Tourism and Peace
Recent papers in Tourism and Peace
Combining reflections on my personal experiences regarding tourism with an analytical review of key concepts, this essay addresses the question whether and how tourism contributes to building a global ‘culture of peace’. Setting the... more
The modern travelers are concerned about their safety. Political violence leads tourists to opt for places where there is peace and sometimes may decide not to go at all. Travelers (tourists) are generally very sensitive to their security... more
This paper examines the importance of tourism for sustainable peace as sustainable peace and development are essential element for peacebuilding process. This paper aims to examine how tourism facilitates to meet basic concerns of... more
Co r d ul a Wo hl mu t her W er ner W in t er s t einer (eds.)
Se consideran las siguientes temáticas relacionadas, aunque no exclusivas: Pedagogías para la paz: el nuevo rol de la cultura de paz en la educación del siglo XXI Teorías de cultura y educación para la paz Conceptos centrales de la... more
Based on various case studies in Colombia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, this contribution aims to analyze the role of tourism, and in particular some related discourses and representations, in the construction of peace. Although public... more
On 25 September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an Agenda for Sustainable Development establishing 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030, on which states, civil society, and the private sector... more
It is confirmed that tourism has become a widespread leisure activity among individuals and it is considered as one of the leading largest industry in the world. The increased popularity of international tourism not only supplies... more
This paper examines the ways to enhance local peace through environment-friendly tourism. It identifies linkages among environment, tourism and local peace, looks at the trend of the tourism sector's role in peace-building and explores... more
This paper examines the ways to enhance local peace through environment-friendly tourism. It identifies linkages among environment, tourism and local peace, looks at the trend of the tourism sector's role in peace-building and... more
Wohlmuther, C., and Wintersteiner, W. (Eds.) (2014). The International Handbook on Tourism and Peace. Klagenfurt/Celovec, Austria: Drava Verlag/Zalozba Drava. ISBN: 978-3-85435-713-1. 388 pp.The International Handbook on Tourism and Peace... more
Declaring that a tourist Colombia guarantees a post-conflict reconstruction is not a performative act. We must therefore ask ourselves whether perceiving tourism as a tool in the service of peace is more of a myth or a reality. After a... more
The article was first presented as contribution to Diyar’s Seventh International Conference „Palestinian Identity in Relation to Time and Space“
in Bethlehem, August 2013, and will be published 2015 by Diyar Publisher Bethlehem.
in Bethlehem, August 2013, and will be published 2015 by Diyar Publisher Bethlehem.
ATLAS Africa Conference: African Tourism in Global Society: Central or Peripheral? Kigali, Rwanda, 3th- 5th June 2013. Paper Presentation: Gelbman, A. The Tourism and Peace Debate and Trans-Border Peace Parks Studies of... more
Tourism is the business with people looking for enjoyment while being mobile. The tourism industry supports intensively the growth of the whole tourism system, progressively integrating destinations promoting their "beauty". The condition... more
Cross Boundary Cooperation: Water and Tourism (Jordan River and the Dead Sea Basin), 11 – 12 December, 2013. Ein Gedi, Israel. Tamar Regional Council Dead Sea in Co-operation with: Dead Sea and Arava Institute for Environmental Studies,... more
The 6th Kinneret International Tourism Conference: Winning Tourism Destination Image: Fantasy or reality? Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Leonardo Plaza Hotel, Tiberias, 9th December, 2013. Paper Presentation: Laven, D. and A.... more
Kinneret International Tourism Conference: Winning Tourism Destination Image: Fantasy or Reality? Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Galei Kinneret Hotel, Tiberias, Israel, 19th November, 2012. Paper Presentation: Gelbman, A. and... more