Trajectory Optimization

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Trajectory optimization is a mathematical and computational approach used to determine the optimal path or trajectory of a dynamic system over time, minimizing or maximizing a specific objective function while adhering to constraints. It is widely applied in fields such as robotics, aerospace, and control theory.
Specific conditions of on-orbit environment are taken into account in the design of all devices intended to be used in space. Despite this fact malfunctions of satellites occur and sometimes lead to shortening of the satellite operational... more
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Technology recently attracts attention of many researchers; this is due toits numerous potentialities in civil application. One of the key areas of interest by researches is how to achievea total talent of... more
In this paper, the trajectory optimization problem for a multi-aerial base station (ABS) communication network is investigated. The objective is to find the trajectory of the ABSs so that the sum-rate of the users served by each ABS is... more
Information on the trajectories of turning vehicles at signalized intersections can be used in numerous applications, such as movement planning of autonomous vehicles, realistic representation of surrounding vehicle movements in driving... more
This paper deals with models of the rockets' motion around mass centre, command laws of vertical and horizontal planes trajectory, stabilisation laws of the roll motion of the rockets and target control laws (1), (2). One also... more
This paper examines two low thrust insertion options for delivery of a 40-kW solar electric propulsion spacecraft to a Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO). One option considered is a trans-lunar injection launch as a co-manifested payload... more
The upcoming DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) presents a demanding set of real-world tasks to be accomplished autonomously by robots. In this paper, we describe the de velopment of a system to control an existing humanoid robot to open a... more
Specific conditions of on-orbit environment are taken into account in the design of all devices intended to be used in space. Despite this fact malfunctions of satellites occur and sometimes lead to shortening of the satellite operational... more
This paper presents a continuous-time optimal control framework for the generation of reference trajectories in driving scenarios with uncertainty. A previous work presented a discrete-time stochastic generator for autonomous vehicles;... more
In this paper, we develop a composite collocation approximation scheme for solving optimal control problems governed by ordinary differential equations with piecewise smooth solutions. For this purpose, we divide the time interval of the... more
In this paper, we propose a unified approach to solve the time-energy optimal landing problem on planetary bodies (e.g. planets, moons, and asteroids). In particular, the indirect optimization method, based on the derivation of the first... more
In this paper, we apply a newly developed method to solve boundary value problems for differential equations to solve optimal space guidance problems in a fast and accurate fashion. The method relies on the least-squares solution of... more
A time-series flight trajectory technique was developed for use in a civil aircraft during descent. The three-degree-of-freedom (3-DoF) equations of motion were solved via time-series prediction of aerodynamic forces. In the present... more
Specific conditions of on-orbit environment are taken into account in the design of all devices intended to be used in space. Despite this fact malfunctions of satellites occur and sometimes lead to shortening of the satellite operational... more
The optimal Earth-Moon transfer trajectory considering spacecraft's visibility from the Daejeon ground station visibility at both the trans lunar injection (TLI) and lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuvers is designed. Both the TLI and LOI... more
The conventional method to send payloads to Mars is by direct trans-Mars injection (TMI) from LEO. NASA is considering an alternative of fueling large Mars-bound cargo transfer vehicles in cis-lunar space with propellants derived from the... more
A numerical method for the resolution of a system of ordinary differential equations coupled with a mixed constrained minimization problem is presented. This coupling induces discontinuities of some time-dependent variables when... more
The existence of significant uncertainties in the models and systems required for trajectory prediction represents a major challenge for the Air traffic Management (ATM) system. Weather can be considered as one of the most relevant... more
The design of the robotic arm's trajectory is based on inverse kinematics problem solving, with additional refinements of certain criteria. One common design issue is the trajectory optimization of the robotic arm. Due to the difficulty... more •••• CNES : launcher directorate Rond-point de l'Espace-910~3 Evry Cedex christophe. t MaUre de Conferences UMR 66~8-MAPMO B.P. 6759 45067 Orleans cedex ~ mounir.haddou~Labomath.univ-orLeans•fr
In 2007, the Committee on Meeting the Workforce Needs for the National Vision for Space Exploration published findings related to age and skills of the current National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) workforce and projected... more
High-Thrust Interplanetary Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization Using Cuda Viktor Wase Global optimization applied to the design of high-thrust interplanetary space trajectories is a computationally expensive task. This thesis investigates... more
A scheme is developed for nwnerical solution of minimwn•time trajectories for combat aircraft, undergoing large velocity vector change. The usual six degree-of-freedom aircraft model naturally embeds a point-mass model and a somewhat... more
A scheme is developed for nwnerical solution of minimwn•time trajectories for combat aircraft, undergoing large velocity vector change. The usual six degree-of-freedom aircraft model naturally embeds a point-mass model and a somewhat... more
Robustness and reliability of the designed trajectory are crucial for flight performance of launch vehicles. In this paper, robust trajectory design optimization of a typical LV is proposed. Two formulations of robust trajectory design... more
This investigation deals with the problem of spacecraft relative motion control, which is typically associated with the spacecraft rendezvous and proximity maneuvers. Relative position and linear velocity are considered. A distinguishing... more
In the article, the algorithm optimization trajectory of motion unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) is described on the criterion of the least extent of way due to the use theory of the graphs and presentation of flight UAVs as a task of... more
In collaborative robotics the manipulator trajectory has to be planned to avoid collisions, yet in real-time. In this paper we pose the problem as minimization of a quadratic functional among piecewise linear trajectories in the angular... more
This paper presents a new method that addresses measurement origin uncertainty. Measurement origin uncertainty occurs when the object a measurement originated from is not clear. The systems considered contain multiple bodies which are... more
The trajectory planning problem in industrial robotic applications has recently attracted the great attention of many researchers. In this paper, an optimal trajectory planning approach is proposed based on optimal time by utilizing the... more
In this work, we present the integrated structure-control design of a 2-DOF underactuated mechanical system, aiming to achieve a periodic motion of the end-effector. The desired behavior is generated via input-output linearization,... more
This paper is concerned with a robot trajectory optimization approach for thermal barrier coatings. As the requirements of high reproducibility of complex workpieces increase, an optimal thermal spraying trajectory should not only... more
This paper is concerned with a robot trajectory optimization approach for thermal barrier coatings. As the requirements of high reproducibility of complex workpieces increase, an optimal thermal spraying trajectory should not only... more
The work considers and analyzes three main ways of forming trajectory of movement: coordinate trajectory and vector. The choice of description method depends on conditions of specific problem. The specificity of different type's movement... more
The Origins' Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) trajectory design is addressed in light of improved methods for attaining constrained orbit parameters and their control at the exterior collinear libration point, L2. The use of a... more
In response to the current interest in CubeSats and potential applications for planetary exploration, this work studies the feasibility of using autonomous CubeSats to flyby near-Earth asteroids. Considering the limited performance of... more
The expressions substituted for the costate differential equations are the same for the Earth-centered and Moon-centered coordinate frames with the states referenced to the respective frames. Since the trajectory terminates in circular... more
increased service bandwidth. The Intelsat series of ABSTRACT satellites present a good example of these trends. 1 Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) technology is currently Intelsat 1 and 2, launched during the late sixties, had being used... more
FY14 CIF/DIF Focus Areas (please check all that apply): __X__ 1) (CIF Only) High-level of inter-center collaboration __X__ 2) Significant use of Ames SpaceShop __X__ 3) Aligns with Flight Opportunities Program __X__ 4) Aligns with... more
We introduce a new trajectory optimization method for robotic grasping based on a point-cloud representation of robots and task spaces. In our method, robots are represented by 3D points on their link surfaces. The task space of a robot... more
This letter presents a novel optimization-based fullpose trajectory tracking method to control overactuated multirotor aerial vehicles with limited actuation abilities. The proposed method allocates feasible control inputs to track a... more
Rehabilitation of post stroke patients with upper extremity motor deficits is typically focused on relearning of motor abilities and functionalities requiring interaction with physiotherapists and/or rehabilitation robots. In a... more
This paper discusses and presents an overview of the proportional navigation (PN) guidance law as well as the differential geometry (DG) guidance algorithm that are used to develop the intercept course of a certain target. The intent of... more
Part of the challenge of charting a human exploration space architecture is finding locations to stage missions to multiple destinations. To that end, a specific subset of Earth-Moon halo orbits, known as Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits... more
This article presents a detailed examination of projectile motion, exploring its various types and their fundamental role within the broader framework of classical mechanics. Projectile motion, characterized by the curved trajectories of... more
This paper introduces a novel trajectory generation and optimization algorithm (TGO) that enables agile and aggressive flight of quadrotor UAVs while considering various constraints associated with robot dynamics, actuator inputs, and... more
This paper presents the preliminary design of the descent and landing trajectory and guidance algorithms of the ESA Argonaut lunar lander. The mission scenario and driving system constraints are presented and accounted for in the design... more
This paper focuses on the time integration of the nonlinear EOM associated with a very flexible aircraft in flight. Various integration methods exist for linear structural dynamics problems. However, a review of the literature indicates... more
A predictive control scheme for a permanent-magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) is presented. It is based on a suboptimal method for computationally efficient trajectory generation based on continuous parameterization and linear... more