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Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 2002 ( 2 upravené vydání) / The book was publishedin Prague in 2002 (2 edited editions). ISBN 80-200-0680-X.
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      Tourism StudiesHistory of TourismTravel LiteratureTourist Guidebooks
Der Fotograf Franz Thiard de Laforest (1838-1911) und sein Reiseführer zu den Buchten von Kotor
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      Balkan HistoryHistory of photographyDalmatian historyMontenegro
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      Second World WarWorld War IITourist GuidebooksHome Army (Armia Krajowa)
This illustrated guide to Jerusalem and the wider territory of Judah combines the latest historical and archaeological research vividly illustrated with archaeological reconstructions of sites most visited in the area. The book covers the... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelHebrew BibleBiblical Studies
Naše knížka o zvídavém Matějovi a jeho dědovi je vlastně ilustrovaným průvodcem bitvou u Hradce Králové 1866 pro malé i velké. To znamená, že nabízí každému něco – těm menším záhadný příběh, obrázky, písničky a jednoduché hry, starším... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryEducationChildren and Families
Streszczenie Przewodniki turystyczne są jedną z najstarszych form literatury periegetycznej, zna-ną już w starożytności. W Polsce tradycja ich tworzenia jest wprawdzie znacznie krótsza, niemniej jednak liczy już kilka stuleci, gdyż sięga... more
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      Cultural HistoryTourist GuidebooksHistory of Travel and Tourism
Essay published in: Nordic Museology, 28 (2020), 1, pp. 8-22. Writers’ and artists’ residences developed into museums only at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries, when houses inhabited by Walpole, Rousseau... more
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      Tourism StudiesPetrarchMuseologyJean Jaques Rousseau
This introductory essay explores some of the commonalities and differences that emerge from this thematic issue on religion and tourism in China and India. Economic growth has led to an explosion in domestic tourism activity in both... more
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageHeritage TourismCultures and heritage tourism
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      EcotourismConservation BiologyAfricaMalagasy Studies
دانلود نمونه سوالات رایگان راهنمای عمومی گردشگری فنی حرفه ای
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    • Tourist Guidebooks
Tourist guidebooks provide an important source of information on places. Different guidebooks are written for different types of visitors to better meet their individual travel needs. This is demonstrated through a content analysis of... more
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      PerceptionTourism StudiesTourist BehaviorHuman Perception and Performance
Interest in Piero in 19th century Britain was favoured by various factors: the influence of German historiography; the impact of the Christian school of art criticism, which viewed the art of the early Renaissance as more spiritual; the... more
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      IconographyVisual propagandaVictorian StudiesPropaganda
In this article I draw on a wide range of studies including my own field research to provide a bird’s-eye perspective of the various points of connection, confluence and overlap between Hindu pilgrimage and domestic tourism in... more
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      HinduismTourism StudiesPilgrimageHeritage Tourism
Il seguente studio si propone di fornire uno strumento che prepari un traduttore alla resa, dall’inglese all’italiano, di un testo specifico: la guida turistica. La motivazione di tale scelta risiede nell’intrinseca difficoltà che... more
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      Translation StudiesLiteratureMachine TranslationTranslation theory
Ben Kubilay Bal, Ege Üniversitesi -Turist Rehberliği ikinci sınıf öğrencisiyim. Bir rehber adayıyım. Bugün sizlerle tuttuğum notlar ve çektiğim bazı fotoğraflar ile birlikte ekim ayında gerçekleştirmiş olduğum Pamukkale, Hierapolis... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourist GuidebooksPamukkaleHierapolis
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Mac Rebennack, better known as Dr. John, created a microcosm of his home city of New Orleans by appropriating and recreating the identity of Dr. John, “the last of the best gris-gris men”, whom he first brought to being on the 1968 record... more
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      MusicPopular Music StudiesRace and RacismCultural Tourism
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryCultural HistoryTourism Studies
The aim of this paper is to explore how influential Lonely Planet (LP) guidebooks are to backpackers. Findings revealed LP to be of moderate influence, acting in a supplementary role to word of mouth information. The most important... more
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      New MediaSystems thinking, complexity science, emergence and organisational development, the application of knowledge from Quakerism to public policy to achieve social enterprise and sustainable developmentTourist GuidebooksTravel Guidebooks
(For a high-resolution version of this file, please contact the author.)
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      Baroque art and architectureItalian Baroque artGianlorenzo BerniniTourist Guidebooks
Диссертация посвящена изучению столичного города через его туристическую функцию и вопросам познания городского пространства туристами в конце XIX – начале ХХ века. На основе широкого круга архивных и опубликованных источников, основными... more
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      Russian StudiesUrban HistoryHistory of TourismRussian History
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      Tourism StudiesLSPESPTourist Guidebooks
To this day, no comprehensive academic study of the development of guidebooks to Rome over time has been performed. This book treats the history of guidebooks to Rome from the Middle Ages up to the early twentieth century. It is based on... more
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      Tourism StudiesTravel LiteratureRenaissance RomeTourist Guidebooks
W XIX wieku, w zwi¹zku z rozwojem turystyki, zaczê³y powstawaae liczne przewodniki przeznaczone dla ówczesnych turystów. Wiele z nich dotyczy³o miast, które by³y czêsto zwiedzane. Przewodnikopisarstwo rozwija³o siê tak¿e na ziemiach... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)WarsawTourist Guidebooks
A review of The Illustrated Guide to the Federated Malay States first published in 1910, exploring the context of the tourist industry in that period, the writers and illustrators of the publication and the publishers.
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      Travel WritingBritish Imperial & Commonwelath History - 19th & 20th centuryEarly 20th Century BritishTourist Guidebooks
terrà una giornata di studi dedicata alla stampa di traduzione e storia dell'arte. Se gli studi sugli artisti incisori e lo sviluppo di un mercato di stampe europeo vivace e ben delineato hanno visto un crescente interesse negli ultimi... more
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      Art HistoryIllustration18th & 19th CenturiesPrints (Art History)
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      World LiteraturesTravel WritingCosmopolitanismPeriodical Studies
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      Architectural HistoryTourist GuidebooksGuidePeterhof
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      MiraclesTitianTourist GuidebooksIcons
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      Travel WritingEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern ItalyPhilology, Codicology, Critical Edition
This article presents the role of architecture in the process of making the landscape of the Western and Northern Territories of Poland in the late 1940s more familiar to new inhabitants. The topic is analyzed on the example of Wroclaw... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitecturePropaganda
“У межиріччі Буга і Бужка, ніби Месопотамія, посідає Меджибіж, що про саму суть цього міста свідчить”, - писав у 1585 році Станіслав Сарницький, придворний історик і географ польських монархів. З межиріччям азійських річок Тигру і... more
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      MulticulturalismTravel WritingLocal HistoryUkrainian Studies
This article presents a journey through the divided city of Nicosia on the island of Cyprus by confronting its dominant representations in guidebooks dating back to 1960s with my personal urban experience in the northern part of the city,... more
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      ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, THEORY AND CRITICISMMappingTourist GuidebooksNicosia, Cyprus
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      Travel WritingTravel BehaviourTravel LiteratureLithuanian History
Textus English Studies in Italy volume XXV ( ), No. (January-April) Carocci editore Textus: English Studies in Italy. First published in
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      Tourism StudiesSemanticsCognitive LinguisticsLSP
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      SemioticsUrban GeographySpace and PlaceTourist Guidebooks
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of IstanbulTravel HistoryTourist Guidebooks
Исследование состоит в выяснении структурно-композиционных особенностей и, как правило, не выраженных эксплицитно критериев отбора материала в путеводителях по Вильнюсу Киркора, Добрянского, Виноградова, Тасселькраута, изданных на русском... more
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      Travel WritingTravel BehaviourTravel LiteratureHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
This article is a self-reflection on the curation of the exhibition “ISRAELS - Portraits of Israel in Tourist Guidebooks and Photo Albums of Israel.” It focuses on the various curatorial and design considerations and processes that the... more
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      Graphic DesignMuseums and Exhibition DesignIsraelVisual History
Rehber kitap yazma ve okuma eylemlerinin yeri yeniden üreten süreçleri üzerine bir araştırma makalesi.
A research paper on the reproduction processes of place through writing and reading guidebooks.
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      Poststructuralist Feminist TheoryMappingTourist GuidebooksIstanbul
Źródło: Dorigny i in. 2015 8 Nazwy geograficzne zostały użyte na podstawie wykazu "Nazewnictwa geograficznego świata. Zeszyt 3. Afryka" (Komisja Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych poza Granicami Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 2004). Jeśli nazwy... more
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      Urban TourismMaghreb studiesTourist Guidebooks
In Europe within Reach Gerrit Verhoeven traces some sweeping evolutions in the early modern travel behaviour of Dutch and Flemish elites (1585-1750), as the classical Grand Tour was slowly but surely overshadowed by other types of... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryTourism Studies
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      Art HistoryRenaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRome, City of
Cel. Charakterystyka jednego z najstarszych polskich przewodników turystycznych, zatytułowanego Pielgrzym włoski, albo krótkie Rzymu i miast przedniejszych włoskich krótkie opisanie, przedstawienie sylwetki jego autora -Franciszka... more
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      History of TourismAncient RomeTourist Guidebooks
The guidebook is not merely a registration of the city and its historical evolution or of the changing preferences of visitors but a device that selects and arranges aspects of the city – real as well as imaginary – into a coherent... more
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      Travel LiteratureRenaissance RomeChristianity and RomeTourist Guidebooks
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      HistoryTourism StudiesTravel WritingSpain (History)
Former guidebooks are an important category of historical source that allows for the reconstruction of many aspects of the history of tourism. The dynamic development of guidebook literature began in the 19 th century when a modern type... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Tourist Guidebooks
Cita APA de este artículo: Vázquez-Lima, R. (2019). Sociedad del conocimiento contra sociedad de la información, una reflexión conceptual desde la perspectiva humana. México: Centro Universitario CIFE. Resumen El propósito de la... more
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      Tourism GeographyCultural TourismSustainable TourismConsulting