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A new understanding of science as a knowledge system is emerging. In place of universalizing theories, there is recognition of locatedness and situatednss as characteristics of scientific knowledge. This has a bearing on the relationship... more
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      Translation StudiesTraditional Chinese MedicineWarm Factor epidemics
Presented at the Diablo Valley Dietetic Association - October 19, 2015
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAcupunctureHerbal MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine
The aim of this paper is to show the interaction between Humanities and Sciences through shared methods and topics. Using scientific criteria typical of Literature, Philology and History, Traditional Chinese Medical texts have been... more
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      Gender StudiesChinese mythologyChinese PhilologyMedicine
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      NursingTraditional Chinese Medicine
Spanish translation
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      Chinese MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine
Folk medicine practitioners in Peril employ plant preparations as wound-healing agents on superficial and internal wounds (gastric ulcers). The results of a scientific evaluation of the wound-healing activity of nine plants found in the... more
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      Folk MedicineComplementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant Biology
1. J Psychedelic Drugs. 1979 Jan-Jun;11(1-2):145-6. Entheogens. Ruck CA, Bigwood J, Staples D, Ott J, Wasson RG. PMID: 522165 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]. MeSH Terms. Hallucinogens*; Medicine, Traditional*; Terminology as Topic.... more
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      PsychologyTraditional MedicineTraditional Chinese MedicinePsychedelic
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese ReligionsChinese Medicine
Rigorous scientific and well-designed clinical trials to evaluate the effect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is lacking. We, therefore, designed this study to evaluate the effectiveness of a commonly used TCM preparation in treating... more
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      Family MedicineClinical TrialTraditional Chinese MedicineStatistical Significance
An ethnobotanical survey was carried out among the ethnic groups (Kani/Kanikaran) in Southern Western Ghats of India. T raditional uses of 54 plant species belonging to 26 families are described under this study. In this communication,... more
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      GeographyComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacology
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      AnesthesiologyMedicineTraditional Chinese MedicineDiagnosis
The antiviral effect against hepatitis B virus (HBV) of artemisinin, its derivative artesunate and other compounds highly purified from traditional Chinese medicine remedies, were investigated. HBV production by permanently transfected... more
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      Chinese MedicineMedical MicrobiologyPCRCell line
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      Medical Theory and PhilosophyTraditional Chinese Medicinetraditional Korean medicine
We have previously demonstrated that a UVC-induced tumorigenic HeLa x skin fibroblast cell line could be induced to form a more normal phenotypic state ('reversion'), including loss of IAP expression. We have now used the loss of IAP... more
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      Cell CycleCell lineTraditional Chinese MedicineMice
Celastrol, a natural substance isolated from plant extracts used in traditional Chinese medicine, has been extensively investigated as a possible drug for treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and protein misfolding disorders.... more
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      ProteomicsMultidisciplinaryQuality ControlTraditional Chinese Medicine
Resveratrol and polydatin (piceid), the major active components of the traditional Chinese medicinal herb Polygonum cuspidatum (Sieb. & Zucc.), have been separated and purified from crude root extracts in one step by isocratic hydrogen... more
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      Analytical ChemistryPhysical ChemistryChinaPharmacognosy
Post-tonsillectomy swallowing pain is a common and distressing side effect after tonsillectomy and thus of great clinical interest. Up until now, there is no randomized controlled patient- and observer-blinded study evaluating the... more
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      SurgeryTreatmentTreatment OutcomeAcupuncture
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      GenomicsComplementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyComputer Aided Design
Purpose of review-Allergic disorders represent serious public health problem in children. The chronic nature of these diseases and the fear of known side effects of synthetic drugs influence many families to seek complementary and... more
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      ImmunologyTraditional Chinese MedicineChildUnited States
The survival of the tiger (Panthera tigris) is seriously threatened by poaching to provide raw materials for traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). Most highly prized are the tiger's bones, which are used in combination with other animal... more
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      Forensic ScienceCarnivoraEndangered SpeciesMultidisciplinary
Un point de vue «absolu» prétendant décrire « l'essence » de la médecine chinoise n'a que peu de sens. On ne peut qu'adopter des points de vue relatifs adaptés à des objectifs qui sont 1) soit professionnels et disciplinaires (les... more
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      AcupunctureTraditional Chinese Medicine
Coffee’s origin was in Ethiopia. Coffee’s use then spread from Ethiopia up through Egypt and Yemen. From its introduction to Yemen, coffee soon spread throughout the Arab world. It was not until 1670 that coffee was first introduced to... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionCoffeeTraditional Chinese Medicine
Review of Edward Slingerland's book -Mind and Body in Early China: Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism-
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      Chinese PhilosophyDigital HumanitiesHistory of MedicineChinese Medicine
Topical therapies are the mainstay in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, and are effective in the majority of patients with mild and localized disease. In patients with widespread or recalcitrant moderate to severe dermatitis, systemic... more
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      Treatment OutcomeTraditional Chinese MedicineAnti-inflammatory agentsClinical Sciences
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional Chinese MedicineNeoplasms
BACKGROUND: Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) afflicts 2%-10% of adult men. Available therapies offer little or no proven benefit. Because acupuncture represents an attractive "natural" therapy, we compared the... more
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      Treatment OutcomeTraditional Chinese MedicineChronic DiseaseFollow-up studies
Basic and applied uses of genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions of
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      Principal Component AnalysisMultidisciplinaryCurrent ScienceTraditional Chinese Medicine
This review examines the educational accreditation standards of four licensed complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) disciplines (naturopathic medicine, chiropractic health care, acupuncture and oriental medicine, and massage... more
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      Integrative MedicineNaturopathic MedicineNaturopathyChiropractic
Self-control problems commonly manifest as temper outbursts and repetitive/rigid/impulsive behaviors, in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which often contributes to learning difficulties and caregiver burden. The present... more
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Safety of traditional Chinese medicine in patients with chronic hepatitis B is unknown.
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      Treatment OutcomeLiver diseasesTraditional Chinese MedicineProspective studies
Whether communicating with a fellow practitioner, looking up research on a plant, or checking official legislation, plant names are essential to practising herbal medicine. However, names used to refer to Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) are... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PharmacyEthnobotanyTraditional Medicine
Big data and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a new interdisciplinary field quietly emerging in Chinese society. Internet of Things (IoT) sensor system technology is currently being developed to gather large volumes of personal data... more
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      MedicineTraditional Chinese MedicineTaoismBig Data
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      History of MedicineTraditional Chinese Medicinetraditional Korean medicine
【論文要旨】... more
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      Traditional Chinese MedicineHuang-Lao Daoism
The mechanism of Cupping therapy action is not clear. Cupping may increase local blood circulation, and has an immune-modulation effect. Researches reported some local and systemic effects of cupping therapy. Genetic expression is a... more
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      Integrative MedicineAcupunctureTraditional Chinese MedicineIslamic Medicine
Instrutor de Tàijí quán 太極拳 e Qìgōng 氣功 da Escola do mestre Wǔ Cháoxiàng 武朝相 Doutor em Ciência das Religiões pela PUC-SP Coord. do curso de Filosofia da Faculdade EBRAMEC Faculdade EBRAMEC VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Chinesa... more
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      HealthPhysical TherapyTai Chi ChuanTraditional Chinese Medicine
We situate elderly Chinese immigrants’ utilization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in social contexts (e.g., family and social networks), exploring how TCM is used as a tool, a resource, and a product of meaning-construction in... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultureCultural IdentitySocial Support
This study explores two conflicting models of how patients experience mind-body therapies; these models frame the design of a clinical trial examining the effects of qigong (a traditional Chinese movement therapy) on the immune systems of... more
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      MultidisciplinaryTraditional Chinese MedicineNatural Killer cellsSurvivors
Wir leben in einem Zeitalter, in dem medizinische Körperdarstellungen allgegenwärtig sind. Die durch verschiedene bildgebende Verfahren hergestellten Körperbilder nehmen nicht nur in der Prognose, Diagnose und Behandlung des Körpers eine... more
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      Art HistoryCulture StudiesTraditional Chinese MedicineImages in Art and Science
Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article. Sign up in the Notes articles must include the digital object identifier (DOIs) and date of initial publication.
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTreatment OutcomeNorwayTraditional Chinese Medicine
Objectives: This article aims to clarify the understanding and publication status of both The Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (Donguibogam) and some of its recent research progress made in North Korea, as well as their influences... more
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      History of MedicineTraditional Chinese MedicineNorth KoreaKorean Medicine
Adlay (Coxi lachrymal-jobi), an annual crop, has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for its biological activity and as a nourishing food. Its phytochemical composition has been extensively studied; however, information on its... more
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      Food ChemistryVietnamMultidisciplinaryTraditional Chinese Medicine
Dragon's blood is one of the renowned traditional medicines used in different cultures of world. It has got several therapeutic uses: haemostatic, antidiarrhetic, antiulcer, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound healing, antitumor,... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional MedicinePlant BiologyTreatment
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      History of MedicineSouth KoreaTraditional Chinese MedicineModern China (especially late Qing and Republican history)
In Angela Ki-Che Leung and Charlotte Furth, eds., Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Publics and Policies in the Long Twentieth Century, 369–410. Chapel Hill: Duke University Press, 2011.
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      History of Public HealthChinese medicine (History)Traditional Chinese MedicineHistory of Chinese Medicine
Abstract:  Attempts to prevent illegal trade in bile and gallbladders from Asiatic black bears, Ursus thibetanus, are hampered by difficulties associated with identifying such items. We extracted DNA from bile crystals of unknown species... more
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      Forensic ScienceSequence AnalysisTraditional Chinese MedicineForensic Sciences
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      ArchaeologyChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Religions
growth that could have weakened the membranes leading to premature rupture. We would propose that any future use of precipitated egg white as a sealant would include sterilization of the agent as well as addition of a preservative. We... more
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      MethodologyTreatment OutcomeAcupunctureRisk assessment
Conclusion: Drug–herb interactions can cause adverse reactions. A computerized reminder system can enable TCM practitioners to reduce the risk of drug–herb interactions. Read this original research and sign up to receive Therapeutics... more
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      Traditional Chinese MedicineTherapeutics
This article reviews the usual methods used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in the West, then discusses some alternative treatments that are being used by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The paper... more
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      ImmunologyHealth EconomicsMultiple sclerosisPublic Health