Th is article aims to evaluate how Brian Short’s environmental analysis of the history of Ashdown Forest was carried out in his book Turbulent Foresters. A Landscape Biography of Ashdown Forest. Based on this multithreaded narrative, it... more
In 1966, Barbara Welter wrote an article titled "The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820-1860," that demonstrated the four cardinal virtues expected of women in the nineteenth century: purity, piety, domesticity, and submissiveness. As these... more
Leave this Europe where they are never done talking of Man, yet murder men everywhere they find them, … , in all the corners of the globe. For centuries they have stifled almost the whole of humanity in the name of a so-called spiritual... more
Recent advances in land system science and in institutional analysis provide complementary, but still largely disconnected perspectives on land use change, governance, and sustainability in social-ecological systems, which are... more
Recent advances in land system science and in institutional analysis provide complementary, but still largely disconnected perspectives on land use change, governance, and sustainability in social-ecological systems, which are... more
The "tragedy of the commons" is typically a central topic in high school and college-level economics courses. This note provides a vignette for economics instructors that relates to the tragedy of the commons that, owing to the... more
No presente artigo, parte-se do pressuposto de que a crise de 2008 fez com que ocorresse uma maior pressão sobre as terras comunais no Brasil como forma de tentar amenizar ou recuperar perdas em investimentos de grandes grupos... more
The institutional and ecological structure of Hardin’s “tragedy of the commons” appears deceptively simple: the open-access pasture eventually will be overexploited and degraded unless (i) it is privatized, (ii) the government regulates... more
A revised application of Ostrom's (Ostrom, 2007) Social-Ecological System (SES) framework to Hardin's ‘tragedy of the commons’ (Hardin, G. (1968), Science, 162(3859): 1243–1248) demonstrates that its institutional structure is... more
The fossil record presents palaeoecological patterns of rise and fall on multiple scales of time and biological organization. Here, we argue that the rise and fall of species can result from a tragedy of the commons, wherein the pursuit... more
This paper develops mathematical models of the tragedy of the commons analogous to ecological models of resource consumption. Tragedies differ fundamentally from predator-prey relationships in nature because human consumers of a resource... more
This article examines the post-tsunami development of Aceh from an anthropological perspective, focusing on the concept of the tragedy of the commons. The author argues that the development projects in Aceh have been driven by a logic of... more
Addressing global fisheries overexploitation requires better understanding of how small-scale fishing communities in developing countries limit access to fishing grounds. We analyze the performance of a system based on individual licenses... more
Los beneficios de la competencia institucional se alcanzan bajo ciertas normas que impiden la violación de derechos y la depredación de los recursos. La competencia horizontal puede tomar la forma de agresión violenta entre jurisdicciones... more
The COVID19 pandemic has engendered unprecedented drastic and costly measures to obviate the threat. Will something similar happen in relation to global heating? No, this is not likely. Mainly this has to do with a difference in the... more
Fish stocks are declining in marine capture coastal fisheries in West Africa. Many observers have blamed climate change and the system of open access for the decline. Open-access fishing encourages too many people to take up fishing, and... more
Over the past 50 years public agricultural research has contributed enormously to humanity, enabling the supply of food to grow faster than demand in spite of a rapidly growing population, income growth, and shrinking natural resources.... more
Origin labels, more specifically Geographical Indications (GIs), allow organised producers to define quality standards and defend their food products' reputation while highlighting their geographical origin and value to consumers. Café de... more
This article argues that lessons on how to achieve a sustainable financial system can be learnt from the work done on sustainable commons (on common-pool resources (CPRs) where there is no 'tragedy of the commons'). Existing approaches to... more
In this contribution we focus on togetherness, as one of the key notions in the current COVID-19 crisis. Globally, it is seen as vital to stand and act together to combat the virus, and avoid a tragedy of the commons, in which actors are... more
An important contributor to the rising global prevalence of obesity 1 has been the widespread availability of cheap, unhealthy ultra-processed foods (UPFs). These are "formulations of ingredients, mostly of exclusive industrial use,... more
14. For example, Frank Michelman states, "[w]e need some reasonably clear conceptions of regimes that are decidedly not [private property], with which [private property] regimes can be compared." Michelman, supra note 13, at 5.
We apply causal loop diagrams (CLD) to picture how complex societal scenarios can be understood in terms of interdependent drivers and mechanisms between actors from the public and private sectors respectively. And we show how... more
Open-access, common-pool resources, such as many fisheries, aquifers, oil pools, and the atmosphere, often require some type of regulation of private access and use to avoid wasteful exploitation. This paper summarizes the arguments and... more
It assesses the efficiency of these frameworks and highlights how institutions affect the management of other natural resources/ecosystem goods and services. The study was carried out in Matabeleland South Province, Zimbabwe; it was... more
It is common to enrich legal debate with the principles of good governance or with data regarding the nature of goods or of services. Much less frequently, however, do we see questions regarding the influence in the opposite direction:... more
Eastern hills of Bogota for its landscape value have characteristics of common pool resources, so have been damaged by a logic called the tragedy of the commons. Against this government authorities have created an institutional design in... more
Undecidability reflects a fundamental limit to logical reasoning that permeates formal analysis in diverse areas of natural and social sciences. We present an intuitive approach to understanding how undecidability may emerge endogenously... more
The discussion is anchored on the constitutionality construct and opens up reflections to guide future management processes and outcomes for protected areas. Based on a review of articles and institutional reports, complemented by... more
We study the price of anarchy of selfish routing with variable traffic rates and when the path cost is a nonadditive function of the edge costs. Nonadditive path costs are important, for example, in networking applications, where a key... more
There are many economic environments in which individual incentives do not generate enough group cooperation. This dissertation investigates an instance of such a social dilemma - the use of a common property resource - and a special... more
This article examines the post-tsunami development of Aceh from an anthropological perspective, focusing on the concept of the tragedy of the commons. The author argues that the development projects in Aceh have been driven by a logic of... more
The privatization of a natural resource is often proposed as a solution to the degradation of natural resources under open access, known as the Tragedy of the Commons. However, this e¢ ciency improvement may come at a distributional cost... more
In this essay, I consider arguments both for and against intellectual property rights that are premised on some conception of a morally significant information commons. In particular, I consider the argument for a morally protected... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The guideline for libraries concerning how a library should be developed in the information society has not clearly detailed. This paper intends to argue information commons issue, which was tackled mostly in the academic library world,... more
We consider the problem of the tragedy of commons in cooperative production economies, and propose a mechanism to resolve this tragedy, taking into account that the coordinator cannot perfectly monitor each agent's labor skill and each... more
Fisheries regulation is considered necessary to counteract the effects of competitive forces which can lead to a "tragedy of the commons". Yet management initiatives have often failed because they did not take into account competitive... more
to describe how shared resources, or "commons" can become depleted, also elucidates the mechanism by which standardization of educational outcomes and assessment have come to dominate current education discourse. We then briefly present... more
This paper focuses on collective contests for commons and club goods. Our main objective is to examine in this context the effect of group size on its performance. The main results specify conditions for the existence (non-existence) of... more
Resilience is often presented as a championing solution for tackling the multi-level environmental, security, health, and financial threats facing the whole humanity or specific ecosystems, communities, institutions, or individuals.... more