In the era of globalisation and commercialisation, traditional knowledge and cultural heritage is increasingly vulnerable to misappropriation. Preserving them becomes essential for maintaining the identity and wisdom of local communities... more
Śulbasūtras was the oldest mathematical text found in India. The Śulbasūtras contain rich principles of mathematics, basically of 'geometry'. The outstanding feature of Śulbasūtras is consistency and completeness of geometrical results... more
This article examines the legal regulation of economic rights of Music Artists in Tanzania, particularly regarding the collection and distribution of royalties, are inadequately regulated and fragmented. The existing legal framework,... more
A geographical indication (GI) is a sign used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation due to that place of origin. Most commonly, a geographical indication consists of the name of the place... more
Intellectual Property Rights are often considered as serious obstacles to trade and the transfer of technologies related to the conservation of biological diversity. 1 African countries are rich in biodiversity and indigenous knowledge... more
Following Lockean intuitions, many creators of digital artifacts claim inalienable moral rights to their non-rivalrous creations based on a belief that, since any given creation is exclusively the product of its creator's labor, that... more
This article explores the geometric knowledge from the Sulba Sutra and its relevance to school geometry using historical research methods collecting historical documents and analyzing them. Key assumptions, theory, theorems and practices... more
The article examines the impact of the latest technologies, in particular NFTs (non-fungible tokens), on the art market and the protection of intellectual property rights in the context of digital transformation. The authors analyse the... more
How to enable entrepreneurs to appropriate the fruits of their investments in cumulative and sequential innovation 1 without impeding follow-on innovation and without creating barriers to entry 2 has become one of the great unsolved... more
The free exchange of microbial genetic information is an established public good, facilitating research on medicines, agriculture, and climate change. However, over the past quarter-century, access to genetic resources has been hindered... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami budaya ngiben sebagai warisan budaya yang berupa benda. Warisan ini cenderung mulai pudar, dikarenakan tergerus oleh zaman dan sekarang hanya kalangan orang tua saja yang sekarang masih... more
Written in English and French, this paper outlines current Canadian intellectual property legislation as it relates to Aboriginal people in Canada, and provides a general review of the implications and limitations of this legislation for... more
As intangible resources, intellectual property rights are difficult to measure. The search for ways to measure and research them and their impact on the current activities of nonprofit organizations such as museums is important because it... more
The main goal of this Explanatory Guide is to facilitate the understanding of the legal obligations of the Parties under the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their... more
The law of Copyright Act 1957 has been giving protection to literary, dramatic, or musical works, artists, cinematograph film, and sound records. Now days it has been challenging even in the field of research publications, thesis and... more
This paper is intended to discuss the plot and content of the Betururu oral story in relation to marriage custom, and to discuss the narrative of the story in relation to the maintenance of social function of the ketua adat in the... more
Hierdie wêreldtableau oor geheuepolitiek is 'n voortsetting van die volume sosiale herinnering, wat ek op die portaal in verskeie wêreldtale beskikbaar gestel het, soos ek met hierdie een doen. Die kennis en inligting vir... more
Any bioprospecting endeavor has many important legal and ethnoecological ramifications. Frequently, however, these ramifications are subtle, and those involved in a bioprospecting project consequently lose sight of these ramifications... more
The new intellectual property (IP) policy currently under development by the Department of Trade and Industry will likely define the future innovation landscape in South Africa. This is in line with the direction the country has taken... more
Traditional knowledge as a work which is communal property and has opposition characteristics to the legal regime of Intellectual Property rights. Thus, imposing for a regime of intellectual property used as a system to protect... more
Agradeço primeiramente a meus pais, que sempre me apoiaram em minhas decisões e ao longo desse mestrado e, em particular, a meu pai por ter me proporcionado na minha vida os valores de uma agricultura camponesa e agroecológica (sem... more
the aim of writing the article is to discuss the portrait of the Bajau tribe and the Bate tradition in Torosiaje, Bate within the framework of social traditions, and Bate as a form of religious and traditional relations. The study uses a... more
Die Franse skrywer en strukturalistiese antropoloog Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) se standpunte oor kulturele identiteit en multikulturalisme word sedert die tweede helfte van die twintigste eeu deur Unesco bevorder. Die belang van... more
The thesis investigates how living cultures with a history of primary orality can create safe virtual environments for indigenous communities, in which they can use internet platforms as an extension of their long-established ways of... more
Acquisition Policies and the Significance of the Ordinary Clíona O'Carroll (Ireland). Balancing 'in the Now' and 'in the Future': Tightrope Walking in Community-based Collecting and Archiving 16:30-18:00 Reception at Riga City Council: a... more
Between early November 2004 and mid-April 2005, the three-member review panel undertook interviews with 110 individuals from South and North Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), scientific institutions, governments (South and North), the... more
This paper aims to systematically review the scientific literature on innovation ecosystems and/or regional innovation systems (RIS). The intensity of publications throughout the decade was verified through the Thomson Innovation Platform... more
The lack of understanding between the Judiciary and Indigenous Peoples in Brazil stems in large part from the state's refusal to recognize the sovereignty of the latter, while asserts its own sovereignty over them. There is little... more
Conclusion More broadly though, in relation to the concerns of Indigenous knowledge, awareness and discussion of the problems relating to the TRIPS Agreement and traditional knowledge, the relationship with CBD and issues with patent... more
The research studies the educative practices pertaining to school in the process of strengthening of the tuyuka identity, and it aims: to understand the teaching-learning process, and historical processes of construction of the identity;... more
Este artículo se propone indagar en la materialización del doble estándar en la protección y promoción de los derechos humanos a nivel regional e internacional. Nuestro análisis se centrará en la definición jurídica, desarrollo histórico... more
O objetivo desta pesquisa e verificar se o modelo de Inovacao Aberta contribui para as boas praticas de Producao Mais Limpa na fabricacao de medicamentos, e como estao correlacionadas. A metodologia utilizada e de natureza qualitativa,... more
Constitutional damages as “nominal” and “aggravated” damages in urgent applications The case of Ngomane tells the story of how the Johannesburg municipality removed and destroyed the possessions of homeless people without lawful... more
Berwirausaha berawal dari bisnis sederhana yang tak terbayangkan, berbagai potensi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai peluang usaha. Diorama dekorasi dapat dijadikan peluang usaha yang menjanjikan. Rata-rata semua orang melakukan dekorasi... more
Original 177 La actividad física en la embarazada y su relación con el test de Apgar del recién nacido: Un ensayo clínico aleatorio. 186 Actividad física en el agua para mejorar la psicomotricidad de los bebés sanos. Protocolo del estudio... more
En este trabajo se presenta una aportación metodológica dentro del marco teórico de cadenas globales de valor, desarrollado por Gereffi (1994, 2005) y retomado por varios autores (Bair, 2008; Gibbon y Ponte, 2014; Humphrey, 2005) que han... more
En este trabajo se presenta una aportacion metodologica dentro del marco teorico de cadenas globales de valor, desarrollado por Gereffi (1994, 2005) y retomado por varios autores (Bair, 2008; Gibbon y Ponte, 2014; Humphrey, 2005) que han... more
ABSTRAK Menurut laporan Our World in Data, lebih dari setengah penduduk Indonesia atau 57,93% telah menerima dua dosis vaksin Covid-19 hingga April 2022. Walau demikian, angka tersebut menempatkan Indonesia berada di urutan ke tiga... more
ABSTRAK Menurut laporan Our World in Data, lebih dari setengah penduduk Indonesia atau 57,93% telah menerima dua dosis vaksin Covid-19 hingga April 2022. Walau demikian, angka tersebut menempatkan Indonesia berada di urutan ke tiga... more
Crafts is one of the oldest industries in Sri Lanka which dates back to many millenniums. There are huge number of handicrafts in Sri Lanka. As a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Sri Lanka protects its Intellectual Property... more
Desa Tanjung Atap menjadi daerah sentral industri pengrajin di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, sebab mayoritasnya berprofesi pengrajin. Keahlian ini didapatkan turun-temurun yang terus dilestarikan. Sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan sosial dan... more
Desa Tanjung Atap menjadi daerah sentral industri pengrajin di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, sebab mayoritasnya berprofesi pengrajin. Keahlian ini didapatkan turun-temurun yang terus dilestarikan. Sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan sosial dan... more