This study is novel as it expands the understanding of factors affecting real time visibility compliance. The article responds to calls for an indepth identification of the reasons for the gap between expectations on real time visibility... more
This paper presents a real-time auditory and visual tracking of multiple objects for humanoid under real-world environments. Real-time processing is crucial for sensorimotor tasks in tracking, and multiple-object tracking is crucial for... more
Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) technology has gained widespread use in many countries, including India. With the explosion in the number of vehicles plying over the roads in the past few years, automating the process of... more
Vehicle tracking is one of computer vision's most important applications, with applications ranging from robotics and traffic monitoring to autonomous vehicle navigation and many more. Even with the significant advancements in recent... more
The objective of this paper is to explore the role of human tracking technology, primarily the use of global positioning systems (GPS) in locating individuals for the purposes of mutual legal assistance (MLA), and providing location... more
Object identification and tracking applications of pattern recognition at video rates is a problem of wide interest, with previous attempts limited to very simple threshold or correlation (restricted window) methods. New high-speed... more
1. Introduction Intelligent Space or iSpace is a new kind of computing system aiming at improving the environments of humans, creating a natural and easy to use solution. Its main feature is that the intelligence is not implemented... more
Augmented Reality has now progressed to the point where real-time applications are being considered and needed. At the same time it is important that synthetic elements are rendered and aligned in the scene in an accurate and visually... more
the rise in cyber attacks has overwhelmed the monetary resources and human ability to analyze and combat every new form of cyber threat in the cyber security industry. With the increasing digital presence, there is a large amount of... more
Sosyal medya platformlarından, mobil uygulamalardan, telefon operatörlerinden ve daha birçok farklı kaynaktan elde edilen pek çok kişisel veri (iletişim veya kimlik bilgileri, fotoğraf vb.) çeşitli sebeplerle kullanılmaktadır. Verinin çok... more
One of the main challenges of planetary rover missions is the traversability of rough terrain areas, steep slopes and very soft soil fields. In the past, rovers repeatedly struggled while driving especially in these soft soils, with the... more
The relationship between electromyography (EMG) and age group is to identify and analysis the electrical activity/signal on upper-limb muscle. Nine participants/subjects with their arm fixed at 90o angle and perform isometric contraction... more
We present results from a tracker which is part of the integrated surveillance system ADVISOR which is designed to operate in real-time in a distributed local network of offthe-shelf computers. For PETS2001, our indoor people tracker has... more
Sometimes the futile process at the parking gates exasperates the customers waiting in long queues to enter. What if parking spaces were fully automated and human interaction were tapered off making the process brisk? The exposition aims... more
In this era the Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined with computer vision techniques are seamlessly applied across various domains. The medical image analysis domain is also gaining the advantage of the AI solutions. The medical domain... more
Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis entitled "Ethiopian Car License Plate Recognition Using Deep Learning" was prepared by me, with the guidance of my advisor. The work contained herein is my own except where explicitly stated... more
Mean shift tracking is a widely used tool for robust and quick tracking of the object in video, against partial occlusion and clutter. This paper proposes a Parzen window based mean shift tracker for visual object tracking. It combines... more
Background: Iterative reconstruction for cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been applied to improve image quality and reduce radiation dose. In a case where an object is larger than a flat panel detector, most CBCT images contain... more
İnternet teknolojisi üzerinden birbirleriyle haberleşebilen nesnelerin meydana getirdiği ağ olan Nesnelerin İnternet'i (IoT) önemli bir veri kaynağı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT) ile veri paylaşımı... more
This paper presents the implementation (real time and simulation) of an integral sliding mode controller (ISMC) for the four degrees of freedom (DOF) of the humanoid BERT II 1 robot arm, in order to deal with the inaccuracies and... more
This paper presents the implementation (real time and simulation) of an integral sliding mode controller (ISMC) for the four degrees of freedom (DOF) of the humanoid BERT II 1 robot arm, in order to deal with the inaccuracies and... more
We present a simulation and optimisation based decision-support system to improve last-mile distribution of goods during disasters. In particular, the impact of road closures on supply and optimal transfer points is analysed by... more
In this article, we examined the widely used Digital Tracking and Monitoring (DTM) applications in the world and in Turkey through the scale consisting of 16 questions put forward by Floridi, Cowls, Taddeo, and Morley in their article... more
Adaptive cruise control (ACC), cruise control (CC), and automatic emergency braking (AEB) serve as the basis of longitudinal automated driving, and as such have been the subject of much research. Model predictive control (MPC) and fuzzy... more
Object detection in streaming images is a major step in different detection-based applications, such as object tracking, action recognition, robot navigation, and visual surveillance applications. In most cases, image quality is noisy and... more
ARtwin project: A report specifying the pivot format of the map that will be used to develop the services provided by the ARtwin platform. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme... more
A synthetic air data system (SADS) is an analytical redundancy technique that is crucial for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and is used as a backup system during air data sensor failures. Unfortunately, the existing state-of-theart... more
In the dynamically moving context of mass-customization of products, new manufacturing control architectures, based on the consideration of highly distributed, autonomous, adaptable and efficiently cooperating units integrated by a... more
This paper is for transportation security and fleet management. An embedded device is designed and fabricated into PCB. The embedded device having SIM908, integrated GSM/GPS module, is kept inside vehicle which acquires the speed and... more
Recently, high resolution visual methods based on direct-phase measurement of periodic patterns has been proposed with successful applications to microrobotics. This paper proposes a new implementation of direct-phase measurement methods... more
Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) provide a framework for efficient probabilistic inference using graphs that correspond to factorised representations of high-dimensional probability distributions. The problem of tracking objects from... more
Purpose: A method is presented for generating simulated low-dose cone-beam CT (CBCT) preview images from which patient-and task-specific minimum-dose protocols can be confidently selected prospectively in clinical scenarios involving... more
This paper presents a patient monitoring system that can support multiple IoT (Internet of Things) rehabilitation devices. The physicians can plan the treatment for each patient via the Internet connection system with our software which... more
Complex hardware systems become more and more ubiquitous in mission critical applications such as military, satellite, and medical to name but a few. In such applications, reliability remains a primary concern because a failure that... more
ghmersD vuke sF nd qrohgnzD rolger nd lmelundD renrik nd v¤ omnnD uorinin nd desD homs nd wusD ysm wF nd teedD tonthn F @PHPIA 9reditive identi(tion of oEformers in oEmorphous systemsF9D iuropen journl of phrmeutil sienesFD ISU F pF IHSTQTF
The continuous development that the world is on must be pursued into human services, among these services provided by the modern world are the ability to detect faces, controlling and monitoring crowded places, the roads, auto-drive cars,... more
This paper focuses on an electronic toll collection (ETC) system using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Research on ETC has been around since 1992, during which RFID tags began to be widely used in vehicles to automate... more
Transportation system is the backbone of developing country. Intelligent transportation is need of today to provide better conditions to the public. Automatic licence plate system is one of the important elements of intelligent... more
This paper describes the different robotics tasks which can be realized using the visual servoing approach. A classification of these tasks, based on the virtual linkage formalism, is proposed and the different properties that the visual... more
Evaluating sums of multivariate Gaussian kernels is a key computational task in many problems in computational statistics and machine learning. The computational cost of the direct evaluation of such sums scales as the product of the... more
Every year, millions of people around the world die from road accidents, excessive or unsuitable speed is one of the main factors responsible for accidents, and it is implicated in a third of deaths. The main objective of this paper is to... more
In this paper we propose a pose regression method employing a convolutional neural network (CNN) fed with single 2D images to estimate the 3D orientation of a specific industrial part. The network training dataset is generated by... more
Classical Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) makes use of geometric image features like point, straight line and image moments to control a robotic system. Robust extraction and real-time tracking of these features are crucial to the... more
The sheriffs, wrote John Carpenter in his 1419 book of the customs of London, 'are called "the eyes of the mayor"'. They are 'the eyes of the mayor, watchful and supportive of the responsibilities which the said mayor, as one person, is... more
Automated Vehicle License Plate (VLP) detection and recognition have ended up being a significant research issue as of late. VLP localization and recognition are some of the most essential techniques for managing traffic using digital... more
Sur quelques modules d'Iwasawa semi-simples * Jean-François Jaulent & Jonathan W. Sands Résumé. Nous introduisons la notion de Z-extension cyclotomiquement ramiée sur un corps de nombres K pour obtenir des conditions arithmétiques... more
Knowing the limits of transverse handling and vehicle stability is very important from the aspect of designing a system aimed at improving handling and safety. One of the phenomena that have a great impact on vehicle stability and... more
the rise in cyber attacks has overwhelmed the monetary resources and human ability to analyze and combat every new form of cyber threat in the cyber security industry. With the increasing digital presence, there is a large amount of... more