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La présente étude s’attache à l’analyse de la symbiose entre fascisme et catholicisme au sein de l’Istituto di Studi Romani (ISR). Il s’agira de montrer que l’ISR, suivant les exigences du régime et celles du Vatican, jouait un ‘double... more
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      ChristianityReception StudiesEuropean CatholicismReception Theory
Although the Mediterranean Sea was the center of Greek and Roman life, the Red Sea tells another story of the West trying to catch up with Eastern refinement. The trade of the Red Sea has again and again been called into question where... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyHistorical Geography
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural Studies
About 300 and the Latin translation of Asterix by Rubricastellanus (Karl-Heinz Graf von Rothenburg). Draft of the study "Asterix Gallus ad maiorem Caesaris famam", published in "Intercod. Estetiche del fumetto, letteratura & cinema.... more
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      Comics StudiesComicsThe Classical TraditionSpartan history & modern reception
The idea of a heritage from ancient Rome, or romanità, was central to Italian fascism. This article analyzes, in the 44 volumes of his Opera Omnia, Il Duce Mussolini’s discourse on romanità, focusing on key themes such as empire,... more
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      Reception StudiesReception TheoryHistory and Classical tradition studiesAudience and Reception Studies
Nel saggio si analizzano alcuni passi delle «Lectiones» e dei «Commentari» vettoriani al trattato di retorica di Demetrio (pseudo-) Falereo, in cui il filologo fiorentino commenta la lingua, le metafore e le fonti della «Commedia»; anche... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyDante StudiesItalian Studies
Many of the books come from the hundred or so dependencies of Iveron Monastery throughout the Balkans, Asia Minor, Russia and Western and Central Europe. They are votive offerings of pious Christians, donations of rulers, acquisitions by... more
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      Cultural HistoryGreek LiteratureLibrary ScienceScholarship of Teaching and Learning
Dans cet article, nous nous proposons de présenter l’état des recherches concernant la romanité fasciste dans toutes ses manifestations reconnues jusqu’à présent. Ainsi, nous parlerons d’abord des études ‘générales,’ qui depuis la fin des... more
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      Reception StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studiesThe Classical TraditionFascism and Classical Antiquity
Il saggio mette in discussione l'attribuzione, fatta da Bernard Weinberg, del volgarizzamento manoscritto della "Poetica" di Aristotele (1573) a Lorenzo Giacomini. L'esecuzione della traduzione, conservata nel codice Ashb 531 della... more
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesItalian (European History)Italian Studies
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of CultureClassics
The present paper treats a particular manifestation of contemporary myth-making, the myth of ‘Romanness’ known as romanità, which since the end of antiquity has often been viewed as a cornerstone of Italian identity; at times this myth... more
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      Reception StudiesEuropean CatholicismReception TheoryHistory and Classical tradition studies
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek History
Segunda edición (2019), revisada y corregida por los editores, con contenido exacto al de la edición Cátedra (2005)
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      History and Classical tradition studiesThe Classical TraditionClassical Tradition in Art and LiteratureItalian Renaissance, the classical tradition; the social and cultural history of early modern Europe; women and learning 1300-1800; and the history of childhood from antiquity to the present
Dans le fascisme italien, l’idée de la romanité, c’est-à-dire d’un héritage idéologique de l’antiquité romaine, était une notion centrale dans la volonté de création d’une identité fasciste. La romanité a déjà été l’objet de nombreuses... more
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      ChristianityReception StudiesHistory of ChristianityHistory and Classical tradition studies
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance, the classical tradition; the social and cultural history of early modern Europe; women and learning 1300-1800; and the history of childhood from antiquity to the presentTradition of Classical antiquity
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEgyptology
3 Appropriations of Spartan Helotage in British Anti-Slavery Debates of the 1790s StephenHodkinson and Edith Hall For about half a millennium, between roughly the seventh and second centuries bce, the citizens of ancient Sparta exploited... more
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      History and Classical tradition studiesAbolition of SlaveryAnti-slaveryThe Classical Tradition
La scheda (nr. 33) sul libro dell'umanista parmense Francesco Maria Grapaldo "De partibus aedium", o meglio su un ampio capitolo del volume ("Hortus") dedicato all'idea del giardino di una dimora nobiliare italiana della fine del secolo... more
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      Latino/A StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismHistory and Classical tradition studies
En los últimos años, en nuestro país ha cobrado un notable protagonismo en la historiografía sobre Historia Antigua la atenta y sistemática revisión de los usos del pasado por parte de la tradición historiográfica como línea de trabajo a... more
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      Modern HistoryHistoriographyVisual ArtsReception of Antiquity
Leon Battista Alberti affida al toscano molti degli argomenti considerati all'epoca di esclusivo dominio del latino, estendendo, quindi, le capacità espressive di una lingua viva. Il lavoro dell'artista teorizzato dall'Alberti nel "De... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism Brill Companions to Classical Reception [BCCR] is designed to explore varying aspects in the history of classical reception as well as the life and... more
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      ClassicsHistory and Classical tradition studiesThe Classical TraditionClassical philology
Si tratta di una bibliografia ragionata basata sulla selezione e sull'affinamento dei titoli bibliografici (schedati in 53 voci, pp. 93-193) dedicati allo stile, alla lingua e alle teorie linguistiche di Leon Battista Alberti. Nel saggio... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsRenaissance History
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
An analysis of the structure of grammatical texts in relation to the doctrine of grammatical accidents and its terminology is presented in the article. It describes nominal species and figura accidents from late-ancient Artes grammaticae,... more
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      Slovak languageTradition of Classical antiquityLatin GrammarGrammatography
Uno studio delle principali attestazioni del gusto "pompeiano" nelle decorazioni dei palazzi palermitani tra diciottesimo e diciannovesimo secolo.
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      Pompeii and HerculaneumTradition of Classical antiquityPalermo
La vittoriosa impresa militare, condotta nel 1113-15 contro le Baleari dai Pisani e dai loro alleati iberico-occitanici, è tra gli episodi maggiormente rilevanti del conflitto dell’Occidente cristiano con l’Islam. Il Liber Maiorichinus ne... more
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureHistory of CrusadesMedieval philologyMedieval Latin Poetry