
Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise das relações internacionais na Bacia do Prata, no que tange ao seu aproveitamento hídrico, analisando a (in)efetividade do Tratado da Bacia do Prata. Se, por um lado, as relações hostis... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawTransboundary WaterLa Plata basin
SUMMARY When one loook at last situation of the Syrian map, it can be seen that the Islamic State is squeezed out of its strongholds in Mosul and Raqqa and witnesses a steady decline in the influx of foreign fighters. As of 2017 July IS... more
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      Transboundary WaterInternational law and Transboundary Water ResourcesEffects of Claimate Change on Transboundary Water Resources ManagementTransboundary Water Management
Theme: “Promoting Transboundary Water Cooperation in Asia – Law, governance and institutions explored” This special collection of papers, ‘The China Water Papers’ aims at exploring how law/governance/institutions promote (or prevent)... more
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      Environmental Policy and GovernanceInternational Water LawTransboundary WaterInternational law and Transboundary Water Resources
As multiple countries share a river, the likelihood of a water resource conflict from climate change could be higher between countries. In this paper, we demonstrate how countries can cooperate in transboundary water sharing in a... more
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    • Transboundary Water
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      CambodiaRiversBig DamsVietnam
Aside from the issues peace and stability, one of Afghanistan’s most vital needs is safe and reliable supplies of water. But Afghanistan faces certain economic, political, institutional problems to develop water resources potential. These... more
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      GeographyWaterWater resourcesAfghanistan
Based on the theory of the politics of international law and the hermeneutic theory for international relations, this paper aims to demonstrate how the history and contextual changes within the Columbia River Basin have affected the... more
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      Transboundary WaterTransboundary Water Issues
In: Deutsches Institut fuer Urbanistik (Hg.): Brennpunkt Stadt, Lebens und Wirtschaftsraum, gebaute Umwelt, politische Einheit. Festschrift für Heinrich Maeding zum 65. Geburtstag Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, 281-292 (with... more
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      Transboundary WaterTransboundary Water ManagementWater regulationCooperation on Transboundary Water
Das Säbelrasseln Ägyptens in der Nilwasserfrage stößt an seine Grenzen, meint Tobias von Lossow. Da die Notwendigkeit zu kooperieren stetig zunimmt, müssen Ägypten und Äthiopien ihre politischen Absichtserklärungen endlich glaubhaft mit... more
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      Water ConflictsTransboundary WaterWater Conflict ManagementTransboundary Waters
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      Transboundary WaterIntegrated Transboundary Water Resources ManagementTransboundary Water ManagementTransboundary Water Issues
Das gesamte Wasserpotenzial des Euphrat-Tigris-Beckens ist etwa 90 km3/a, wovon 60 % in der Türkei, 25 % im Irak, 10 % im Iran und 5 % in Syrien entstehen. Nach einem gerechten, angemessenen, optimalen Endausbau würden Felder von 2,3 Mio.... more
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      Water resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementTigris, Euphrates river issuesTransboundary Water
Water security in South Africa Page 2 ... Development Planning Division Working Paper Series No. 12 ... Muller, M. et al. 2009. Water security in South Africa. Development Planning Division. Working Paper Series No.12, DBSA: Midrand ...... more
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      HydrologyAgricultural DevelopmentIrrigationWater resources
Aside from the issues peace and stability, one of Afghanistan’s most vital needs is safe and reliable supplies of water. But Afghanistan faces certain economic, political, institutional problems to develop water resources potential. These... more
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      GeographyWaterWater resourcesAfghanistan
Authors analyze the process of cultural hybridization and transboundar communication on the contact territory of China and Russia in the urban landscape of Harbin. Within the Harbin is regarded as the administrative and political center... more
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      Cross-border cooperationChinaRussian HistoryHistory of China
Issues related to water resources can be considered the pioneer to the environmental geopolitics, and they are still on the spot. Thus, it is fundamental to consider the countries which share river basins. This text aimed to make... more
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      Sustainable Water Resources ManagementGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSRecursos HidricosTransboundary Water
The South Asia region is one of the most unstable in the world, having experienced multiple wars. In recent years, water disputes have intensified between this region’s countries, including Pakista...
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      Political ScienceSecuritizationPakistanIndia
When he surveyed the American West in the latter part of the 1800s, John Wesley Powell famously recommended that irrigation systems and state frontiers be based on watershed contours lest the borders result in “a great deal of contention”... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringChemistry
Study region: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, Mexico; Texas, USA. Study focus: The objective of this study is to identify and classify the transboundary hydrogeological units shared between Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon... more
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      Groundwater HydrologyTransboundary WaterAquifer Management
Since the end of the Cold War, classical “regional cooperation” has been the most mentioned approach to resolve transboundary water conflicts between riparian states, yet this approach faces new challenges, such as the devastating impacts... more
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      WaterWater resourcesWater ConflictsWater Policy