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The book focuses on the presuppositions, origins, and development of Czech interwar tramping. Czechoslovakia was a new, geographically, nationally, and also socially varied state and shortly after its formation a new phenomenon emerged -... more
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      Czech HistoryPopular CultureYouth SubculturesHistory of leisure
Few elements of the twentieth century built environment have historically stirred as much optimism, ire, or nostalgia as neon signs. Despite a growing appreciation for its value by both municipalities and the general public, however, the... more
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      HistoryArchitectureHistoric PreservationRecreation & Leisure Studies
Motivated employees are critical in the service industry since such employees tend to offer exemplary customer service (Cadawallader, et. al., 2010). Conversely, a lack of motivation means that there is a significant lack in the... more
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      Tourism ManagementResearch Methods and MethodologyLeisure StudiesHospitality
Reflections on the art market and cultural value in the light of Leonardo Da Vinci’s "Salvator Mundi", recently sold at auction. This reading explores materialist and capitalist issues alongside the spiritual and aesthetic dimension of... more
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      ChristianityTourism StudiesArt HistoryMuseum Studies
Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyGame studiesTourism Studies
Complete Conference Proceedings of the VI Seminar on Leisure Studies / Anais completos do VI Seminário de Estudos do Lazer (Maringá-PR, Brazil, 2017). P.15 - Abordagens Metodológicas para Análises da Fenomenologia - Cae Rodrigues. P.17 -... more
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      Tourism StudiesSociology of WorkRecreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure Studies
Se trata de un libro que plantea el debate por la idea de recreación que se genera y se concreta en el marco de la política pública en Venezuela partiendo desde el año 2007 cuando se inaugura la primera política pública en este campo.
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      Cultural StudiesRecreation & Leisure StudiesCultural TheoryLeisure Studies
Rainoldi, M., Ladkin, A., Buhalis, D., (2022): Blending work and leisure: a future digital worker hybrid lifestyle perspective, Annals of Leisure Research, ABSTRACT Work performed by digital... more
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      Leisure StudiesLeisureWork-Life BalanceTourism and Leisure
Anais completos do I Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer - XV Seminário O Lazer em Debate (Belo Horizonte, 2014).

P.49 - O lazer na constituição do ideário ambiental - Cae Rodrigues.
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      Sociology of SportTourism StudiesEducationTourism Marketing
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      Popular CultureRecreation & Leisure StudiesHistory of TourismHistory of leisure
The dissertation deals with the complex architectural intellectual history analysis of regional strategy creation in the recreational architecture of the Balaton region, embodying the examined period in an international problem and... more
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      ArchitectureRecreation & Leisure StudiesUrban PlanningModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
In contrast to the reflective perspective of service quality measurement used in the existing literature, this paper proposes a multi-dimensional model for measuring service quality in hot spring resorts, based on a formative perspective.... more
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      Tourism MarketingDestination ManagementTourism and LeisureTourist Attractions
Uticaj turizma na arhitekturu, urbanizam i dizajn u XX veku potvrđen je kroz intenzivnu izgradnju turističkih objekata. Radi pružanja turističkih usluga formirani su novi pristupi u planiranju prostora i razvijeni različiti tipovi... more
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      ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modern ArchitectureHistory of leisure
Experiences are becoming increasingly important in events and festivals, which are prime manifestations of the experience economy. However, research on event experiences has generally been concerned with economic impacts and visitor... more
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      Tourism StudiesEvent ManagementConsumer Experience ManagementMega Events As Catalysts For Regeneration
This essay, or rather collection of essays, draws together three distinct streams of thought, time and space into a single river of understanding concerning labor, leisure, human-nature relations, city and town planning and human... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Philology
Complete Conference Proceedings for the III Brazilian Congress on Leisure Studies.  Anais Completos do III Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer. Campo Grande-MS, Brazil, 2018.
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      Sociology of SportPlay TherapySport PsychologyTourism Studies
El enorme impacto del boom turístico de los años 60 ha marginado la existencia previa de una serie de prácticas sociales que vienen de lejos. Las clases populares europeas imitaban, o adaptaban, las experiencias y modos de las clases... more
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      History of TourismMediterranean StudiesLeisure StudiesHistory of leisure
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsEnvironmental EngineeringPhilology
In spite of renewed attention for practices in tourism studies, the analysis of practices is often isolated from theories of practice. This theoretical paper identifies the main strands of practice theory and their relevance and... more
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      Tourism StudiesSpatial PracticesCruise TourismRecreation & Leisure Studies
The essay investigates possibilities and limits of writing history of Czech tramping based on examples from inter-war and the 1960s tramping. The text presents three modes of both existing and possible writing of history of tramping. 1.... more
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      Cultural HistoryGenealogyPopular CultureRecreation & Leisure Studies
In Tourism, artificial intelligence already has numerous applications, facilitating processes, adding value to experiences, and improving competitiveness. However, its use raises several questions for companies and tourist destinations.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TechnologyTourism StudiesTechnology
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesTourism and Leisure
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      DesignArchitectureConservationSustainable Development
Slides for the "Leisure theories" curricular unit in the Physical Education Program at the Federal University of Sergipe (2016 - readings for the third debate). Slides para a disciplina "Teorias do Lazer" do Curso de Educação Física da... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesTeaching and LearningEducation
Pantai Pulau Merah merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata yang popular di Banyuwangi namun sangat perlu untuk dilakukan pengembangan terlebih sebgai destinasi pariwisata berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif dan penelitian... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyDestination ManagementSustainable Tourism
Se trata de un libro que plantea el debate por la idea de recreación que se genera y se concreta en el marco de la política pública en Venezuela partiendo desde el año 2007 cuando se inaugura la primera política pública en este campo.
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      Cultural StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyRecreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure Studies
En este trabajo intentamos abordar algunas de las señas de identidad de la recreación en Venezuela. La recreación que es pensada, asumida y experienciada en Venezuela como modelo social para la atención de las y los ciudadanos está... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesLeisureLeisure (Social Sciences)
The tourist leisure has aroused the interest of people to use their free time in search of novelty and escape from everyday life. This study aimed to analyze the leisure tourism developed in the Crôa do Goré, Mosqueiro Aracaju/SE,... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourismTurismoTourism and Leisure
Utilizing 14 semi-structured interviews in a non-western context, this exploratory study examines how Filipino migrant workers' leisure satisfaction and QoL are intertwined in Macao, China. The study reveals that Filipino migrant workers... more
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      Quality of Life StudiesQuality of lifeLeisure StudiesMigrant Health
1. Introduction: Alternative Tourism Ontologies 2. Camping In Clearing Jennie Germann Molz 3. Paradise With/Out Parasites Olli Pyyhtinen 4. Towards Silent Communities Soile Veijola 5. Unlearning Through Hospitality Emily Hockert 6.... more
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      PhilosophyCultural SociologyMobility/MobilitiesHospitality Studies
The text maps the beginnings of Czechoslovak tramping and critically examines some of the aspects of this phenomenon. It focused on searching for its roots, idealizing auto-stereotypes of tramp freedom, and the way of writing the history... more
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      Cultural HistoryCzech HistoryPopular CultureRecreation & Leisure Studies
NIGHT TOURISM Time, needs and wants of today’s generation are always changing the demands and expectations of the travelers. they want something new, nowadays it happens that the travelers want to go to those places where they can get... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism and Hospitality EducationInnovation and New Product Development in TourismTourism and Leisure
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Management
The disputes surrounding environmental issues indicate that it configures itself as a field of power and struggle within which interests are played related to the environmental event. In this sense, the aim of this article is to highlight... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Amid the contemporary environmental crisis, underpinned by a social structure that values, above all, production and consumption, different possibilities of cooperation emerge between distinct areas of knowledge in search of strategies... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationPlay
At the beginning of June 1904, the Hungarian capital was in a state of frenzy. The bullfights, starring Pouly fils—a toreador from Nîmes, France—as the matador, and scheduled to take place in a recently built 15,000-seat bullring in the... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
To cite this article: Alan McNee (2020): 'Arry and 'Arriet 'out on a spree': trippers, tourists and travellers writing in late-Victorian visitors' books, Studies in Travel Writing,
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      Travel WritingHistory of leisureTourism and LeisureVictorian society and culture
Casual sexual encounters are closely wedded to leisure travel, and have received a lot of attention in both theoretical and empirical work. However, the relationship between romance tourism and female ageing remains largely... more
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      Tourism StudiesWomen's StudiesGenderTravel Behaviour
Introduction and objective. The aim of this study is to evaluate the leisure time physical activity of Polish farmers in the context of meeting health-related recommendations, and to diagnose the social and economic determinants. The... more
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      Physical ActivityPublic HealthTourism and Leisure
Slides for the "Leisure theories" curricular unit in the Physical Education Program at the Federal University of Sergipe (2016 - readings for the second debate). Slides para a disciplina "Teorias do Lazer" do Curso de Educação Física da... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesTeaching and LearningEducation
Slides for the "Leisure theories" curricular unit in the Physical Education Program at the Federal University of Sergipe (2016 - readings for the first debate). Slides para a disciplina "Teorias do Lazer" do Curso de Educação Física da... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGame TheoryGame studies
El agroturismo es una modalidad que se encuentra identificada en Plandetur 2020, existen varios emprendimientos en el Ecuador. El análisis de estudio se centra en la provincia de Imbabura para su discusión.
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    • Tourism and Leisure
Tourism crisis and vacation resistance. Values and practices of leisure mobilities in times of pandemic Published in french : Gael Chareyron, Saskia Cousin et Sébastien Jacquot, « Crise du tourisme et résistances des vacances. Valeurs et... more
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      Sociology of CultureHuman GeographyTourism StudiesSocial Anthropology
Throughout an exploratory research design, we approach the study of youth organization in fulfilling leisure as an essential part of everyday life. We use data mining as the technique to drawing conclusions from our vast amount of data,... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial Studies EducationLeisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)
El poder atractivo de España sobre los franceses se hizo patente con los Románticos del siglo XIX que hicieron del viaje a España casi un género literario propio y difundieron con sus obras unas imágenes de España. Poco a poco, cuando el... more
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesRecreation & Leisure StudiesMass culture
The purpose of research is to explore the importance of Ecotourism, its sustainability as Bangalore being an Information technological city. It also is concerned about the economical growth of the city in India apart from other aspects... more
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      Research MethodologyEcotourismTourism and LeisureBangalore
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      Border StudiesCross-border cooperationLeisure and recreation managementTourism and Leisure
Throughout an exploratory research design, we approach the study of youth organization in fulfilling leisure as an essential part of everyday life. We use data mining as the technique to drawing conclusions from our vast amount of data,... more
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      Tourism StudiesLeisure StudiesLeisure (Social Sciences)Tourism and Leisure
El artículo tiene como objetivo general analizar la relación entre ocio y trabajo en la actuación de músicos en la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil, bajo el prisma del concepto de serious leisure. Serious leisure se define como actividades... more
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      MusicLeisure StudiesLeisureMúsica