Town Centre Management
Recent papers in Town Centre Management
The research addresses a central tension of modern society between materialism and retail expansion on the one hand and growing environmental awareness on the other, during the 1970s and 1980s. It does so through a study of the operations... more
Sono passati ormai più di dieci anni da quando sono stati avviati i primi Distretti come strumento di valorizzazione del commercio. I tempi, la dimensione quantitativa e qualitativa del fenomeno sono ormai tutti fattori che fanno pensare... more
Estratto dalla Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Cinema: "Festival cinematografici e territorio. Identità, comunicazione e posizionamento di progetti culturali complessi", depositata presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino nel mese di Giugno... more
The notion of the creative economy has gained cognisance in many countries over the last decade as part of strategic urban revitalisation and marketing frameworks. Culture-led urban regeneration has been instrumental in many European... more
In this paper we start by outlining the continued decline of the small shop in Britain. The decline is seen as especially severe in the truly independent/non-affiliated sector and we look at trends in decline but also the methodologies... more
This landmark study builds on international practice and knowledge in urban revitalisation, city competitiveness, place branding and marketing, urban regeneration, tourism, retail and town centre management, among others to offer a... more
In most shopping areas, there are place management partnerships (PMPs) that aim to increase the competitiveness of the area. Collective digital marketing activities, such as the adoption and update of collective websites and social media... more
For eighty years, UK government policy related to urban sprawl, town centres and high streets in England and Wales has been dominated by planning/land-use control. In the post-war period, retail developments have often been discussed in... more
Scientific consultant for cultural institutions. His main research interest is in the field of the theory of architectural and urban design. He publishes extensively in scientific magazines and has participated in several European... more
This paper focuses on the perceptions of Andalusian retailers towards the current state of small independent retailing in their city/town and their feelings about the future. The paper reports on the findings of 70 structured interviews... more
The paper is in Italian. It analyzes the integrated management of the city center, with special attention to the commercial environment, and the phenomena of the "Natural Commercial Center" opposed to the mall.
International approaches to city centre management and place management practice have evolved considerably over the last 40 years. Parallel to this, there has been a rising level of interest among academics and practitioners alike in the... more
The world is becoming increasingly urban. Towns and cities compete regionally, nationally or globally to attract and retain visitors. They compete for investment, for leading thinkers and entrepreneurs, as well as for a diverse cultural... more
In this paper we start by outlining the continued decline of the small shop in Britain. The decline is seen as especially severe in the truly independent/non-affiliated sector and we look at trends in decline but also the methodologies... more
A recent special issue of Scientific American proclaimed in its front cover “we have seen a brighter future, and it is urban”. Indeed, if current projections are anything to go by, 70 per cent of the global population will be urban by... more
Key Words: Mexico City, Mexiko Stadt, Città del Messico, Rascasuelo, grattasuolo, gratte-sol, earthscraper, earth-scraper, earth scraper, Bunker Arquitectura, Esteban Suarez, Zocalo, Arief Budiman, Herzog and De Meuron, heritage,... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of the management of traditional retail markets (TRM) in the UK. TRM are indoor and outdoor markets located in town and city centres across the UK, selling food, household... more
Una vez elaborado el Proyecto, “Las Áreas de Rehabilitación Integrada y sus efectos en la recuperación de los Espacios Urbanos Históricos”, concedido en la Convocatoria 2013, Modalidad 1, Proyectos de I+D, del Programa Estatal de Fomento... more
La reconstruction de la ville de Dresde, détruite sous les bombes alliées en février 1945, constitue pour la compréhension du rapport entre idéologies urbaines, pratiques d'accommodation de celles-ci et esprit civique citadin, un cas... more
PurposeIl Cuore di Novi is an example of an innovative way of regenerating and revitalising a town centre in Italy in the face of intense competition from large out‐of‐town retail and residential developements. This has been achieved... more
Town centre management (TCM) has evolved considerably over the last 25 years in terms of both its purpose and methods. Whilst most reviews of TCM to date have focused on its development within the Anglo-Saxon world (typically North... more
Urban revitalisation has been key to urban planning and the management of cities in Poland since the rebuilding of the country after World War II. It is only relatively recently, however, that strategic interpretations and practical... more
Town centre management (TCM) has evolved considerably over the last 25 years in terms of both its purpose and methods. Whilst most reviews of TCM to date have focused on its development within the Anglo-Saxon world (typically North... more
Scientific consultant for cultural institutions. His main research interest is in the field of the theory of architectural and urban design. He publishes extensively in scientific magazines and has participated in several European... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of the management of traditional retail markets (TRM) in the UK. TRM are indoor and outdoor markets located in town and city centres across the UK, selling food, household... more
The event begins with a drinks reception at 5:30pm for a 6pm lecture start. After 45 years in retail during which time Bill was a Director at: Budgens, Tesco and a CEO of: ParknShop Ltd (Hong Kong's leading supermarket company), Wickes... more
Purpose – Town centre management (TCM) schemes in Spain have generally evolved primarily from a retail perspective, led by small and medium sized (SME) retailers. However, their development has often focused on business goals (e.g.... more