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The current research was conducted in Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan to explore the structure and procedure of the informal social justice system- commonly known as Jirga. The war on terror made it imperious for tribal Pakhtuns to bring back... more
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      PakistanTribal studiesTribal and customary lawsKhyber Pakhtunkhwa
This empirical research documented voices of women and girls in female shelters and prisons in Samangan, Laghman and Wardak provinces who experienced systematic sexual and gender based violence before and after they escaped forced... more
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      Human RightsSexual ViolenceAfghanistanViolence Against Women
This empirical research documented voices of women and girls in female shelters and prisons in Samangan, Laghman and Wardak provinces who experienced systematic sexual and gender based violence before and after they escaped forced... more
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      Human RightsWomen's RightsSexual ViolenceAfghanistan
African traditional justice systems (hereinafter ‘TJS’) refer to all those mechanisms that African peoples or communities have applied in managing disputes/conflicts since time immemorial and which have been passed on from one generation... more
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      Traditional African JusticeTraditional Justice Systems
Демократический лидер Эфиальт - фигура в истории трагическая, но не только из-за своей трагической гибели. Он смог декретом отнять права у Совета Ареопага, однако, как оказалось, сама афинская демократия не сумела обойтись без старинного... more
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      Criminal JusticeReligion and PoliticsAthenian DemocracyPolitical Violence
History has progressed very swiftly in some part of Pakistan. Swat is the best example of such transformation; which was one of the 560 princely states of subcontinent. In which transformation from a princely state to a provincially... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCriminal JusticeWelfare StateTraditional Knowledge
This assessment provided the necessary set of baselines for a justice reform at the government level, which involved the implementation of 3 Centers for Access to Justice in those 3 regions of Guinea Bissau. It focused on the capacity of... more
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      Access to JusticeHuman RightsVulnerable PopulationsTraditional Justice Systems
It is generally assumed that African states have yet to explore the full potential of their traditional institutions and the specific role that society wants them to play in modern states. While focusing on Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire, this... more
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      AfricaNigeriaCote D'IvoireCriminal Justice System
Jirga is an informal but exclusive institution existing in Pashtun society. Jirga is commonly used for settling disputes related to both the private and the public space. It is preferred over the formal courts, as jirga is considered to... more
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      Legal PluralismAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Traditional Justice SystemsJirga System
This article analyses some of the perceptions of women in the Timorese society. To organize the discussion, this article is divided into three parts. In the first part, I describe an activity conducted with civil servants, in which four... more
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      Gender StudiesDomestic ViolenceGender and SexualityWomen and the Law
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      Women, Society, and Criminal JusticeNamibiaTraditional African JusticeCommunity Courts
The present research entitled "exploring access to Justice through Traditional Justice System" is designed to explore access tojustice through traditional justice system in Fatehpur Village, District Larkana. The present research is... more
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      Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Traditional Justice Systems
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      Refugee StudiesSGBVTraditional Justice Systems
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      East TimorTimor-LesteLocal governanceLocal Economy
The principal aim of this study was to gather information regarding local justice systems in Timor Leste and how these systems handle cases of gender based violence. A further aim was to gather information regarding police services, the... more
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    • Traditional Justice Systems
Hukum merupakan sesuatu yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap negara. Dengan adanya hukum, akan membantu masyarakat untuk menjadi masyarakat yang tertib. Mungkin sebagian masyarakat pernah mendengar istilah ius constitutum. Ius constitutum ini... more
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      IndonesiaTraditional Justice SystemsStudi Strategis IndonesiaPeradilan di Indonesia