Tourist Marketing
Recent papers in Tourist Marketing
Castañeda, Quetzil E. 2015. Imagining Modern Maya Art. Lecture presented at “Intersections of Art & Archaeology in the Americas” conference held at Center for Collaborative and International Arts (CENCIA), Georgia State University,... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2009-2014 yılları arasında Marmara Bölgesi için il bazında gelen turist sayısını etkileyen faktörleri tespit etmektir. Bu faktörlerden hareketle bölgede mevcut turizmin geliştirilmesi ve farklı turizm türlerinin... more
L'article discute la pertinence conceptuelle du terme tourisme religieux dans le contexte de la post-modernité. Il existe une capacité, en expansion, de générer des affaires, et par conséquent de produire un développement social et... more
Culture shock is a common phenomenon for tourists. Recognized by Dr Hiroaki Ōta in the 1980s, the Paris Syndrome is characterized as a specific type of culture clash. It has been defined as a mental illness affecting some Japanese... more
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Bukidnon, a mountain top destination in Mindanao should not be missed by the adventurous
Literature on the relationship between cinema and tourism suggests that a destination's depiction on motion pictures is often positively related to its tourist arrivals. However, empirical data corroborating the impact of films on... more
Currently, the world is witnessing a remarkable development in the modern means and electronics techniques, especially the social networking sites which became available in many sectors including the tourism sector. This increases the... more
Recreational vehicle (RV) manufacturers have traditionally been viewed as having no direct effect on caravanning experiences beyond their role as the suppliers of the vehicles. Drawing on the theoretical approach known as service-dominant... more
A B S T R A C T This study aims to assess the influence of cultural events, structural elements and place brand on destinations' overall image, based on an evaluation of cognitive and affective components of destination image. The... more
background. The Karkonosze Mountains enjoy great popularity as they try to satisfy various preferences of tourists visiting this region. Identification of these preferences is helpful to improve the tourism product. A survey carried out... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of tourist satisfaction toward destination loyalty. A survey was carried out at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). A sample of 261 European tourists was obtained at the... more
Currently, the world is witnessing a remarkable development in the modern means and electronics techniques, especially the social networking sites which became available in many sectors including the tourism sector. This increases the... more
Currently, the world is witnessing a remarkable development in the modern means and electronics techniques, especially the social networking sites which became available in many sectors including the tourism sector. This increases the... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of social couponing campaigns for hotels. In particular, the perceived effectiveness related to four specific objectives is explored (acquiring and retaining new... more
The present study investigates whether there is a relationship between emotional labor presentation styles and self-acceptance scores of tour guides. The research data were collected from 307 tour guides registered to 13 chambers of The... more
Destination branding influences destination selection process and future tourist behaviors. However, measuring brand equity is difficult in the case of tourist destinations. The aim of this paper is to determine which part of the price of... more
If you are willing to make your visit to India, then it is quite important for you to ensure of finding all the right details on how you can get hold of the right tourist visa. It is your own perfect selection which can help in fulfilling... more
Call for Papers - International Journal of Tourism Cities Terrorism attacks in major cities (e.g. New York, Paris, Brussels, London, Barcelona) and their impact on the image of these global tourism destinations is a topic of growing... more
The family business in the field of social economy represents the actions and commitments it has with its members and the community, according to the philosophy and principles of the cooperative as a business organization; it also helps... more
La parte per il tutto
Il problema dell'autenticità
Identità locale e cultura materiale
Il recupero dell'artigianato: occasione di sviluppo o finzione turistica?
Il problema dell'autenticità
Identità locale e cultura materiale
Il recupero dell'artigianato: occasione di sviluppo o finzione turistica?
This research examines the development from educational to commercial tourism in Britain between the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century by questioning whether this reflected a transformed understanding of the role of travel... more
Aging is sure to have lived! Understanding the phenomenon of aging observing only the biological perspective, it is not complete. Old age in addition to their biological specificity, located in a story and is part of a system of social... more
Wie entsteht das Image einer Region? Wie ist das Ruhrgebiet zu seinem Image gekommen? Wie hat sich parallel dazu die Identität, das Selbstbild, der Ruhrgebietsbewohnerinnen und -bewohner entwickelt? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen... more