Trade Liberalization
Recent papers in Trade Liberalization
An input-output framework with environmental accounting module was used to investigate the implications of liberalising agricultural trade on the environment in South Africa. The results showed that trade liberalisation in the case of... more
This paper describes the performance of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) in 10 Latin American countries under the New Economic Model (NEM). Based on an original databank, the authors analyze SME performance in... more
FREE TRADE is one of the most cherished goals of American economists. The the-ory of comparative advantage, taught in every introductory economics course, is regarded as a triumph of scientific reason and a compel-ling argument to reduce... more
Since 1986, Vietnam has undertaken various reform measures in the trade and foreign investment area. This paper finds significant contributions of world trade, and competitiveness and liberalization effects to Vietnam's export growth over... more
Since the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations in 1994, there has been increasing debate about the implications of freer trade for domestic or "nontrade" objectives in agriculture. These range from traditional concerns,... more
The study attempted to analyse the long-term effects of the FTA on India. It is argued that after full trade liberalization, India’s allocative efficiency will increase, but the terms of trade effect will worsen continuously and remain... more
This study is conducted (1) to examine the possible link between increased trade openness and technical efficiency in Brazilian agriculture and (2) to contribute to the scholarly debate in the literature by measuring the impact of trade... more
The recent revitalization of concern for environmental quality has generated many questions about the interaction between trade and the environment. Most of these questions have to do with the impact of environmental regulation on trade... more
The study focuses on the empirical modelling of the major determinants of imports demand of Bangladesh using annual data. We, not only, critically examine the determinants of imports demand following conventional wisdom but have taken... more
Until the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) was born (January 1, 1995) the rules of the trading system pertained to trade in goods, not services. Where as tariffs are the principal barriers to trade in goods, domestic laws and... more
This paper uses a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) to assess the gains from unilateral trade liberalization in Costa Rica within a comparative statics framework. The paper considers recent economic policies in Costa Rica and the... more
As the use of global and national computable general equilibrium (CGE) models has become more widespread, most policies still remain at the regional or sub-national level.
We incorporate intermediate inputs into a small-union general-equilibrium model and develop the welfare economics of preferential trading under the rules of origin. Combining this analysis with the Grossman-Helpman political-economy... more
Since mid 2007 there has been a dramatic rise in prices for basic foods such as internationally traded varieties of rice, corn and wheat. At the moment, it is rather impossible to estimate how far speculation in the commodity markets has... more
We provide an overview and introduction to the emerging field of trade and renewable resources, and discuss the potential impact of trade liberalization on welfare and resource conservation. A key factor determining the effect of trade... more
In a context of increasing globalization, marked by the intensification of trade in a more competitive environment, the port sector in Morocco and in the world, has become an important lever for development and competitiveness of a... more
My research will examine the origins of the current corn crisis in Mexico. The rise in corn prices are not the result of shortages in production, but the outcome of increased demand stemming from the production of biofuels. I hypothesize... more
Ð Following a poor harvest in late 1997 and a massive¯ood in 1998, private sector traders in Bangladesh imported several million metric tons of rice from India. This paper presents evidence that this trade, made possible by separate trade... more
This contribution tests for causality between financial deepening, trade openness and economic development for 16 Sub-Saharan African countries. An advanced econometric methodology is used to add to existing empirical evidence. Only... more
This paper analyses the interaction between mutual fund prices, exchange rates and inflation in Ghana. The study focuses on the first and the largest equity mutual fund in Ghana known as the Databank EPACK Investment Fund. With over 50... more
The EU-sponsored Barcelona conference in 1995 set the ambitious goal of creating the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area (EUROMED) that would include the European Union and the MENA countries by 2010. The intermediate steps towards... more
This study extends the theoretical, methodological and empirical developments in tax elasticity and buoyancy estimation in several ways. First, rather than assuming that the tax base is exogenous, it considered the very strong theoretical... more
After a long period of industrialization based on import substitution (ISI), Mexico started to open up its economy by accessing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1986. The exportpromotion strategy was transformed into... more
Trade liberalization in the late eighties and early nineties in Latin America was accompanied by increases in skill premiums and wage inequality, and in several countries in overall income inequality, a result unexpected by many. Further,... more
Tropical forests do far more than sustain biodiversity; they are homes to indigenous peoples, pharmacopeias of natural products, and provide vital ecosystem services, such as¯ood amelioration and soil conservation. At regional and global... more
One of the effects of trade liberalization is the reduction of tariff rates for the manufacturing sector. Aldaba (2012) found that trade liberalization has increased the likelihood of firms exiting the manufacturing industry. Unless... more
This research work empirically investigates the impact of trade liberalization and financial development on economic growth in Nigeria using annual observation over the period of 1986-2013. Instead of using common proxies for the issues,... more
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, is to provide an empirical analysis of the implementation of economic reforms in the areas of privatization, trade liberalization, and public expenditure priorities, using the Washington... more
History, not predictions of CGE models or cross-country growth studies, shows a strong relationship between trade and development. Vietnam's experience with bilateral trade agreements, comparing actual outcomes with predictions from... more
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
ABSTRACT: The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a rule based multilateral trading organization which facilitates trade between nations. Its main function is to act as a forum for international cooperation on trade related policies and... more
This paper presents a literature-informed and data-driven critique of the Rice Tariffication policy in the Philippines, in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic that has already disrupted rice supplies and hiked rice prices globally. Gaps in... more
At this article we will try-in light of the macroeconomic statistical data-to assess and analyze the dynamics of employment in Morocco in a polarized economic context marked by the proliferation of free-trade agreements exchange and to be... more
With the inception of Bangladesh, being war-torn when economic infrastructure of the country were disastrous, had to initiate its economic policies and strategies by its own. But, soon afterwards, with intervene of International... more
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan ( JESP) terbit dua kali setahun memuat artikel hasil pemikiran filosofis, konseptual, teoritis, telaah kritis (critical review), dan penelitian di bidang ekonomi pembangunan (development economics) dan... more
Purpose -Marketing boards are an integral part of the farm economy in Canada. Their purposes have been debated for decades but seldom from a marketing perspective. Such an approach makes for an interesting way to study them. The purpose... more