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This study analyzes the relationship between the development of tourism policy of Spain and Portugal and their effects on regional imbalances. Despite the proximity of the two countries and their specialization in tourism, there are few... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicySpainPortugal
Lot of research efforts has been deployed to understand how tourism destinations work and how to face the challenge of its management. As a dynamic phenomenon, at this point of the 21st century, in a truly global, digital and... more
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      Tourism Destination Management&governanceSmart Tourism Destinations
Government and development agencies have promoted community-based tourism (CBT) as an alternative means for socioeconomic development in many developing countries. However, scholars have criticized CBT as having little success in the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementCollective ActionCommunity Based Tourism
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      Urban PlanningRegional developmentUrban Tourism&tourism PlanningTourism Destination Management&governance
Stakeholder collaboration is acknowledged as an important part of tourism destination planning and management. However, not all destination stakeholders have the same level of power and influence in collaborative activities or... more
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      Power (social)CollaborationStakeholdersTourism Destination Management&governance
Purpose – Dark tourism and, more specifically, visitor experiences at Nazi concentration camp memorials are emerging fields of research in tourism studies and destination management. This paper builds on this growing body of knowledge and... more
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      Tourism StudiesPlace promotion and marketingSpace and PlaceDestination Management
This paper introduces the Smart City Hospitality Framework, which could serve as the foundation for a destination design driven approach to urban tourism governance and dealing with overtourism issues. This conceptual framework is... more
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      Participatory DesignResilienceUrban PlanningSustainable Tourism
Branding is a complex concept to apply to a destination. One of the main challenges is the functional definition of the brand. Which area does the destination brand cover? It is relevant to acknowledge that political borders of a... more
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      Destination ManagementDestination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentTourism Destination Marketing
Science shows us that there is a very close relationship between chaos and order so that one leads to the other following an endless process. Therefore, if chaos provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic is the prelude to a new order, this means... more
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      Tourism Destination Management&governanceCOVID-19 and tourism recovery
This paper posits that the contemporary city should be viewed as a common space that needs the effort of many various stakeholders in order to satisfy the diverse (and changing) needs of its stakeholders. Yet, achieving this effectively... more
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      Place promotion and marketingPlace AttachmentPlace and IdentitySpace and Place
This is an opinion piece about research into tourism policy and governance to date and where future research should be undertaken. There is much greater need for policy relevant research that is clear about common definitions of... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyTourism Destination Management&governance
The purpose of this qualitative research was to investigate eVisa applications – a service related to eTourism that is beginning to be implemented more widely to simplify obtaining visas. The objectives of this study were twofold: to... more
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      Destination ManagementEtourismeGovernmentVisa Policy
This paper presents an overview of the current state of research into tourism networks, by providing a systematic literature review and relational citation analysis of 98 scientific papers focusing on network collaboration in tourism... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial NetworksMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewNetwork Analysis
The re-emerging acceptance of tourism as a pathway to development has culminated in widespread adoption of the trade by many poor countries. Ghana is one such country and, over the past three decades, has sought to use tourism as means of... more
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    • Tourism Destination Management&governance
Successful development of tourist destinations helps building a partnership between tourism entrepreneurs, host community and tourists. It requires a responsible and ethical behavior of the three stakeholders in the tourism industry as... more
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      Social ResponsibilityEthical BehaviorTourism Destination Management&governanceBulgarian Tourism
El turismo es un sector económico especialmente dinámico, que se encuentra en un proceso de fuerte reconfiguración, en el que la hipersegmentación hace que la demanda haya adquirido un protagonismo especialmente relevante en la... more
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    • Tourism Destination Management&governance
Based on the WEF Travel & Tourism Report data, this study deploys k-means cluster analysis to build a global typology of national destination governance. Previous studies have focused on case studies, while this chapter focuses on... more
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      Tourism Planning and PolicyDestination ManagementDestination CompetitivenessTourism Destination Management&governance
When visiting a place, people sometimes experience something which goes beyond physical or sensory properties. This is often referred to as ‘sense of place’ or ‘genius loci’. In urban design literature, sense of place is often attributed... more
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      Urban TourismThe tourist experienceUrban HeritageTourism Destination Management&governance
La isla de Fuerteventura está desarrollando un proceso de reorientación turística a partir del cual ciertos bienes comienzan a adquirir nuevas significaciones mediante su patrimonialización. La declaración de varios espacios bajo... more
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      Cultural HeritageLocal Government and Local DevelopmentDestination ImageProtected areas
Nel presente lavoro si intendono evidenziare le criticità e le opportunità che, ad oggi, caratterizzano il turismo in Italia. In particolare, si individua il tema chiave della governance quale argomento di specifico dibattito,... more
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      FiscalitàTourism Destination Management&governance
Community approach to tourism envisions self-sufficient communities in developing countries through self-managed sustainable touristic enterprises. Though earlier studies have analyzed community tourism projects in many parts of the... more
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismInternational DevelopmentInter/intra-organizational Relationships and Networks
This paper discusses trends in tourism governance in OECD countries and identifies good practice. Governance is defined as the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority necessary to manage a nation’s affairs. The... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourismTourism Destination Management&governance
Nature-based tourism generates opportunities for rural communities in developing countries. However, the growth of the private tourism sector without effective regulation can negatively impact natural destinations. The main objective of... more
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      Urban PlanningDeveloping CountriesSustainable TourismNature-based tourism
Egyptian tourism has been hit by years of political upheaval and militant violence. Egypt's tourism authorities expect the number of tourists to drop by 13 percent in 2015/2016, compared to the year before, reaching 9 million tourists and... more
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      Stakeholders and public private partnerships role in tourism managementTourism Destination Management&governanceTourism Governance
Destination marketing strategies often rely on the development of strong destination brands to reinforce the competitiveness of tourism places. The place branding literature emphasises the benefits of bottom-up branding as an inclusive... more
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      ColombiaDestination ManagementStakeholdersTourism Destination Image and Development
evidence from post-earthquake Christchurch -Theme: The traditional concerns of tourist research, that include images of destinations, their marketing, the role of networks within and between destinations, spatial patterns, chains of... more
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      Tourism StudiesUrban TourismTourism: Governance and NetworksTourism Destination Management&governance
The aim of this contribution is to present the structural constraints faced by the Cypriot tour-ism industry on its path to changing its product portfolio, previously dominated by the beach tourism segment. Using a heuristic approach, the... more
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      Cyprus StudiesTourism Destination Management&governance
The use of 2.0 web technologies for destination marketing purposes was rising during last years and nowadays the use of social media as marketing tools is an actual hot topic on tourism research. DMO’s also tried to exploit these tools in... more
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    • Tourism Destination Management&governance
This paper aims at understanding the existing links between leadership and governance in destinations. The research emphasizes the process through which a subject becomes a pivotal actor in a systemic approach. Once the pivotal actor is... more
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      LeadershipDestination ManagementTourism Destination Management&governance
Abstract This is an opinion piece about research into tourism policy and governance to date and where future research should be undertaken. There is much greater need for policy relevant research that is clear about common definitions of... more
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      BusinessTourism Planning and PolicyTourism Destination Management&governance
The re-emerging acceptance of tourism as a pathway to development has culminated in widespread adoption of the trade by many poor countries. Ghana is one such country and, over the past three decades, has sought to use tourism as means of... more
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      BusinessTourism Destination Management&governance
Egyptian tourism has been hit by years of political upheaval and militant violence. Egypt's tourism authorities expect the number of tourists to drop by 13 percent in 2015/2016, compared to the year before, reaching 9 million tourists... more
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      Stakeholders and public private partnerships role in tourism managementTourism Destination Management&governanceTourism Governance
The re-emerging acceptance of tourism as a pathway to development has culminated in widespread adoption of the trade by many poor countries. Ghana is one such country and, over the past three decades, has sought to use tourism as means of... more
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    • Tourism Destination Management&governance
This study analyses the relationship between the development of the tourism policy of Spain and Portugal and their effects on regional imbalances. Despite the proximity of the two countries and their specialisation in tourism, there are... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicySpain
Tourism destination management (TDM) is a popular catchword of current tourism research. A research, co-financed by the European Union through the Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme, within the project ’Health &Rural... more
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      BusinessTourism ManagementDestination ManagementSustainable Tourism
This paper aims at understanding the existing links between leadership and governance in destinations. The research emphasizes the process through which a subject becomes a pivotal actor in a systemic approach. Once the pivotal actor is... more
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      LeadershipDestination ManagementGovernanceSustainability Management
Purpose – The paper aims to propose a method of identifying and evaluating leadership potential of stakeholders in emerging tourist destinations and to verify this method in three Polish destinations. Developing destinations miss... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial NetworksLeadershipCooperation
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      Tourism Destination Management&governanceTourism Governance
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      Tourism StudiesPlace promotion and marketingSpace and PlaceDestination Management
This article takes an under-explored approach to politics and social change, focusing not on critiquing per se but on establishing local relations that enable community building. The study objective is to envision a type of... more
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      Henri LefebvreTourismCommunity buildingEveryday Politics and Resistance