Total order

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Total order is a binary relation on a set that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive, where every pair of elements is comparable. In a total order, for any two elements a and b, either a is related to b, b is related to a, or both.
A caterpillar is a tree in which the removal of all pendant vertices makes it a path. Let d 3 and n > 2(d -1) be given. Let p = [p 1 , p 2 , . . . , p d-1 ] with p 1 1, p 2 1, . . . , p d-1 1. Let C(p) be the caterpillar obtained from the... more
One way to implement a fault-tolerant a service is by replicating it at sites that fail independently. One of the replication techniques is active replication where each request is executed by all the replicas. Thus, the effects of... more
Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated... more
We construct the non-standard complex (and real) numbers using the ultrapower method in the spirit of Cauchy's construction of the real numbers. We show that the nonstandard complex numbers are a non-archimedean, algebraically closed... more
We consider the problem of partial order production: arrange the elements of an unknown totally ordered T into a target partially ordered set S, by comparing a minimum number of pairs in T . Special cases of this problem include sorting... more
We examine the problem of using LOCC to distinguish a known pure state from an unknown (possibly mixed) state, bounding the error probability from above and below. We study the asymptotic rate of detecting multiple copies of the pure... more
We explore the question of entanglement as a universal resource for implementing quantum measurements by local operations and classical communication (LOCC). We show that for most multipartite systems (consisting of three or more... more
We study so-called betweennesses induced by trees and forests. Algorithmic problems related to betweennesses are typically hard. They have been studied as relaxations of ordinal embeddings and occur for instance in psychometrics and... more
GlobData is a project that aims to design and implement a middleware tool offering the abstraction of a global object database repository. This tool, called Copla, supports transactional access to geographically distributed persistent... more
by L Mark
Assuming data domains are partially ordered, we apply Paredaens' and Bancilhon's Theorem to examine the expressiveness of the extended relational algebra (the PORA), which allows the ordering predicate to be used in formulae of the... more
For many years, the intuitions underlying partial-order planning were largely taken for granted. Only in the past few years has there been renewed interest in the fundamental principles underlying this paradigm. In this paper, we present... more
In this paper we compare the utility of different commitment strategies in planning. Under a "least commitment strategy", plans are represented as partial orders and operators are ordered only when interactions are detected. We... more
We study a randomized quasi-Monte Carlo method for estimating the state distribution at each step of a Markov chain with totally ordered (discrete or continuous) state space. The number of steps in the chain can be random and unbounded.... more
A range-sum query is very popular and becomes important in finding trends and in discovering relationships between attributes in diverse database applications. It sums over the selected cells of an OLAP data cube where target cells are... more
Mathematical morphology offers popular image processing tools, successfully used for binary and grayscale images. Recently, its extension to color images has become of interest and several approaches were proposed. Due to various issues... more
This paper focuses on interactive Knowledge Discovery pro-cesses in the context of understanding an activity from behavioural data. Data mining provides patterns experts have to interpret and synthesize as new knowledge. Discovering... more
We study the class of quantum measurements with the property that the image of the set of quantum states under the measurement map transforming states into probability distributions is similar to this set. This leads to the generalisation... more
We study the class of quantum measurements with the property that the image of the set of quantum states under the measurement map transforming states into probability distributions is similar to this set. This leads to the generalisation... more
In 1963, W. Charles Holland proved that every lattice-ordered group can be embedded in the lattice-ordered group of all order-preserving permutations of a totally ordered set. In this article we examine the context and proof of this... more
Poset game, which includes some famous games. e.g., Nim and Chomp as sub-games, is an important two-player impartial combinatorial game. The rule of the game is as follows: For a given poset (partial ordered set), each player intern... more
The paper develops a general theory of orderability of quandles with a focus on link quandles of tame links and gives some general constructions of orderable quandles. We prove that knot quandles of many fibered prime knots are... more
We offer an axiomatic definition of a differential algebra of generalized functions over an algebraically closed non-Archimedean field. This algebra is of Colombeau type in the sense that it contains a copy of the space of Schwartz... more
In many situations, cooperating agents have different status with respect to an activity. Often a coalition can undertake the activity only if sufficiently many agents, or agents of sufficient seniority participate in it. The concept of a... more
We have investigated the crystal structure and phase transitions of new series of ordered double perovskite oxides Ca 2Àx Sr x LaSbO 6 and Ca 2Àx Sr x SmSbO 6 (x = 0, 0.5, 1). Rietveld refinements of the X-ray powder diffraction data at... more
Abstract. Effective information systems require the existence of explicit process models; a completely specified process design needs to be developed in order to enact a given business process. This development is time consuming and the... more
Given a loset I, every surjective map p: A ---> I endows the set A with a structure of preordered set by "replacing" the elements of I with their inverse images via p considered as "bubbles" (sets endowed with an... more
We consider the problem of partial order production: arrange the elements of an unknown totally ordered set T into a target partially ordered set S, by comparing a minimum number of pairs in T. Special cases include sorting by... more
An n-ary associative function is called reducible if it can be written as a composition of a binary associative function. We summarize known results when the function is defined on a chain and is nondecreasing. Our main result shows that... more
Let G be a finite subgroup of unitary matrices acting on the space of Nqubits. We associate with G a uniform quantum channel QU from the space on N-qubits to itself. We give a quantum algorithm to approximate this channel by considering a... more
Quantum information and computing has an interesting notion of proofs in complexity theory. In this project, we limit ourselves to QMA, a quantum analogue of the NP class with bounded error polynomial time verifier rather than a... more
A totally ordered monoid-or tomonoid , for short-is a commutative semigroup with identity S equipped with a total order ≤ S that is translation invariant, i.e., that satisfies: ∀x, y, z ∈ S x ≤ S y ⇒ x + z ≤ S y + z. We call a tomonoid... more
Synchronous cooperative systems (SCS) bring together users that are geographically distributed and connected through a network to carry out a task. Examples of SCS include Tele- Immersion and Tele-Conferences. In SCS, the coordination is... more
This paper examines variation in language development based on production data from three Greek-speaking children. Variation suggests that children employ more than one grammar during the acquisition process. This naturally raises the... more
The all nearest smaller values problem is de ned as follows. Let A = (a 1 ; a 2 ; : : :; a n) be n elements drawn from a totally ordered domain. For each a i , 1 i n, nd the two nearest elements in A that are smaller than a i (if such... more
Cure kinetic model is an integral part of composite process simulation, which is used to predict the degree of curing and the amount of the generated heat. The parameters involved in kinetic models are usually determined empirically from... more
The present paper proposes and evaluates some extensions to the CORBA Event Service, based on the use of the Lightweight Reliable Multicast Protocol (LRMP). These extensions address some limitations of the CORBA Event Service, namely... more
Let [n] = {1, 2,. .. , n} be a finite chain and let Pn be the semigroup of partial transformations on [n]. Let CPn = {α ∈ Pn : (f or all x, y ∈ Dom α) |xα − yα| ≤ |x − y|} be the subsemigroup of partial contraction mappings on [n]. We... more
In the bureaucratic moments that Michael Herzfeld describes, functionaries of the nation-state deny the contingent points of possible connection with their hapless subjects yet draw on a common symbolic language to do so-thus is the... more
This paper is concerned with the form of typed name binding used by the FreshML family of languages. Its characteristic feature is that a name binding is represented by an abstract (name,value)-pair that may only be deconstructed via the... more
Abstmt. The following general theorem is proven: Given a partially ordered set and a group Gf prmu tations among itu elements which preserves the order relation, there is a set of elements no twc? c&red acalled an independpnt set, or an... more
We describe Kitaev's result from 1999, in which he defines the complexity class QMA, the quantum analog of the class NP, and shows that a natural extension of 3−SAT, namely local Hamiltonians, is QMA complete. The result builds upon the... more
A known geometrical problem is to find low density zones (voids) in planar point sets and to represent them as polygons. In this paper we recall the concept of terminal-edge region to identify subvoid candidates over a triangulation,... more
We extend a planning algorithm to cover simple forms of arithmetics. The operator preconditions can refer to the values of numeric variables and the operator postconditions can modify the values of numeric variables. The basis planning... more
We extend a planning algorithm to cover simple forms of arithmetics. The operator preconditions can refer to the values of numeric variables and the operator postconditions can modify the values of numeric variables. The basis planning... more