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An expression of art or craft diminishes with changing philosophy over time, but an architectural expression tends to remain. The built form eventually becomes one of the very few representations of previous civilizations that have stood... more
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      ContextLongevityIndian architectureTraditional
Prevalence of coliform and Salmonella in cultured prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) ghers of different management
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      Key wordsTraditionalSalmonellaTotal Coliform
This paper investigates the use of the latest technology and innovative methods in such a way that the established learning and teaching approaches are taken into consideration in designing teaching materials. In other words, technology... more
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      TechnologyLearning and TeachingVirtual RealityBusiness Education
Abstract. The Javanese Traditional Carrying Tools are categorized into two kinds based used of materials: anyaman made of woven bamboo or rattan and the other was made of cloth. The Traditional Javanese Carrying Tools that were made of... more
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Traditional Medicine (TM) has been practised in Ghana from time immemorial and many Ghanaians still patronise the services of traditional medical practitioners (TMPs). However, TM has not been integrated into the formal healthcare... more
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The basic purpose of accounting information is to help users make decisions.
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A simplified go-to document that shall the give the reader an overview of the pillars of African Traditional Religion. It also promises to be a book that urges the reader to find out more about African Traditional Religion because it... more
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      ReligionChristianityAncient Egyptian ReligionComparative Religion
The Lodha and Savara, once a hunting and gathering Scheduled Tribe, lived in the jungle terrain of West Bengal. The land and forest played an essential role to provide protection and sources of livelihood. The pattern of their general... more
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      Indian studiesOccupationIndiaEconomy
The paper presents SWOT analysis of Traditional Medicine (TM) in Nigeria using various results in scientific research and author's critical opinion on the past, present and future of this important sector of agriculture. The paper is... more
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      Health CareNigeriaMedicineAnalysis
the same time the look holds on for some dynamic quality which blazes inside them. In his books, Rushdie tries his best to express the character emergency and focuses on the submerged inside universe of a person. A sharp perception of the... more
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This paper is a review research about the features of the agile and heavy (traditional) software development methodologies and comparisons between them based on: Approach, Success Measurement, Project size, Management Style, Perspective... more
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The basic purpose of accounting information is to help users make decisions.
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t should be noted that the today's youngsters create their own kingdom and rule it like an uncrowned king with their own ideologies that rarely match with the reality of life. They call themselves modern and fail to understand that they... more
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      Indian studiesVirginityIndiaIndology
Belief in the existence of supernatural powers and day-to-day unexplainable experiences has led the Nyishis into believing in other than the material visible world i.e. in the invisible spiritual world or supernatural power. Generally,... more
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Şi Dumnezeu a zis:"Să se strângă la un loc apele care sunt dedesubtul cerului şi să se arate uscatul!"
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    • Traditional
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      TraditionalRomanian Monastary
This is a completely new setting for "The Celtic Lyre." The Preface contains information that suggests that Gaelic music is based on a triplet rhythmic pattern and whose pitches are determined by the natural scale (harmonic series).
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      FolkloreFolk MusicLanguageCeltic Music
Survey on rural chicken production system was conducted in three peasant associations of Haramaya Woreda of Oromia regional state to generate information on the problems and constraints emending the developments of their community with... more
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      AgronomySustainable agricultureAgricultureAgricultural extension
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      Caste Systems in IndiaTraditional
This paper is an attempt to reflect upon a relationship between Interior Architecture (stone crafts) and traditional systems of space making.The story of stone is the story of civilization. It is a material, which has witnessed all the... more
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      SpaceCraftsSystemSpace Making Crafts
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      MarketingTourism StudiesDesignIndustrial Design
Abstract- Survey on rural chicken production system was conducted in three peasant associations of Haramaya Woreda of Oromia regional state to generate information on the problems and constraints emending the developments of their... more
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      SurveyTraditionalIndigenous chickenHaramaya
The paper explores the history of the relationship between human and nonhuman animals in Zimbabwe and how her chaotic agrarian reforms that started in the year 2000 have impacted on the rights of nonhuman animals. It also attempts to make... more
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There is increasing interest in the health and wellness benefits of herbs and botanicals. This is with good reason as they might offer a natural safeguard against the development of certain conditions and be a putative treatment for some... more
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This is an introductory study of the Maltese Soundscape and is part of an even bigger project. It introduces a soundscape diced with traditional sounds which still echo in the present and mutate and conflict with the modern sounds that... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundSound Design
The history of the Tibetan Medicine dates back to 7th century AD. The main sources that had an impact on Tibetan Medicine before 13th century AD were India, China and the West. However, Central Asian Medicine also had an intense... more
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      HistoryTibetCentral AsiaMedicine
Objective: To determine any relationship between temperaments of medicinal plants referred to traditional Iranian manuscripts and their major chemical compounds. Methods: Plants used in traditional Iranian medicine were categorized based... more
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      Medicinal PlantsIranTraditional Chinese MedicineTemperament
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      Martial ArtsCambodiaBoxingSport
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    • Traditional
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    • Traditional
Decline symptoms on grapevine included plants that failed to thrive normal with reducing shoot growth and chloratic interveinal areas that latter became necrotic. In a cross section of grapevine arms, the internal wood tissue were... more
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The knowledge of the symptoms, treatment seeking behaviors and management of malaria amongst mothers and care-givers in Aba South LGA in South eastern Nigeria was assessed. A total of five hundred and two mothers and care-givers were... more
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      Medical AnthropologyEpidemiologyMalariaPublic Health
Background : Since milk is considered as one of the most common foods in human life, this research aimed to evaluate the quality of milk produced in traditional and industrial dairy farms of Yazd province in 2007. Materials and... more
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CITATIONS 6 READS 47 3 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: 1) Effects of PCB 153 on cytotoxicity of RTG2 fish cells, CHO cells and Dunaliella salina algae. View project... more
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    • Traditional
The scope is to express the relation between the public spaces and the social life in chinese urban framework, where living urban spaces means living 2 aspects together:
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      ArchitectureChinese StudiesSinologyUrban Planning
This paper contributes to the continuing discussion concerning the paradox that tourism destroys the object of its desire. An analysis is made of tourism relations and hospitality in a Turkish village, and it is argued that in their close... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural TourismTurkeyEnvironmental Sustainability
This is an introductory study of the Maltese Soundscape and is part of an even bigger project. It introduces a soundscape diced with traditional sounds which still echo in the present and mutate and conflict with the modern sounds that... more
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      EngineeringSoundscape StudiesSound studiesSound
Mostly the shepherds and landless villagers traditionally use the wild fodder plants for their livestock. The present authors have made the extensive survey, group discussions and field visits with the villagers from different localities... more
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      EthnobotanyLivestockTraditionalWild Plants
Objective: To determine any relationship between temperaments of medicinal plants referred to traditional Iranian manuscripts and their major chemical compounds. Methods: Plants used in traditional Iranian medicine were categorized based... more
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      Medicinal PlantsIranTraditional Chinese MedicineTemperament
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    • Traditional
Traditional, complementary and alternative medical (TCAM) systems contribute to the foundation of person-centred medicine (PCM), an epistemological orientation for medical science which places the person as a physical, psychological and... more
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      Health SciencesBiomedicineTherapeutic RelationshipComplementary and Alternative Medicine
This paper describes the concept of innovation strategies for traditional souvenir craft industries. There are many traditional souvenir craft industries in Indonesia, and they have to compete in today‘s global markets. The craftsmanship... more
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      MarketingEngineeringTourism StudiesDesign
Background: The sensitivity to the radiation among human population depends on various parameters. This variation could lead to dissimilar outcome of radiotherapy in similar situations. Mizaj is a well-known term in Persian medicine that... more
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      Complementary TherapiesTraditionalComet AssayRadiation Tolerance
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    • Traditional
“Modernity” has recently been the subject of considerable discussion among historians. This article reviews some of the debates and argues that modernity is a problematic concept because it implies a complete rupture with “traditional”... more
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      ModernityModernidadTraditionalHistory of the Self
A word that denotes a person, place, thing or idea.
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 Ramayana Ballet, a dance theater for tourists, was started in 1961 at Prambanan Temple and has become an Indonesian representative theater. It was choreographed by R.T.Kusumokesowo, a dance master of the Surakarta Court. However his... more
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      Cultural HistoryPerforming ArtsDance StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studies